Officials report biggest fall in adult smoking in decades

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
Lawrenceville, Ga.
Our stupid government, should look at what the UK is doing. They found vaping was much healthier then smoking and now promote vaping to help people quit. You see, they decided vaping would save billions in health care costs. And since medical care is Government run, they are all for it.

I agree.... but... you're asking too much of our government. Our government was paid billions by big tobacco to help stop smoking (Master Settlement Agreement). Instead of waiting for the money, they took out bonds based on the prediction of tobacco sales in the future. This was a "quick fix band-aid" for the economy at the time. Guess what... the anti tobacco ads worked and people found safer alternatives to smoking. The government fixed the "now" and said the hell with the future, that's the future's problem.

It's as if the government is one big spongebob episode, with a bit of the Simpsons "doh" added.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
As today's teenage e-cigarette users become adults in the next few years, "we may see 18-, 19- and 20-year olds pick up the habit," worried Dr. Jonathan Whiteson, a smoking cessation specialist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York.

There's a self fulfilling prophecy if I ever saw one. Take a product that is successfully directing young smokers away from cigarettes and potential new smokers into vaping instead of smoking and regulate it, potentially out of business.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
While this comes out we also see propaganda put out that people are turning away from vaping in droves. Well, one or the other is true, and it's been quite clear that BT and the state has lost a great deal to vaping all along. Billions of lost sales and taxes on cigarettes. $45 billion by one estimate. It's hardly surprising to see claims that the public is turning away from vaping in that context.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
All of this has me wondering what if. What if vapers do go back to smoking due to these regs? That would definitely show up in studies of the smoking population and it would be difficult to prove it wasn't because of the deeming regs. This scenario is likely. There has to be something that can be done if this does happen. I don't know what exactly, maybe something equal to a class action lawsuit by formers vapers against the FDA? I don't know but I do feel that the rates will be going back up and that will have to mean something in terms of justice for those who went back to smoking because they had no other alternative that worked for them.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
All of this has me wondering what if. What if vapers do go back to smoking due to these regs? That would definitely show up in studies of the smoking population and it would be difficult to prove it wasn't because of the deeming regs. This scenario is likely. There has to be something that can be done if this does happen. I don't know what exactly, maybe something equal to a class action lawsuit by formers vapers against the FDA? I don't know but I do feel that the rates will be going back up and that will have to mean something in terms of justice for those who went back to smoking because they had no other alternative that worked for them.
It makes me sad that this could actually happen. :(


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
Lawrenceville, Ga.
While this comes out we also see propaganda put out that people are turning away from vaping in droves. Well, one or the other is true, and it's been quite clear that BT and the state has lost a great deal to vaping all along. Billions of lost sales and taxes on cigarettes. $45 billion by one estimate. It's hardly surprising to see claims that the public is turning away from vaping in that context.

That's the "Doh" part... you take something that is literally hundreds of times more effective at getting people to quit smoking traditional cigarettes, and so far researchers are finding hundreds of times safer that traditional cigarettes AND probably hundreds of times safer than alternate ways of qitting (Chantix, etc)

Smoking: 500,000 deaths per year ( Reference )

Chantix deaths due to the suicidal tendencies: some estimate more than 500+ (we don't know for sure, they've proven to cover this up) ( Ref 1) ( Ref 2 )

Deaths do to aspirin/NSAIDs: 15,000 ( Ref ) (most published papers indicate percentages)

Deaths due to Alchohol
: 88,000/year ( Ref )

Deaths due to Vaping
: None

FDA's ruling: treat it like it was deadly..... WHY?

Added: For those who think that just not vaping is just as safe.... let me point out....

Deaths due to air pollution: 53,000 ( ref ).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I wonder if the author of the article can say this out loud:
Experts attribute recent declines to the mounting impact of anti-smoking advertising campaigns, cigarette taxes and smoking bans.

While any national democrat is drinking a glass of water.

(Either way, every time I read this, it makes me laugh.)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
All of this has me wondering what if. What if vapers do go back to smoking due to these regs? That would definitely show up in studies of the smoking population and it would be difficult to prove it wasn't because of the deeming regs. This scenario is likely. There has to be something that can be done if this does happen. I don't know what exactly, maybe something equal to a class action lawsuit by formers vapers against the FDA? I don't know but I do feel that the rates will be going back up and that will have to mean something in terms of justice for those who went back to smoking because they had no other alternative that worked for them.

In all their wisdom (read as ignorance), the anti-tobacco types will then claim, "See! We told you it was a gateway!"

(Please, please, please do not bring up the fact that we had to declare war on the free market for the gateway to take full effect. Pretty please, do not bring this up.)


ECF Veteran
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Jul 26, 2013
In all their wisdom (read as ignorance), the anti-tobacco types will then claim, "See! We told you it was a gateway!"

