Please help this noob! JoyeEGO,E-liquids,Drip Tips etc...

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Full Member
Jun 15, 2011
Thanks to everyone for answering my noob questions - it must get tiresome and frustrating answering the same questions all the time, especially when there are a million amazing FAQs & videos for newbies that probably have all the information we need! However, it is that glut of information that is itself sometimes overwhelming and I TRULY appreciate all the help I've been getting wading through it :) I really am doing my research and most of my questions are really about making sure I've understood everything correctly.

I am new to ecigs and my only experience with them is using an inLife unit for the past couple of weeks. (Hey, it was a gift!) Even though inLife ecigs are overpriced and nothing special (not to mention sold through shady MLM methods) - they did convince me to research ecigs and start putting together a newbie kit so I have something basic to play with while I decide on the best combination of products for me. On that note, I have chosen the JoyeEGO 510 starter kit, but before I press the "checkout" button I had a couple questions....

Some background about me that may affect how these questions are answered: Before discovering vaping, I smoked almost a pack of Camel 99s a day (some days less, rarely more). The "strongest" tobacco flavor that came with my inLife ecig wasn't quite strong-enough tasting for me. I am looking for a tobacco taste as close as possible to regular cigarettes. (Yeah, I know, that type of statement causes many long time users to roll their eyes in disgust, but I'm just starting out and will probably try some more exotic flavors in the future, but for now, bear with me!) I care about: ease of maintenance/refilling, price, throat hit strength, "real" cigarette tobacco flavor. I don't care about the physical appearance of the ecig. I'm sure I'm forgetting some info that would help you help me - ask away!

Obviously you don't have to bother with answering all of my questions; even a single response to a question-within-a-question would be most appreciated. Let me tell you, being a newbie to vaping is a humbling experience for this college educated single woman in her 30's who thought she was so smart...:?:

1. One of the big selling points for me regarding ecigs is that they put out vapor instead of smoke, presumably eliminating the issue about nasty, smoke smelling cars, houses,clothes,etc. The inLife cigarettes came with pre-filled, basic tobacco flavored cartomizers and the vapor produced was odorless. I assumed all ecigs produce odorless water vapor instead of smoke. The JoyeEGO will be my first experience with e-liquids and a three piece unit. In picking out my e-liquid, I was surprised to read that some of the descriptions say things like "Light on smell" and "smell from the flavorings" - is that referring to only the e-liquid itself having a particular smell or the water vapor as well?

2. My head is spinning reading about voltage and Ohms and LR and HV :blink: ... my initial understanding is that most users vastly prefer a 6-8 Watt intensity of the vape [does that mean intensity of the hit?] Based on what I know and how much I smoked before of a full flavored cigarette, my guess is that my preference will be on the higher end (7 and up). Using the formula that determines wattage (Volts X Volts/Ohms)made me realize my starter unit EGO510, combined with the 2.2 Ohm Atty (standard, not LR) it comes with, produces only 5 Watts! Until I purchase a LR atty compatible with my Ego, am I just stuck with an unsatisfying vape of 5 Watts?

3. What are the recommended units and methods for vaping while driving? Is a manual battery ecig impractical for driving? Will my Ego (vaped normally, not dripped) be ok to drive with? Can I drip and drive with my Ego? (I've never dripped but am planning on doing so - I'm a hands-on learner so I don't know how long the dripping process takes or whether I can drive with a dripping ecig). IF my EGO isn't conducive to driving and/or road trips, what is?

4. Oh, boy, more sizes and numbers! The site that I'm buying from has a few different types of drip tips - they're described as "Type C - Same diameter at the base and the neck" & "Type D - Tapers in from the base so the neck has a smaller diameter than the base." What's the difference? Just aesthetics? They also have different finishes: thermoplastic, aluminum, and others: Is it just about personal preference, and whether I'd prefer to have aluminum or or plastic in my mouth? There's also a "Translucent plastic" drip tip - it doesn't specifically say "clearomizer" but that's what that is, right?

5. What does everyone mean when they talk about "warmer" and "cooler" vape?

6. My Ego comes with a "cone" - is that the mouthpiece? It doesn't need the cone in order to function, does it?

7.Just making sure here: my Ego comes with "5 tobacco cartridges". I don't know whether to assume those are pre-filled or not: the liberty flights site doesn't say. IF they are pre-filled, they will be ready to use as soon as my battery is charged, correct? And when they "dry up" I can refill those same cartridges? (Don't worry about explaining the refill process). Also, if they ARE pre-filled, are they actually cartomizers or are cartomizers something different? If they are two different things, can I still use both with my Ego?



