Newbie needs help

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Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
So, I've read tons and tons of topics on this forum, and everyone seems to know their stuff. Even the newbies seem to know more than me!

I'm hoping that maybe if I say what I'm looking for, someone can make suggestions based on their experience?

Ok, firstly, I'm completely stoked on going to ecigs... My husband - not so much. We are a one income family with 3 kids and we currently buy cigarettes for $1.20 a pack. Granted, they are the mini cigars, but they are CHEAP and they fill the nicotine craving. So, money is an issue.

So, that being said I would like to get the refillable cartridges and a quality product. A little more initial investment isn't so bad as long as it pays out in the long run - does that make sense?

A friend of mine got hers (what got me started on the idea) from, but I haven't been able to find any reviews on them. She quit smoking and gave it away - so I wasn't able to even try it. :(

I will need 2 of whatever I need to get started (one for me and one for my husband). I see so many kits that come with 2 batteries, does that mean its meant for 2 people?

We aren't hugely heavy smokers - about a half a pack a day (but of cigars - we smoked half a pack a day of camels/Marlboro reds before those though). But, I also don't know if that will go up if I'm not forced to stop what I'm doing to go outside (we don't smoke inside - I do TRY to think of the kids - the main reason I'm changing out). Has anyone else noticed if they do this?

Thank you, in advance, for the help (also please try to make it simple and type slow - as I don't read too fast :p )



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Mar 10, 2012
Ohio,in the sticks!
Yes most kits come with two batteries,but for two people I'd say you each need two batteries. You don't both want to be charging your batteries at the same time. Here is what I use, you could buy two kits and have four batteries, two chargers. Or buy one kit two extra batteries,and extra charger (but wouldn't save much that way).

SLB KGO Starter Kit


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Jan 9, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Do you have any local shops? They are going to be more expensive, but you can try everything they have to get a better idea of what might work for you. Plan on spending your monthly smoke budget up front. Once you get enough posts you can check the PIF forum and perhaps get something for shipping costs to help you start. I wish you all the best, and PV 's will get you off analogs.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
They don't look fancy, and you need to put it together yourself, but for less than $10, and batteries available in the grocery store or Wallgreens the Puck is a viable option. I have build a few, and have been using them well over a year now, leaves extra $$$ to spend on catros, attys and juice...:) They are simple to do with a few hand tools and vape wonderfully.

If you run into problems or have a question, post in the Puck threads, and there's plenty of help from experienced "Pucksters"


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 11, 2012
I'd suggest

A) 2 1000mah Kgo or Ego passtrhu batteries -- Can get through the day at work and you can still vape while they're charging at home. $20-25 each

B) 4 Crystal / Vision Ego Clearomizers -- One each to smoke while the others ar drying. Around $4.50-5.00 each

C) 2 Bottles 50 ML 24mg Dekang MLB -- Good basic liquid for marlboro red smokers with lower volt systems. 100ml should easily last 2 people a month I'd think. $30

Total $88-100 +shipping

About the lowest priced package I could prolly put together for 2 people while still getting good quality gear that will serve you well with very little hassle, and also be expandable for future uprgrades.

Not sure if you'd get a full month exactly with 2 clearomizers each. But I'd bet if properly cleaned and maintained it would be close. With the Dekang being all PV it wouldn't be to rough on the clearomizer at all. And with it being 24mg, 3-4 good hits should be enough for each "craving session".
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Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
This may be a dumb question, but both of those kits say 'pre-filled cartridges'. That means they are not refillable? From reading everything on here I have a very very basic grasp of ecigs. Do I just buy refillable cartridges to stick on the end? Is there anything else I need to buy? I realize how frustrating talking to ......s is, but I'm really having trouble trying to wrap my head around all of this info. And honestly, besides computers, I really stink with anything electronic! I just want to make sure I'm not paying for this later with my husband and an 'I told you so'. I want this to work and to quit cigarettes forever. Thanks again!


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
I'd suggest

A) 2 1000mah Kgo or Ego passtrhu batteries -- Can get through the day at work and you can still vape while they're charging at home. $20-25 each

So do we need 2 each? Or will the 2 be enough for both of us? Also, I've heard that you shouldn't leave them on the charger overnight while you sleep. Wives tale? I've heard (from everyone that I've ever mentioned ecigs to) about the guy who got his face blown off. *shudder*

B) 4 Crystal / Vision Ego Clearomizers -- One each to smoke while the others ar drying. Around $4.50-5.00 each

Reallly cool. I like that I can see inside of them. I hear running out of juice is a no no.

