Plastic tasting VG

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The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi Deb! Some people can taste vg, some can't. I can sort of taste it, but my issue is that if the vg level is too high it makes my lungs feel "heavy." It is quite viscous, so it will take more power to burn and stay hot longer (in my experience YMMV). Think in terms of heating oil. It can also make your wicks/carto filler gunky.

Los Marauder

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Oct 26, 2011
Iowa City
I have recieved VG that tasted like plastic. It was from the container it was in. When I recieved VG from a different supplier it was fine. then I mixed a big batch of Vanilla/ghram cracker, put it in the cleaned container from the bad VG and that plastic taste came right back. Havent used that container since, and have had no problems with the new VG.

I have a fealing the bad container was not meant for food type aplications.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
Doesn't matter what container my VG comes in..."straight" it always tastes funky too me. Yuck. And it seems to change the flavor of my DIY juice. Also, like Ocelot, it bothers my lungs and wreaks havoc on my sinuses and throat. I do use just a little bit in my DIY...but only 15% (that's as high as my body and taste buds will tolerate). Everything else in my recipe is pure PG or has a PG base. For ME...PG delivers better flavor and aids with TH. I get plenty of vapor with "pure" PG...but add that little bit of VG because so many people say it makes the vapor thicker. I guess it might...can't really tell.

Vapoor eyes er

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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Is this right? I think it tastes like plastic
VG based Juices takes longer to "marry" with the other components. Also if it's freshly made it may need to be steeped for awhile. When I've made pure VG juice I've always added extra flavoring. Also PG, nicotine and VG will leach the plastic. I ALWAYS store my juice in glass bottles because of the leaching issues associated with plastic.

And it seems to burn hotter. My battery and cartomizer get hot faster than when I vape pure PG.
VG is much thicker and thus there is a wicking issue- also, as posted, VG juices gunk up elements and stuffing/ wicks quicker. Some add a small amount of distilled water to thin it out. PGA can also be used BUT will add to the TH as it's an irritant. Note that cartridges and cartomizers are generally made for juices that are a mixture of PG and VG liquids so thicker liquids may not work as expected.

But lots of vapor.
VG= vapor.

Juice Components
Flavoring usually about 15%- could be higher or lower depending on the flavor used.
PG enhances flavor, TH and lung hit- water like
VG= vapor and can mute flavor- thick
Nicotine- TH, lung hit and our need for nicotine. The MOST important ingredient in regards to TH and lung hit.
Standards in the industry are 80/ 20 or 70/ 30 PG/ VG.

My guess is it needs to be steeped.
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