ProVarinati Diner & Saloon and Beyond


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Sorry about that, guys (and gals). I don't have a problem with the age verification since people everywhere ask to see dr license as id anyway. I understand those who don't want to do it, though.

I ordered a 'few' extras so I could probably mail one to anyone who wants it. I think it will just fit in an envelope and still make it through their 'slot'. I recently mailed one of those fuse things and the PO gave me grief about thickness of the envelope and said it would probably end up in 'dead letters'. It did make it to the destination though.

I don't have a way at the moment to send the ID, though even if I did I probably wouldn't. Every place I have ordered from verifies via credit card. I have batteries at the moment, probably good for at least a year but I'd like to find some adapters on down the line just in case. I prefer the 18500s in my 2.5s and they're getting hard to find. :(

The only other place I've come up with for flat top adapters so far is here. Flat Top Battery Adapter |
I won't use Indy vapors.

Thanks @oplholik , I did find that page and saw they were no longer selling them. mad vapes doesn't sell them anymore either. Places sold them when button tops were common, now that they aren't, they're hard to find. :grr: Gonna suggest to RTD that they start selling them...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2017
Anybody else?
at some point i was thinking about getting the Procyon and then the Dani 25 but came to the conclusion tubes were not for me as i would probably knock them on/off my desk all the time + they wouldn't fit in my Pouch,so i gave up on the idea.

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