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Jun 11, 2011
1. never really seen those types of descriptions. but I'm assuming that it means the smell of the actual vapor.
2. and 5. I put these together bc the volts/ohms of your unit will play a big role in whether or not you get a cooler or warmer vape. The lower the resistance/higher the voltage, the warmer the vape will be an vice versa. Certain flavors, namely the stronger ones (tobacco, etc) do well with a warmer vape and others (fruity flavors) do well on a cooler vape.Flavor is entirely subjective so only way to know what combination of ohm/volt/liquid you like is to try something out first then work from there. It's also worth mentioning that LR or low resistance atomizers/cartomizers tend to run your battery life a little more.
3. Even though an auto battery (no push button) would be ideal for driving, your ego is perfectly fine for driving...might just take a little time to get used to. Dripping on the other hand can be a little more difficult while driving.
4. It's all personal preference. I'm not too experienced with drip tips or any of this for that matter but I'm just relaying you the info that I have come across while doing my own research :) A clearoimizer from my understanding is not just a clear drip tip. It's actually similar to a cartomizer? but just clear...not too sure lol.
6. It does not need the cone to function it is just for aesthetics.
7. They are probably not prefilled seeing that you bought them from LF. Yes you can refill them. Cartridges are different than cartomizers in that a cartomizer has the cartridge and atomizer in one unit, hence the name :). A cartridge is generally used to attach to an atomizer making a 3 piece unit including the battery. you can absolutely put a cartomizer on your ego (510 threaded).


Senior Member
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May 28, 2011
6. My Ego comes with a "cone" - is that the mouthpiece? It doesn't need the cone in order to function, does it?

I'm a newbie myself, so I'll answer an easy one. No, your Ego doesn't need the cone to work. It just helps it heat up hotter. And some think it looks nice with the cone on.

JC Okie

ECF Veteran
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Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Hello, Sweetcan and welcome to ECF. I know this stuff can be overwhelming. Actually, your post is a little overwhelming because I don't know where to start. Ha. I'm going to just "talk" about the eGo510 a minute and hopefully I'll answer a few of your questions. The eGo510 is a 3-piece unit: cartridge (cart), atomizer, and battery. a drip tip is just a separate little mouthpiece that fits on the atomizer (atty) instead of the cartridge. If you buy a cartomizer (a cartridge and an atomizer all built into one unit) and change your eGo into a 2-piece unit, you can. More on that in a minute. I wouldn't worry too much about the ohms and volts other than to say that with the eGo if you want a warmer vape (higher voltage) then you could buy some LR attys and they will make the vape a little warmer and maybe make a little more vapor (yes...all vapor is the same) and be a little more satisfying. Different people like different things. The "tobacco cartridges" are prefilled with some (probably pretty nasty tasting) tobacco juice. You will probably want to buy some juice so you can refill them.

Dripping is hard to do when you're driving. Dripping (which is why they invented drip tips, btw) is just dropping 2-3 drops of ejuice directly onto the atomizer then vaping it until it runs out (maybe 5-7 hits before you have to do it again.) The drip tips are just little mouthpieces with a hole in the top big enough to drip juice down in so you don't have to take it off each time you want to put your 2-3 drops in. I don't like metal ones, but that's just me. And yes, it's just about the feel of it in your mouth as to your preferences.)

If you want to use the eGo and drive, I'd suggest getting a package or two of cartomizers. They hold about 30 drops of juice (much more than the cartridge (cart) that will come with the eGo. They have them in low resistance (LR) and they can be refilled several (many) times....but they are considered disposable and won't last as long as an atty, but they're cheaper so it evens out.

The Liberty-Flights eGo is a good product and a good deal so you're on the right track. My suggested purchase would be:

the eGo kit
a package (5) of BOGE LR cartomizers
at least 10ml of juice from them
a LR 510 atomizer (spare)

Then I'd go to a different place to get some small (3-5ml) juice samples. There are hundreds of good juice vendors so I'll let others chime in there. My first few juice orders were from and you can't go wrong there.

I don't know if I answered all your questions, but I hope this helps.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Re Ego in general - confusing with all of the atty tube sizes and you need 510 carts and drip tips for one size, and Ego/mega carts and drip tips for the other size and with tank attys there are two sizes and only one can use the larger tanks. That is why I bought a Riva 510 (Ego clone) instead - none of that overabundance of parts that require matching.