And that's where we come in. Testimony after testimony after testimony. The warnings about the consequences of the deeming were shouted loud and clear.

(Please, please, please do not bring up the fact that we had to declare war on the free market for the gateway to take full effect. Pretty please, do not bring this up.)

Ok, if you insist. ;)

nomore stinkies

Gee, Who did that?
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
Am I the only one that doesn't see teens vaping? I drive by 2 highschools and never have I seen a teen vape even off campus. I have teens in my neighborhood -no vaping. I knew one neighbor kid that vaped 2 years ago (a never smoker) for about 2 months but stopped because he needed a coil. Still doesn't smoke or vape. The surveys might be the problem... have you ever vaped? You know that survey. If they never smoked but vaped then quit why would they smoke at $10.00 a pack? ARRGH I just don't see them vaping-stores, parks, nowhere do you?


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
It's as if the government is one big spongebob episode, with a bit of the Simpsons "doh" added.
That's so awesome, I had to quote it and post how awesome I thought it was.

EDIT: Although honesty, they're a lot smarter and more devious than that.
EDIT: But yeah, that was still funny.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
All of this has me wondering what if. What if vapers do go back to smoking due to these regs? That would definitely show up in studies of the smoking population and it would be difficult to prove it wasn't because of the deeming regs.
I know you are well aware of what the spin doctors have been doing with respect to vaping.
And I assume this was a rhetorical question.

Because, come on now, I know you know what they'll do.
And how the media will help them make it happen.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
There has to be something that can be done if this does happen. I don't know what exactly, maybe something equal to a class action lawsuit by formers vapers against the FDA?
No class action lawsuit until there are damages.

So you have to get cancer or whatever lovely disease.
After, of course, you went back to smoking.

Then you have to prove that it was going back to smoking that caused that disease.
I'm personally not willing to satisfy the first criterion, so the second one is moot.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Our government was paid billions by big tobacco to help stop smoking
Our government was paid billions by Americans, Through big tobacco to help LOOK LIKE THEY WOULD stop smoking

Right up to 2013 - When the Director of CTP division of the FDA Resigned his position under pressure from Health Organizations like the ACS/ALA and Campaign for Smoke Free Kids

The last, maybe the Dullest crayons in the Box.

Now Government is in a Mad Panic to CYA and may destroy the Solution to the problem without ever recognizing it.

Hiring Mitch Zeller was likely the worst thing for CTP, though the Best for many Health organizations.

In Taking office Zeller acknowledged, next to his Family - Tobacco Control was his love.
Vapers are a Distraction from his happiness - Focusing all his energy on BT, and he intends to make us pay.
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Ultra Member
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Mar 28, 2014
This is why I will never, ever buy an ecig product that BT has had a hand in.

I recently did, a Match 10 starter kit. I may pull out the polyfill in the cartos for it, insert fresh, refill with my own juice. I enjoy the conveince alone of a very small vaping unit. It may serve me as just a outing vape. May buy a spare battery of theirs, reuse the cartos I got in the kit. Heck, got it as $1 sale cupon. "Here try this for a buck." I rather enjoy my mods but could see a king sized cig-a-like as handy from time to time.


ECF Guru
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Nov 17, 2013
New Orleans La.
The first 5 minutes made me sick, I couldn't stomach any more of that snot filled, predisposed, drivel of a video.
The tobacco industry she refers to hasn't touched a single cent of mine in over 4 years...this coming from a guy who as a teenager would have thought nothing cooler than a camel tattoo to express my love of smoking. I would have walked ten miles for a camel 5 years those chains are broken.

Akmed was on his way to the camel rodeo with his beloved camel... on the way his camel stubbed its toe. The camel asked Akmed to get him some water, so off went Akmed to the nearest water hole ( which was 1/2 a mile away) after 30 minutes or so Akmed returned to his camel with the water and gave it to him to drink. The camel thanked him for his service and then looked Akmed in the eye and said " do you know you just walked a mile for a camel??" ;)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2014
hmmm yup, they take away the vape and vapers return to smoking ... and then they say vaping is a gateway to smoking...
and that vaping doesnt keep people off of ciggies... and thats how they will play that tune..

I think they may well be in for a surprise as there will be many what do not return to tobacco. These not returning will also lobby and rally diligently against tobacco as well. This will create a further entrenched back lash the likes of which I doubt tobacco, pharmaceutical, medical, insurance industries here in America will ever hope to see recovery. They have already lost the war, long before the now of vaping too. It was lost when they decided to profit from death.

To clarify and to head off anyone putting words in my mouth. I'm not saying those who tend to the business of caring for the dead, as in funerals and the like ought not be granted some profit. I think perhaps if they were honest they could see clear to not take as much profit. Still, I'm not saying they should not be granted a proper wage for doing a service. My point above was discussing another form of person that profits on/from death.
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