Officials report biggest fall in adult smoking in decades

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May 16, 2009
Didn't see a thread for this one yet...

Officials report biggest fall in adult smoking in decades

Even though this sharp decline's source is clear and obvious they still worry the opposite may be true:

As today's teenage e-cigarette users become adults in the next few years, "we may see 18-, 19- and 20-year olds pick up the habit," worried Dr. Jonathan Whiteson, a smoking cessation specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.

Still, he and others are optimistic in part because regulators are turning their attention to the potential dangers of e-cigarettes


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
"...worried Dr. Jonathan Whiteson, a smoking cessation specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York. Still, he and others are optimistic in part because regulators are turning their attention to the potential dangers of e-cigarettes. Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration announced sweeping new rules ..."

Optimistic about exactly what, Doc ? Continued 'customer' influx or really more folks quitting ?

Worry less ( about vapers ) , read more ( about vaping ).

Well at least the article strives to pretend a neutral tone. We're making progress. A limping snail still can outpace us, but we're making progress.

All in all, I find the thundering silence emitting from the medical community in the U.S. regarding the RCP report quite interesting...

Just Me

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ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2010
They keep going on and on about teenagers possibly getting addicted to nicotine and then progressing on to cigarettes. That's not how I see it. I think the ones who might go on to use burning tobacco do so because they just want to smoke and e-cigs are way too fiddly. I liked the actions of smoking early on, before I was really hooked, and I doubt I would have put up with the maintenance of e-cigs. Even after almost three years of being free of tobacco, I still resent the time-consuming aspects of vaping. It was much easier to light, smoke, and toss the .....

It's also really silly in my opinion to think they can absolutely prevent an underage person from getting their hands on an e-cig if that person really wants one. Kids always have older friends or family members that can get it for them. Do they think teens never drink? And I can guarantee there are a multitude of teens in this country right now who smoke the "other stuff", many more of those than some who are using e-cigs. Get real, bureaucrats, can you even think?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2014
It's why they are trying to kill off vaping, billions in cigarette revenues lost.

Yep. 45 billion per 5 years if 9 million vape and do not spend $1,000 per year on tobacco product. One billion per 1 million vapers not spending $1,000 per yr on tobacco. I been learning to doodle with numbers a little better. Also been double checking with others. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box. The box though has all kinds of brightness so, i help average it out. :)

Captain Pegleg

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ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2015
They're worried young people who vape now will turn to regular cigarettes later.

And they're happy that vaping is going to be regulated, harder to access.

So backwards, so nonsensical.

They could ban cigarettes, then poof, no more worry about future smokers! But nahhh that isn't really the issue for them...when they try to say it is, yet their logic is so faulty, it's just so easy to see through their thin cover over their real concern, moneyyyyy


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
They're worried young people who vape now will turn to regular cigarettes later.

I really don't think that's their worry at all. I think they are worried that young people just won't buy cigarettes if the far healthier alternative of vaping is available. They are desperate to get back the lost revenues on cigarettes, the health damage from which is well known, yet the big campaign is against vaping, not smoking while they tell us they just don't know the health risks of vaping. Meanwhile you can buy all the cigs you like anywhere.

Follow the money...

Just Me

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2010
Its simple its about cash. This is the Hijacking of an industry. First time I've seen this in my lifetime (30 years old)

I believe they tried to hijack the vitamin and supplement industry in the 90s. I didn't pay much attention to it then, but my mother mentioned it. Just last week, I watched some hearings about it, one where Raquel Welch testified before a Senate Committee in favor of leaving decisions about such things up to the consumer. I don't really know exactly what they were trying to do or how it came out, but I don't think FDA got what they were wanting.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2015
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
All in all, I find the thundering silence emitting from the medical community in the U.S. regarding the RCP report quite interesting...

Of course they are going to be silent. If vaping was touted as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes as it should be, less people would become sickly due to smoking cigarettes and there goes funding for the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, the countless doctors who are specialists in cigarette-causing illnesses and each and every one of the little cogs in the Big Pharma machine.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to money, plain and simple. Too many people are going to see their wallets getting lighter and they are not happy about it.
The true shame in all of this is that the vaping community, strong as it is, does not have the money or the power of BT, BP of Uncle Sam. We simply can't win this fight.
Part of me wants to say 'Get in there and fight!' Then the other part of me figures 'what's the point?'


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
I believe they tried to hijack the vitamin and supplement industry in the 90s. I didn't pay much attention to it then, but my mother mentioned it. Just last week, I watched some hearings about it, one where Raquel Welch testified before a Senate Committee in favor of leaving decisions about such things up to the consumer. I don't really know exactly what they were trying to do or how it came out, but I don't think FDA got what they were wanting.
If the ecig industry was centered in Utah, instead of Shenzhen, maybe Orrin Hatch could keep the industry unregulated, just like supplements. The tide may be turning there too, especially after all the articles and studies coming out in the last two years, that most of these vitamins and supplements don't contain what is printed on the label !