C) 2 Bottles 50 ML 24mg Dekang MLB -- Good basic liquid for marlboro red smokers with lower volt systems. 100ml should easily last 2 people a month I'd think. $30

I should've mentioned, the one redeeming feature of the mini cigars is that they come in different flavors (the only redeeming feature actually, they're quite harsh!). We loved trying all of the different flavors and so far prefer the vanilla or berry flavors. I'm super excited to be able to try things that actually HAVE the flavor though instead of a little flavor and some harsh smoke. (I think I saw a pina colada flavored one somewhere!)

Total $88-100 +shipping

About the lowest priced package I could prolly put together for 2 people while still getting good quality gear that will serve you well with very little hassle, and also be expandable for future uprgrades.

Not sure if you'd get a full month exactly with 2 clearomizers each. But I'd bet if properly cleaned and maintained it would be close. With the Dekang being all PV it wouldn't be to rough on the clearomizer at all. And with it being 24mg, 3-4 good hits should be enough for each "craving session".

Couple more questions here, you won't get a full month out of the clearomizers? Is this something I'll need to replace weekly/biweekly? I mean they're pretty cheap, but I'm having to break it down into total costs per pack (as best I can) - he runs his own business and is trying to keep a family of 5 going, it still kinda comes down to the bottom line. Yes, I know going cold turkey is really the cheapest option, but we tried that and it almost ended our marriage. Apparently we both REALLY NEED the nicotine! :p

Do clearomizers need to have all PG juices? I only ask because like I said - I really wanted to try some other stuff. It sounds like fun! Also, in the link you sent me, I see nothing about what kind of juice it is (PG, VG, etc), how do I know what kind it is?

It all looks cool, I'll give you that! I was honestly rather intimidated by all of the choices and the more I tried to research - the more fuzzy it all became. My head is still spinning. I am so glad everyone made suggestions! I know the only real way I'm going to learn is to jump in and try, but I'd really like keep it from being a costly lesson.

Thanks so much!


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
They don't look fancy, and you need to put it together yourself, but for less than $10, and batteries available in the grocery store or Wallgreens the Puck is a viable option. I have build a few, and have been using them well over a year now, leaves extra $$$ to spend on catros, attys and juice...:) They are simple to do with a few hand tools and vape wonderfully.

If you run into problems or have a question, post in the Puck threads, and there's plenty of help from experienced "Pucksters"

That, I'm afraid is way over my head. Trust me, I had trouble making a potato battery function for my kid's science experiment, and it seemed REALLY simple. You wouldn't believe I'm most of the way through a computer engineering degree, I think all my electronics teachers passed me out of pity because I was trying so dang hard. Totally rethinking my degree after the potato battery fiasco... Thanks though! Maybe I'll be cool enough to try that one day?


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
Tell you the truth I thru the cartridges away but kept the atomizer to test juice, and bought some Boge 2ohm cartomizers, or Smoke Tech 1.7ohm.

So, you replaced the cartridges on these with refillable ones? Sorry if that's not what you're saying, I'm really having trouble trying to wrap my head around this, and the more I read - it seems like I understand less. It doesn't SEEM that difficult! But it's proving to be. Maybe there's a site out there that breaks it down with simple lines and pictures? I'll keep reading.


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Apr 1, 2012
Can I suggest maybe 2 halo g6 kits? I'd post a link but I'm on my phone. Each kit comes with five prefilled, two empty, and two batteries. They are 54.99 a piece. Each cargo lasts me easily over a day as does the battery. Halo has great flavors and you could buy juice from other vendors to refill your own.

I got two starter kits, and 8 packs of 5 refills for 180$ with free shipping. You could cut that back and buy a bottle of liquid and stretch that a little.

Its a good kit. Three of us haven't smoked in 5 days because of it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
Do you have any local shops? They are going to be more expensive, but you can try everything they have to get a better idea of what might work for you. Plan on spending your monthly smoke budget up front. Once you get enough posts you can check the PIF forum and perhaps get something for shipping costs to help you start. I wish you all the best, and PV 's will get you off analogs.

I hadn't thought of a local shop! At least there I could SEE it and I'm a visual learner. I don't mind spending my budget up front, I just need to think of things to do if we start to run out since a quick trip up the street may not cut it. I know they sell cheap PVs at 711 and walmart and whatnot, but they're like $10, not $1.20! Taking this into consideration also. (Suggestions on what works for you?)


