Mood / effect difference between smoking / vaping

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Jun 22, 2012
eastern canada
Recently trying vaping ... but ran out of supplies for now ... won't get more for several days.

So smoking again ....

Really notice a difference with smoking ... smoking seems to make me more agitated than relaxed compared to vaping. I would expect sleep differences as well.

Anyone else find differences in mood/affect between smoking and vaping?


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Jun 1, 2012
For me, it's been the opposite. With the vaping I feel more alert and awake, but kinda twitchy sometimes if I vape too much, probably need to adjust the mg a bit. I used to sleep lots too while smoking, but now it's a struggle to get more than 4-6hrs. I always did drink a lot of water so I'm not sure of any dehydration would be in play, but I've noticed my eyes seems to get tired more easily than before while on the computer.

I have had a couple small RYO's since I started vaping, and don't really feel bad about it. I know I'm just starting out with stopping smoking, and as I find a better vape the desire to even have a smoke will fade. It already smells terrible to me.

My guess is that it's the transition and the difference in active chemicals combined with the nicotine levels being different. Vaping does not administer nic near as well as a cigarette, even if it seems there should be more in vaping. Habit-wise, I'm fine with the vaping and the variety it gives me but after over 25yrs of smoking, there is still an adjustment going on here.

It's only been a couple of weeks. I'm not too worried. :)
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Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
When smoking always slept like a babe but when I needed a fix HUGE anxiety. Now sometimes if involved in a project I'll go 3-4 hrs without anxiety before I realize I haven't vaped. I was having sleep related issues and was told to try a lower nic level in the evening. Worked perfect with the lower nic level in the evening and also added a little menthol for that little "oomph". I now have no sleep related issues.
smoking seems to make me more agitated than relaxed compared to vaping.
Understand there are additional addictive items in analogs besides just the nicotine.
Good Luck.

Cloud Wizard

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Feb 24, 2012
Somewhere in PA on my Ultra Limited
Emotionally, smoking made me feel guilty (for doing something that is with 100% certainty bad for my health and the health of anyone unfortunate enough to be near by) and somewhat ashamed (because I had no willpower to win the tug-of-war with my addiction). Physically, in-between was stress/anxiety and after the first hit pure bliss...

Emotionally: vaping on the other hand feels fun, healthy and something I'm really proud of having committed to. I love being able to share my experiences with others (especially when they convert :)). I'm also really surprised by the enthusiasm I've seen from even non-smokers about embracing a a healthier choice and appreciation for a new habit that doesn't negatively affect them. Physically, I feel healthier, breathe easier and can go way longer in-between vaping sessions than I would've gone between smokes.


Full Member
May 25, 2011
I agree with Caffeinator. Also, you have to remember that nicotine can be a stimulant, just like Caffein. I qoute "nicotine is a unique substance with a biphasic effect; when inhaled in short puffs it has a stimulant effect, but when smoked in deep drags it can have a tranquilizing effect. This is why smoking can feel invigorating at some times and can seem to block stressful stimuli at others."
I have experienced both effects. The only drawback to vaping though is that we really don't know how much is our intake and cannot possibly find out without a blood test, etc. I'd be interested in finding out more about what other memebers feel

Cloud Wizard

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Feb 24, 2012
Somewhere in PA on my Ultra Limited
I have experienced both effects. The only drawback to vaping though is that we really don't know how much is our intake and cannot possibly find out without a blood test, etc. I'd be interested in finding out more about what other memebers feel

@BASH123, totally agree. I wish there was more research done because I for one would like to know definitively. I have found a couple links with info, but take it with a grain of salt:

Absorption of nicotine in vaping versus smoking

Update on efficiency of e-cig nicotine delivery and absorption


Senior Member
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Jun 22, 2012
eastern canada
I think the difference for me, and maybe part of the allure/addition of smoking ... is the blood sugar changes.

Smoking, in addition to everything else, does increase blood sugar/fats temporarily as does coffee. Vaping is unlikely to have that affect ... or at least not an as dramatic effect.

I notice the same issues/concern when drinking coffee instead of green tea.

Especially if eating habits or even for that day, is less than ideal for blood sugar swings.


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Apr 18, 2012
Bellevue, NE
I feel so lucky to have come upon vaping and quitting smoking. Prior to quitting smoking I hadn't slept longer than 30 minutes at a time (sober) since Desert Storm. I now average probably 3 solid hours at a time and feel more alive than I can ever remember. Sometimes I get as much as 5 hours uninterrupted and am able to go back to sleep much quicker than I used to.

Mood and general attitude seem to have improved as well. I suspect that's a combination of better sleep and the proud feeling involved with quitting smoking after 30+ years. That and introducing a few others to vaping and seeing them quit smoking.

As you've now learned, if you're ready to commit to vaping, always make sure you have backups for the backups of your backups.

Good luck with the journey!


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Jun 20, 2012
Birmingham, England
I started out vaping with the 18mg that came with the starter pack I bought. I felt dizzy all day, bright colours, a bit spinny. I also couldn't sleep, and I felt a bit sick. (I often have a cup of strong coffee before bedtime no problem). I soon realised it was an OD of nicotine, and I have now cut down to 6mg, which seems to suit me better. Sleeping much better now too, and I can vape to my heart's content.


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Jun 20, 2012
I find smoking to get me more on edge mainly because it's a big hit in 5 minutes, and it just drops from there until I need a fix bad enough to put all my crap on and go outside. With vaping I'm able to pull every few minutes once or twice and (this may be placebo) it keeps my cravings steady. That roller coaster is stressful. Other than that, thanks to vaping (I get a bit of cottonmouth from it) I'm getting more than enough of my H2O intake, with tobacco I was drinking around 50/50 coffee/water. The only other effect it's had is I have trouble walking behind smokers, I always knew it stank but man...


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Jun 27, 2012
Columbia, PA
I've only been away from analogs for about 2 days now but I to notice I'm a little restless when It comes time for bed. I think I'd stick to vaping any day over analog smoking.

Vaping is almost like a new hobby to me. So many options, stores, and communities to browse. You def don't get that killing yourself with analogs.


Ultra Member
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Jun 20, 2012
I wonder, are you vaping right before bed? I just read somewhere on these forums about nicotine intake from vaping is mostly through the mouth/sinuses, so it takes 10-20 minutes to get fully "absorbed", and has a higher sustained...erm...dose (amount in blood plasma) I'm just thinking that if you vape right before bed, you're laying there while the nicotine is doing it's thing, heart rate, etc, and it's building up rather than the usual decline. If you usually smoked shortly before bed and are still doing that, it may disrupt your regular sleep.

"Vaping is almost like a new hobby to me. So many options, stores, and communities to browse. You def don't get that killing yourself with analogs."
I'm 3 days in and already looking at new hardware...
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Jun 27, 2012
Columbia, PA
I have been taking a couple draws before I lay down, kinda like the "one more cigarette before bed".

I'm more or less blaming all the crazy chemicals they load into a cigarette that's messing with me, and I notice I've been feeling real warm lately since dropping the cigs cold turkey on Monday. (Weird? I know!)


Senior Member
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May 16, 2012
Think I am similar to you. Smoking was very irrirating and ennervating to me, especially at the end, whereas I find vaping to be a calming, pleasurable experience. The manner in which I use my device is also relaxed - slow, steady drags every now and then, as opposed to frenetic, compulsive hand rolling and smoking.

Let the good times roll. :D

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