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Jul 13, 2009
Some further observations. I disassembled one of my atty's yesterday to inspect and adjust the wick. Found one of the threads from the wick was actually stuck in the coil. Bad assembly/QA at the factory? Anyway, after pulling that out of the coil and repositioning the wick in the needle, it has worked much better. With one less strand in the needle, liquid flows better to the coil and keeps it wet more efficiently. I had a lot less "dry hits" during the course of two tanks.

A more significant discovery was the possibility that dried juices are also a culprit in the burnt taste mystery. Last night, I just set my Ego-T down on my desk when I went to bed. This morning, when I took the first couple of hits, I got a very nasty acrid, burnt taste similar to a dry hit. But it went away after 4 or 5 draws. Which got me to thinking that due to the large quantity of air in the atomizer body, that juices were oxygenating and drying out on the coil. So, for the first few hits of the morning, you're tasting the burn off of dried juice. So, I'm going to try something for the next week. Each night, I'm going to submerge the coil end in a small cup of liquid to keep the coil wet overnight, but not really clean it as I normally would. If keeping the coil wet prevents juices from drying out, there may be less of a burnt taste.

Leaky tanks. I don't think there is much that can be done about this. Each time you press the tank onto the needle point, it shaves just a hair more plastic out of the hole until you lose your seal. Until they change the design, we're just going to have to live with it.



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Dec 27, 2010
The tanks have nothing to do with the leaks. I thought they did also, the culprit is the wick. If you do not have Enough wick the juices flows too easily flooding ur atty, then when you suck the fluid in the atty gets sucked also then ends up on the piercing platform, thus also getting sucked into your tank vents then into your mouth. These construction of if is very basic. It's basically a Regular atty instead of the bridge the platform replaces that.

I opened up 2 badly leaked t attys and was able to salvage one by replacing the manufacturer's wick with fluvial.


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Jan 23, 2011
I agree. I was incredibly impressed with the tank system for the first week or so, but as soon as I posted a rave review the stupid thing stopped working and I began to have the problems everyone else is reporting. The whole idea behind the tank system was to have something that was hassle free. Just look at the size of this thread! If the tank were hassle free there wouldn't be so many comments here about how to fix it!
I totally agree, at first it was great, but the longer I use these things the worse they get and the more time I spend trying to get them to work correctly, that's not what I had in mind when I ordered them.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2010
At 1st I was impressed as well, the taste WAS excellent albeit a bit cool in temperature.

Not so impressed now, I have bought four atomizers two work good (slightly muted flavor, good vapor, no leaks). Two started to really mute the flavor and/or taste burnt, cleaned them and they came back to life for a week and then died (as in coil popped).

Considering the price of four ego-t atomizers plus 10 carts, I could have already ordered a vapemate feeder which on the surface should be identical to dripping (best flavor IMO) although slightly odd looking.

When they work, they work, when they don't well it's like burning cash (YMMV).


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ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2011
Ponoka, Alberta
Hey guys and girls,

i got the new EGO-T LR atty today!

I thought it was better opening a new thread for the LR version,
check my first impression review on the link below:


Thanks for the info, but you really should start a new thread. This one is extremely cumbersome and nears the ridiculous.

EDIT: Never mind, I see you did. Still, this thread needs to close.......
Last edited:

Uncle Screwtape

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ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2010
At one time there were pictures of a tank atty autopsy in this thread. Those pics seem to have went bye-bye.

Does anyone know where I might see pics of the inside of one of these?

I had one die on me :( and I want to go DR.Frankenstein on it and see if I could bring it back from the dead. Seeing those pics again might help me do it without destroying it, maybe.


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Dec 27, 2010
At one time there were pictures of a tank atty autopsy in this thread. Those pics seem to have went bye-bye.

Does anyone know where I might see pics of the inside of one of these?

I had one die on me :( and I want to go DR.Frankenstein on it and see if I could bring it back from the dead. Seeing those pics again might help me do it without destroying it, maybe.

I haven't seen any pics but just picture a regular 510 atty with a platform with the piercing thing on top of it. The platforms rectangular design allows the vapor or flooded juice to be sucked into your tank tube vents.

Uncle Screwtape

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2010
Is it not wOrking at all? Do you still hear the coil sizzle?

Nope, no sizzle. Infinate ohms. It happened when a tank ran out of juice. I got that yuck taste that I get when you run out, popped off the tank, filled it up, put it back in, and ... nothing...... tried all the usual troubleshooting..... pronounced dead at 11:37am. Ordered new one after the acceptable mourning period... at at 11:39am. Figure I'll give a try at a fix, maybe aim for 2 ohms even. The price on these things is such that if they can be rebuilt easily, it would be worth it.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2011
Ashland, OH
This thread is killing us...!


No, this product is killing us. Its like a high maintenance babe. Sooner or later great sex doesn't cut it any more. I've had 6 atomizer in four weeks and 3 never worked.properly. I'm trying to keep these alive with daily overnight soaks in IPA and alternating the three for daily use. When the last one goes its divorce city for me


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2010
USA midwest
I agree. I was incredibly impressed with the tank system for the first week or so, but as soon as I posted a rave review the stupid thing stopped working and I began to have the problems everyone else is reporting. The whole idea behind the tank system was to have something that was hassle free. Just look at the size of this thread! If the tank were hassle free there wouldn't be so many comments here about how to fix it!

Bet your not alone re review. Sad after such initial elation using it but these attys dont hold up and are too prone to a short lifespan. Great idea, but won't be recomending this to others.
Darn, back the old methods....


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ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
I have had mine for almost a month now, and all of my atty's are still in fine working order (except the one that I broke the needle off trying to get it out.. MY bad). I purchased my atty's from Liberty Flights, Cignot and just picked up a couple from e-cig supply. Honestly, I have been following this thread all along and I dont think it's a bad product at all. Granted my experiences with vaping and PV's is pretty limited, but this sure beats screwing around with carts and fillers and nearly constant topping off. I had one problem with one of my atty's that was fixed by pushing the wick down the slightest bit and changing the way I clean them - water only and no dry! I love my eGo-T :)

Also, people seem to really never be happy with out-of-the-box, which is why there ARE modders and mods. Maybe I'm easy to please (many would disagree with this!) but the eGo-T is a really good PV compared to the rest of the high maintenance PV's out there. I guess also I fall under the "if it aint broke, dont fix it" and keep it simple. Clean it or take it apart when it NEEDS it, not as an OCD pacifier.

Uncle Screwtape

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2010
To my surprise, I got it apart without completely destroying it. :2cool:

Here's what's in there.........

I'm still far far far from a rebuild, but step 1 was successful. I have very little time for the next week or so, hopefully early March will give me the opportunity to try a fix.

Vape on!

Uncle Screwtape

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2010
How did you get the atty out

I had hoped that I could just pull all the innards out in one piece so I screwed a dead 510 battery on and started to pull/wiggle. But that just loosened the 510 connector (piece 1) So I decided to push it out from the small end. I pulled the needle and wick thing. I took a 1/4" nut driver that just fit, stuck it in and started tapping. Nothing budged, but when I went to pull the nut driver out it felt stuck. Turns out it was stuck on piece #4, a perfect fit. I pulled harder and pieces 4 thru 7 came out together. I was then able to tap out piece 2 with the nut driver.

and can you use a reg 510 and then just use some pieces from the ego-t atty
I doubt that many parts are compatable,if any.
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