1. Many eliquids have odors. I know the funky Turkish tobacco juices do, as do many food flavors. I vape a cocoa tobacco and vanillas and those have a quickly dissipating aroma, but there is some fortunately because a huge part of flavor is aroma.

2. I don't vape 6-8 watts. You have been talking to mod users, the hotrodders of the ecig world. And you can use 2.0 attys and cartos. You can probably use high 1's like 1.8 without damaging your batteries but some people won't go below 2.0 except with a mod (with mods the battery come out the way a flashlight's batteries come out, and are charged in a separate charger where damage and problems can be seen). But some others will go down to lower ohms on an Ego. If you are that concerned then buy a 510-threaded 3.7v or variable voltage mod instead

3. You are not gonna hold an Ego with just you lips. So you have to use your hand to hold it anyway - so a manual button is not a problem for driving. The best way to vape and drive is with cartomizers. If you are a long distance driver then you can use a PT or use a lanyard and hang the ecig around your neck. Do not drip and drive - very dangerous.

4. Drip tips - just look at the pictures. Buy a variety. See what you like. Those are not what I like. I like clear colored plastic ones to provide a bit of color as mouthpieces on my cartos.

5. No idea. Probably the heat generated by the combination. The more watts generated by the combination of battery volts and atty/carto ohms, the hotter the vape.

6. I don't use the cone of my Riva. But the Riva 510 can use the Riva 901 cone which does fit over Boge cartos fine.

7. Carts last near forever. Yes if they say tobacco they are prefilled with a small amount of Chinese PG juice. You can refill, reuse, clean, restuff, use some more, for a long time. Cartomizers, having a heating element and unchangeable stuffing, do not last forever. I can get 1-2 weeks or more good use out of a Boge carto with thinner clear juice and keeping it damp so it doesn't get singed. Some people succeed at least partially at cleaning and drying and reusing cartos beyond that. Don't count on it. And I recommend you only put juices you know you like into cartos.
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Full Member
Jun 15, 2011
6. I don't use the cone of my Riva. But the Riva 510 can use the Riva 901 cone which does fit over Boge cartos fine.

You are truly the best and always willing to help a newbie! Thanks! If you have time, let me know why you prefer the Riva to the Ego, cuz the Riva901 kit is cheaper and has a stronger battery AND an LH atty.....why is it [seemingly] a better deal than the Ego??


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
You are truly the best and always willing to help a newbie! Thanks! If you have time, let me know why you prefer the Riva to the Ego, cuz the Riva901 kit is cheaper and has a stronger battery AND an LH atty.....why is it [seemingly] a better deal than the Ego??

the RIVA510 (not 901) is a better deal than the eGo because they are nearly identical but the Riva 510 has a slightly, slightly longer lasting battery but costs less. The Riva 510 can use all the same attachments that the eGo can use, but the Riva 901 can't.

dormouse was just pointing out that the riva 901 cone will fit on the riva510 too, and has a wider bore so you can fit the boge cartos easily and still use a cone if you like.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
The Riva was my first decent PV. The two batteries would last all day and I'm a chain vaper. My fiance still uses them and he loves them.

Some juices do produce a scent, but it doesn't stay in the air long. Most of the time it smells good. I mixed up a juice once that smelled like patchouli and I wasn't too fond of that, but my fiance really likes it. I vape mostly coffee and chocolate flavors. People will walk into my office and ask me what I'm vaping because it smells delicious!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Buy some eliquid wherever you buy your kit. Recommend about 30ml with most in the nicotine level you think you need and smaller amounts with lower and higher nicotine. But in general, predominantly-hardware vendors are not the best places to buy eliquid. Many just resell the Chinese PG liquids, maybe some Chinese VG liquids. Real juice vendors blend their own juices and most offer at least one PG/VG blend, and many offer every 10% blend possible.

Nicotine is a skin irritant. Medium or high nic in 100% PG has the potential to irritate the mouth, throat or even lungs. Made my tongue sore and numb. So I started ordering 70pg/30vg liquids, some 50/50. Now that I am mainly using stuffing-type cartomizers I prefer thinner like 80pg/20vg because the cartos seem to work well longer.

PG - thin, lets through nicotine's TH and irritation well, lets through flavor well, makes weak vapor
VG - thick, dulls what PG lets through, makes thicker longer-lasting vapor
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