Talking about vape stuff around kids

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Apr 24, 2019
California, US
My son told me his GF's daughter was telling everyone at school how "Gumpy" (me... my first grand daughter gave me that name) had all these wonderful tasting vape juices and even makes his own. He warned me not to talk about vape around her (she is 6) I feel like some kind of criminal and now have to be careful about saying anything vape related. Her mother (son's GF and mother of my other two grandchildren) was very upset with me. Anyone else have a similar story? How do you all feel about this? We are never going to beat this bad rap.


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Mar 8, 2020
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A couple of comments come to mind but i dont know it might offend someone.
Im newish here so im going to refrain from saying what i want i really want to say,but yeah i agree 100% with you.

Kids lying to their parents when they get sick ''no daddy,vaping got me sick,it wasnt the THC Cartridge i bought off someone who was selling them from the trunk of a 1968 chevy nova''

And then minors buying it from stores,i mean back in the day you would wait patiently outside the pops type store and wait for an adult to come by,give him 10 bucks so he could buy you some beer (yeah we all done it,we were stupid back then lol) but now that is not the case,they tell the adult to buy them the vape stuff.

Safe zones,triggered this triggered that...gee,it sure is getting out of hand.
thankfully i got a lot of Bill Burr videos to watch to help me get over all that.


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  • Mar 24, 2018
    New Zealand
    My son told me his GF's daughter was telling everyone at school how "Gumpy" (me... my first grand daughter gave me that name) had all these wonderful tasting vape juices and even makes his own. He warned me not to talk about vape around her (she is 6) I feel like some kind of criminal and now have to be careful about saying anything vape related. Her mother (son's GF and mother of my other two grandchildren) was very upset with me. Anyone else have a similar story? How do you all feel about this? We are never going to beat this bad rap.

    No kids, but I live on my sister's farm in a cottage. When i quit smoking, my niece and nephew certainly commented on the fact that they loved the new smells in my house. They also asked now and then 'whats yummy flavour is that'? But they were mainly very very glad that I no longer smoked.

    As long as your granddaughter is aware that you now vape instead of smoke. I don't see the big deal.


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    Jan 20, 2013
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    Funny... we can talk about drinking and smoking around kids but not vaping. As-backwards world for sure.
    I like comedy (and sure could use some right now) Going to watch Bill Burr right now ;)
    I love Bill Burr, his sense of humor is right up my alley. I just wanted to share that, carry on.
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    Moved On
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    Apr 24, 2019
    California, US
    Reminds me of the DARE program; a few folks got turned in, and a lot of kids got an education ;).
    Bingo! I am cool actually... thanks.
    Originally, I told my (oldest) grand daughter to call me "gampy" and I joked that when I was in a bad mood it would be "grumpy" then she turned it into "gumpy" and thought that sounds too much like gumby... it stuck and I wear it proud.


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    Moved On
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    May 30, 2017
    As a mother who bought her kid an underage vape.... Well I told him I'd like kill him if he discussed or used it on school premises. I mean he was a teenager and he was smoking so perhaps he did but thankfully my Creator protected me because it was a good decision.

    I like to think his quitting was made easier by as little exposure to smoking as possible.

    As far as your 6 year old, she just needs to be told to shut up about it, much as I had to explain to my kid not to draw pictures of his video game in school when bored. The teachers were not good at art, they kept mistaking the robots for other students, when they were clearly robots.

    We had this GIGANTOR meeting including the principal. They thought he was the next Columbine or whatever. I told them where to shove it semi politely but then I had to have the talk "The world is insane."

    Also your granddaughter is in school? Her parents are fortunate no matter WHAT she says, our schools are all closed and parents are having meltdowns, quite sensibly.

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