New yet old guy here, Lots of experience with provari and kayfun/russian

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Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
las vegas
Hey everyone, my name is Adam and I've been reading these forums for what seems like Ever :)

However I guess I'm mostly a lurker, thought I had at least 5 posts but maybe my memory has started slipping haha.

Vape History:

About 6 or 7 years ago I first tried a Blu ecig, it was terrible but I saw the potential. After that I bought my first real vape, it was a Janty Dura. When it worked it seemed to be real nice (but I had nothing truly great to compare it to. After a lot of hassle I gave up and figured the technology would improve.

Fast forward to about 2 years ago, I bought an evod and was impressed how much things had improved, that lead to me buying a protank for the evod...which of course lead to me buying a Provari Mini 2.5...which lead to my final piece to complete my vaping puzzle, a kayfun lite plus (can't recommend KFL's enough).

I've had this current setup for the past year and a half. I have a lot of friends who vape and I haven't been able to find a setup that performs as well and as reliable as this (I'm sure there is, I just personally haven't found it).

I also do coil/wick builds for all my friends and family so let's just say I've built way too many :D

Here's my preferred build:
Microcoil built with 28 gauge kanthal, wrapped 7 times around a 7/32 drill bit. This should come out to 1.4-1.5 ohms, which I believe is the sweet spot for a kayfun on a VV mod.
Organic cotton, boiled (if boiled a couple times it seems to make the cotton extra absorbent and wicking is never an issue).

TLDR: I have accumulated a lot of experience with these devices and I really enjoy helping others so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Wow Adam! You got a welcome from SmokeyJoe and Katya. Hmmmm.... you are on my radar.



Super Member
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Sep 1, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Welcome Adam!

I wanted to switch over to the KFL from my Kanger Aerotank but I haven't due to the adjustable airflow being on the bottom of the tank. I'm not new to rebuilding coils (did it on my Protank 2) but this thread has me thinking.

Can you comment on the leaking/gurgling of the KFL? Kangers are notorious for this, but I am still new to this hobby and don't know too much outside of Kanger.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
las vegas

Is your Kayfun a clone or authentic? I have heard so many around my community say that they don't like the Kayfun. I was given one and it leaked constantly through the air holes. I am using a Steam Turbine on an MVP Itaste with a 1.2 build now and it's okay but not awesome.

Hey SV, I have an authentic Kayfun Lite Plus, and I've found the only reason people have problems with it is because they don't understand how to build it correctly. There's many different ways that can contribute to flooding, it all depends if they're putting the wicks over the juice channels or keeping them clear of the juice channels. If they keep them clear of the juice channels, I find just adjusting the airflow (loosening the screw for air flow control) can fix flooding. If you want to show me a picture of how you have the wick/coil setup I could give you further advice :)

Also what type of juice you use (thin or thick?) can impact flooding/dry hits. My ADV is a real thick juice so i build my wicks specifically around this.

And thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
las vegas
Welcome Adam!

I wanted to switch over to the KFL from my Kanger Aerotank but I haven't due to the adjustable airflow being on the bottom of the tank. I'm not new to rebuilding coils (did it on my Protank 2) but this thread has me thinking.

Can you comment on the leaking/gurgling of the KFL? Kangers are notorious for this, but I am still new to this hobby and don't know too much outside of Kanger.

Hey Odessa,

I can honestly say the only time i've had issues with leaking on my KFL is when i'm on a road trip and I make a large climb in elevation (i imagine this is due to the pressure increasing in the KFL, which then pushes extra liquid through the juice channels and into the evap chamber). Other than that if you build it right, you will not have issues. Also from what I've heard KFL's are one of the easiest builds, so it's a good intro into building coils/wicks.

I came from a Kanger Protank II, and when i tried the literally blew my mind, flavor is night and day difference, the vapor production is a very nice improvement but thats not what the KFL is famous for (it's the flavor)


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Apr 2, 2013
BC Canada
I got a Tobec kayfun a couple weeks ago and all I hear when I'm at my computer is whining and crying from my protanks sitting idle on my desk. This kayfun is great. It hasn't leaked a drop and I've put many different builds on her and rewicking coils. I don't like the fact it has more of a carburetor sound than a whistle. Come to think of it, it hasn't flooded either the only time it did I was putting juice in through the bottom too fast with a syringe and compromised the oring on the top cap.
I've been rebuilding our protanks for eons now and kayfun is now my lead dog. I have to save my pennies cause this is a clone and I now want the real macoy.
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