Neither Herbal Nor Supplements
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Full Member
May 5, 2016
Of course they are going to be silent. If vaping was touted as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes as it should be, less people would become sickly due to smoking cigarettes and there goes funding for the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, the countless doctors who are specialists in cigarette-causing illnesses and each and every one of the little cogs in the Big Pharma machine.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to money, plain and simple. Too many people are going to see their wallets getting lighter and they are not happy about it.
The true shame in all of this is that the vaping community, strong as it is, does not have the money or the power of BT, BP of Uncle Sam. We simply can't win this fight.
Part of me wants to say 'Get in there and fight!' Then the other part of me figures 'what's the point?'

From what I understand, most of the larger pro vape groups are combining forces. Organizations like CASAA and SFATA are aligning with much smaller companies. They are preparing for a very large lawsuit and they are working on the platform for the influx of cash from industry partners like shops, manufacturers etc. If the vape industry is going to survive they need to know where to put their fight money. Sucks talking about money when its all up in the air. We know our government is full of criminals and slobs I just wish these jabroni's would show their faces.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
Lawrenceville, Ga.
my :2c:
I may be biased towards vaping, but I do believe the biggest increase in the decline of smoking is mainly due to vaping. You have to look at WHY teenagers smoke... to look cool and rebel against their parents. If you tell a child "don't do this".. when they're angry with you, they'll do it. It's just part of the teenage psyche. Teenagers are at a point where they're coming up with their own outlook on life, but are restricted by their parents. Smoking had the tough "bad boy" reputation for so long, so it naturally attracted teenagers to it.

Then along came vaping. Vaping started as being called Ecigarettes. They named it that way to attract smokers to try this new alternative. It was something new, and it was primarily unique to the younger culture. It is "their thing", and they were drawn to it. If you do a search for vaping videos, you'll notice a very high percentage of under 30 year old vapers... not many of us older folks vape. Where I work, The only ones interested in vaping are 18-25 year olds... .the older folks see it as smoking and try to even try to avoid the vapor if they're around me outside. It's just the demographics.

All that being said, I would rather the younger folks "rebel" by vaping rather than smoking. It is well known, but rarely talked about, that cigarettes have added chemicals that enhance the nicotine's affect. Us vapers know, that vaping does not lead to smoking, since they taste totally different. me, being an ex 20 year smoker, finds cigarettes to taste disgusting. I know, I've lit one up and coughed, then ran for the mouthwash to get the taste out. We know that, but the CDC doesn't. I know a few non smokers who took up vaping... guess what, they don't vape very often.. and if they forget about it, they go a few days without. If they would've tried smoking, you know that wouldn't have been the case.

I'm not a Tinfoil hat wearing alien chasing conspiracy theorist. I do believe that money is an issue here. Probably not directly involved or a conscious "ban vaping because we get more money from vaping". I believe the government is being guided by corporations who find vaping as a competition. Big pharma who make smoking cessation supports those unaware of the benefits of vaping, and the overall lack of scientific knowledge of the general public is what hurts us the most. Everyone opposed to vaping say "they said that smoking was safe before"... well, we didn't even have computers back then, and the research equipment to find out.. now we do, and so far, everything points out that vaping is MUCH SAFER. And I whole heartedly believe it's much less addicting than traditional cigarettes. CDC... prove me wrong... I dare you.


Infinity Member
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Dec 13, 2010
It's why they are trying to kill off vaping, billions in cigarette revenues lost.

It's funny but not so funny that reports of the e-cig market stalling has improved the outlook for BT ...

U.S. e-cigarette use stalls as health concerns grow: Reuters/Ipsos poll

"In some ways, a move away from e-cigarettes is actually positive for Altria and Reynolds," said Morningstar analyst Adam Fleck, pointing out it may help sustain sales of conventional cigarettes, whose margins are much higher."

The new regs are a win win for BT ( and also for BP but in less obvious ways ), less competition in the vape sector AND more folks continuing to smoke! :grr:


Super Member
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Feb 22, 2012
Tennessee and ports on the East Coast
Our stupid government, should look at what the UK is doing. They found vaping was much healthier then smoking and now promote vaping to help people quit. You see, they decided vaping would save billions in health care costs. And since medical care is Government run, they are all for it.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
It's funny but not so funny that reports of the e-cig market stalling has improved the outlook for BT ...

U.S. e-cigarette use stalls as health concerns grow: Reuters/Ipsos poll

"In some ways, a move away from e-cigarettes is actually positive for Altria and Reynolds," said Morningstar analyst Adam Fleck, pointing out it may help sustain sales of conventional cigarettes, whose margins are much higher."

Yeah, I'm not believing there's any move away from vaping. The move is away from smoking and this BS about a move away from vaping is just more ANTZ BS propaganda to bolster their agenda.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2015
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin (R) recently used his authority as chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs to demand answers from the FDA as to why they are going after the vaping industry. The FDA has until May 31 to provide answers: The request is a good read:

Senator Forces FDA to Explain Itself Over Harsh E-Cigarette Regulations
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