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May 19, 2011
Tulsa, OK
So, you replaced the cartridges on these with refillable ones? Sorry if that's not what you're saying, I'm really having trouble trying to wrap my head around this, and the more I read - it seems like I understand less. It doesn't SEEM that difficult! But it's proving to be. Maybe there's a site out there that breaks it down with simple lines and pictures? I'll keep reading.

In the early days, e-cigs were three piece, and they still sell them that way inspite of nobody much using one of those pieces. The cartridge, aka cart, is just a juice holder that plugs on to an atomizer. Not many people use them because cartomizers, aka cartos, tend to work so much better. A cartomizer is basically a one piece disposable combination of an atomizer, aka atty, and a cart. People do still use attomizers by themselves by directly dripping juice from a bottle into them a little at a time. Dripping like this only gives you a few inhales before you have to drip again, but it gives great flavor. You have to put a drip tip on the end of the atty to do this so you don't burn your mouth on the hot metal of the atty. Most people drip like this to test flavors before filling something else that lasts longer with that flavor, but some people drip all the time because of the flavor quality.

So what they were saying was they threw away the cartridges, kept the atomizers for drip testing new flavors, and bought cartomizers for their actual day to day vaping.


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
Can I suggest maybe 2 halo g6 kits? I'd post a link but I'm on my phone. Each kit comes with five prefilled, two empty, and two batteries. They are 54.99 a piece. Each cargo lasts me easily over a day as does the battery. Halo has great flavors and you could buy juice from other vendors to refill your own.

I got two starter kits, and 8 packs of 5 refills for 180$ with free shipping. You could cut that back and buy a bottle of liquid and stretch that a little.

Its a good kit. Three of us haven't smoked in 5 days because of it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Congrats! I wasn't able to make it 2 days without smoking so I'm so excited to see all the people that have quit. Thanks for the suggestion! I think I've decided to visit a store and actually lay my hands on different products to see which one I like most. I still really want suggestions though, because I trust your unbiased opinions more than the guy making commissions thoughts for the day. If I can find a store around here. Can I ask if it was hard to transition? Do you smoke more now or less? I'm somewhat worried that my smoking will increase when I don't have to stop what I'm doing to go outside and smoke. There are some days I hardly smoke all day because I'm just too busy to go outside (we don't smoke inside, but without second hand smoke I don't see why we couldn't now? I'll need to do more research on that).


New Member
Apr 21, 2012
Villa Rica
As a newbie myself... I can certainly understand your confusion! I have been doing a great deal of research, that's how I found this site :) For some (like me) being shown what to do really helps. I watch youtube vid's on vaping for DAYS LOL. I learned a lot! So between this great forum and the youtube instructional vid's... I'm on my way to at least looking like I know what I'm doing :)


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
Oh! One more question I had about cleaning. I read through most of the 100 something pages of different ways to clean a e cig, but am not all the way through yet. That is a LOT of reading. Is there a standard answer? Something that can be done daily/weekly to keep your ecig working well? So far it seems the answer is dropping hydrogen peroxide on a hot coil, is that the answer? Cliff notes? SOO many questions, thanks for being patient!


Full Member
Apr 20, 2012
Orlando, FL
As a newbie myself... I can certainly understand your confusion! I have been doing a great deal of research, that's how I found this site :) For some (like me) being shown what to do really helps. I watch youtube vid's on vaping for DAYS LOL. I learned a lot! So between this great forum and the youtube instructional vid's... I'm on my way to at least looking like I know what I'm doing :)

Lol, it seems the more I learn the less I know. I've been pulling out my hair for a couple weeks now (before I even found this forum - OMG I'm so glad I did). All of those 'e-cigarette review' sites say different things (and I think are sponsored anyway). I would think I found a solution then would do just a teensy bit more research and find that they were horrible (I was researching blu when I found this site - so glad I did!). Just when I think I'm getting close to making a decision I read one more thing and am thrown back to start again. I really want to order something this week though, we just bought what I want to be our last carton of cigarettes. It literally pains me to pay for them now. I'm so ready to be off of them.

BUT, I'm the most horrible person in the world when it comes to making decisions about what to buy and have been known to stand an hour in a store aisle reading all the packaging trying to make a choice about something simple like shampoo or toothpaste. Ugh. I need a self help group (but please don't ask me to pick one!). After a post by someone else on here I think I am going to TRY to build my own because I can break it down into chunks and only learn about one thing at a time (although that makes for even MORE decisions so I'll let you know how that turns out). I can't even decide on that. *sigh*
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