Samgung 25R short lifespan?

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Completely Average

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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
Is it just me, or has anyone else run into a problem with the Samsung 25Rs having a short lifespan?

I my years of vaping I've had quite a selection of batteries. AWs, Sony VTC4s, Panasonics, LGs, Samsungs, and even the dreaded Efest.

Typically I replace my batteries after a year, although I've had my Sony and Panasonic batteries for 2 years and they still last around 80% as long as they did when new. My AWs, LGs, and even the Efests still retained 75-80% of the charge after one year.

However, the Samsung 25Rs that I bought last June are only retaining about 60-65% of their charge after 7 months. Even my tootle puffer wife who vapes an iClear 30S with the 2.2ohm coil at a whopping 7.5W isn't getting a full day out of a charge on hers when they used to last almost 2 full days. Meanwhile, the 2 year old Panasonic still lasts her a day and a half. The 25Rs I've been using in my SnowWolf lasted more than a day and a half when I first got them, but I'm lucky to get a full day of use out of them now.

Has anyone else noticed that the life of a charge significantly drops after just a few months with the 25R? Or am I just unlucky and somehow got some from a bad batch?

(BTW, these were bought from orbtronic, so I know they aren't fakes)
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Is it just me, or has anyone else run into a problem with the Samsung 25Rs having a short lifespan?

I my years of vaping I've had quite a selection of batteries. AWs, Sony VTC4s, Panasonics, LGs, Samsungs, and even the dreaded Efest.

Typically I replace my batteries after a year, although I've had my Sony and Panasonic batteries for 2 years and they still last around 80% as long as they did when new. My AWs, LGs, and even the Efests still retained 75-80% of the charge after one year.

However, the Samsung 25Rs that I bought last June are only retaining about 60-65% of their charge after 7 months. Even my tootle puffer wife who vapes an iClear 30S with the 2.2ohm coil at a whopping 7.5W isn't getting a full day out of a charge on hers when they used to last almost 2 full days. Meanwhile, the 2 year old Panasonic still lasts her a day and a half. The 25Rs I've been using in my SnowWolf lasted more than a day and a half when I first got them, but I'm lucky to get a full day of use out of them now.

Has anyone else noticed that the life of a charge significantly drops after just a few months with the 25R? Or am I just unlucky and somehow got some from a bad batch?

(BTW, these were bought from orbtronic, so I know they aren't fakes)
they may not be fakes but are they used batteries pulled from other equipment? how long did they sit in storage before being sold? they have a date stamp on them but its in code but if you check with the manufacturer you can get a chart to help read that code. these factors and others can effect battery life and capacity. you should only but from reputable sellers recommended by experienced users on ECF. when I first started I made the mistake of buying batteries on E-BAY. they were advertised as new 3000mah batteries but when they arrived I cycled them on my charger and found that the capacity was only 800mah. they were clearly used and worn out even though they looked new (re rapped)

Completely Average

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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
The last set of 25r2’s (blue) didn’t last very long, I blamed it on the summer heat. Bought them last May, they were useless by November.
So far my 25r5’s (green) are doing well. Bought in Oct.

That's pretty much my experience. The blues just didn't last. 7 months old, only being charged every other day (so figure around 90-100 charge cycles), used it my wife's tootle puffer setup which draws less than 3A from them, and they only hold around half the charge as they did when new.

Very disappointing.

Nice to hear that the green ones are holding up for you. Think I'm going to try the LG HG2s and see how they last.


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Mar 17, 2014
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My four green 25rs, and the two I gave a friend, are about 6 months old. Used in single cell mechs, at around 0.3ohm, regularly. And they are still holding nice charges. Haven't actually noticed any signs of aging. Although, having so many devices, they get charged every two-three days, so they are still quite low in cycles.

Completely Average

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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
It's a shame there isn't a lifespan battery test. We know how much charge and discharge they can handle thanks to Mooch, but we don't have any idea how long they last. If I was rich and had nothing better to do I would buy samples of all 18650 batteries and run them through a 100 charge/discharge cycle and then measure their mAh retention. See what their expected lifespan is.

It sucks when you buy what you believe to be one of the best batteries on the market only to find that it has one of the shortest lifespans.


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I'm pretty well satisfied with blues and greens I run in my single 18650 mechs. I have a couple blues that are still alive and kicking after 14 months although they do run down slightly faster than new batts--but that's to be expected.

The oldest greens I have show no signs of aging at all since October despite regular usage. The new ones I added into my rotation in December are of course still performing properly.

I don't know how low you run them before recharging but this might contribute to early demise. Personally mine almost never go below 3.75 before getting recharged.
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Nov 28, 2015
there are too many variables involved to get any kind of accurate life cycle test/rating.Yes you can test in a lab under set conditions and you would need to use the batts under THOSE conditions...Some people are using them in mech mods hitting them hard, some people use them in low draw set ups pulling maybe 3A a puff, some people may charge at 500ma others may hit them harder, say charging at 2amps.Then theres storage, someone who charges a batt and lets it sit fully charged for days or a week will differ from someone who charges it and immediately puts it to use
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Completely Average

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Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
there are too many variables involved to get any kind of accurate life cycle test/rating.Yes you can test in a lab under set conditions and you would need to use the batts under THOSE conditions...Some people are using them in mech mods hitting them hard, some people use them in low draw set ups pulling maybe 3A a puff, some people may charge at 500ma others may hit them harder, say charging at 2amps.Then theres storage, someone who charges a batt and lets it sit fully charged for days or a week will differ from someone who charges it and immediately puts it to use


How would that in any way effect a testing method that subjected all of the batteries to the exact same conditions to determine which had the best lifespan?

Your personal habits may make a batter last longer or shorter than tested, but you're not going to make a battery that tested with a short lifespan last longer than a battery that tested with a long lifespan with both batteries being used the same way by you.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2015
did you read the first two sentences of my post?Sure you can do lab testing but unless you used the batteries exactly as they were tested the results would be meaningless.I think maybe I didnt word my first post properly,"best lifespan" would only be relative to the conditions the batteries were tested at.
the testing method would not be affected at all but applying the results to the average vaper would involve to many variables
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