Tell us your experience with WTA

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Jan 24, 2014
I struggled myself with depression for some time. I don't know if it was as bad as yours or not but it was there. I was wondering if you've tried any of the aroma line which has mostly pg? If that doesn't work then perhaps you might consider some snus portions for those days you can't vape the wta. I've known a few ladies that use it. The mini portions are very discreet.

Yes, I have some Virginia WTA, but I really find tobacco flavors more and more distasteful, the longer I'm away from smoking -- I used to think that was all I would ever want, but boy was that wrong. The only time I really care to vape Virginia anymore is maybe 3-5 hits after eating, and when I get those less and less frequent cigarette urges -- then, 3-5 hits of the Virginia is just what the doctor ordered, but it just tastes nasty to me most of the time. There's no way I could do snus; it grosses me out just to think about it. But even the Virginia WTA's 70/30 is far too much VG for me, so I have to mix it with my regular Virginia that's 85% PG.

But, today I got my latest orders of blueberry muffin ejuice, in 90% PG this time; I also just got some concentrated flavoring, and sweetener, from Wizlabs. So, what I think I can do, is dilute the best berry pancakes WTA with a LOT of PG, mix it with my blueberry muffin ejuice, and add some extra flavoring and sweetener to make up for the heavy PG dilution; that way I will still be able to get the WTA I need, without all that nasty VG to clog up my breathing, and it will still taste good. I'm vaping a little of my WTA mix right now that I mixed last night, which has a lot of PG in it, and this afternoon I added some sweetener; it tastes good, and the heavy PG in the mix seems to be treating my lungs ok, and for the moment at least, my state of mind has moderated somewhat. The depression is kinda up and down, I guess that's the "mood swings" component, but at least I don't currently feel like going to sleep and never waking up. Score!



Full Member
Oct 10, 2014
Keep posting AndriaD. I know what it's like to be "there". That's what kept me a smoker for so, so, so long and it's hard for some others to understand. If I can give any support at all let me know. Funny that I seem to do better with more VG than PG. Higher PG seemed to make it more difficult for me to breathe with my disease. It's strange.


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Jan 24, 2014
Keep posting AndriaD. I know what it's like to be "there". That's what kept me a smoker for so, so, so long and it's hard for some others to understand. If I can give any support at all let me know. Funny that I seem to do better with more VG than PG. Higher PG seemed to make it more difficult for me to breathe with my disease. It's strange.

It's funny because I kinda knew right off the bat that PG would be better for me; I've been accustomed to it for so long with my inhalers, and then when I heard VG described as being much thicker, I thought it might be a problem, because extreme humidity causes my asthma EXTREME difficulties; to me the air conditioner is far more important as a dehumidifier than for cooling, because humidity makes the *air* "thick" -- it feels like trying to breathe jello, and that's kinda how I feel after I've been vaping too much VG.

Today's been pretty good; the higher PG has improved my breathing a pretty good bit already, and the depression hasn't been troubling me, so I guess the small amount of WTA in the current vape is working. Cheer! Tomorrow is 90 days smoke-free, so, hopefully the depression will begin easing off on its own pretty soon, and I won't need to use quite so much WTA, just to stave off cravings. :thumbs:



Unregistered Supplier
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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
It's funny because I kinda knew right off the bat that PG would be better for me; I've been accustomed to it for so long with my inhalers, and then when I heard VG described as being much thicker, I thought it might be a problem, because extreme humidity causes my asthma EXTREME difficulties; to me the air conditioner is far more important as a dehumidifier than for cooling, because humidity makes the *air* "thick" -- it feels like trying to breathe jello, and that's kinda how I feel after I've been vaping too much VG.

Today's been pretty good; the higher PG has improved my breathing a pretty good bit already, and the depression hasn't been troubling me, so I guess the small amount of WTA in the current vape is working. Cheer! Tomorrow is 90 days smoke-free, so, hopefully the depression will begin easing off on its own pretty soon, and I won't need to use quite so much WTA, just to stave off cravings. :thumbs:



I did not forget about you. I will have something ready for you tomorrow. Hang in there and please make sure you keep that doc's appt next month.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014

I did not forget about you. I will have something ready for you tomorrow. Hang in there and please make sure you keep that doc's appt next month.

I'm hanging. :D Getting the flavors and the sweetener helped, so I could add a bunch of PG to my WTA mix, and have it still taste good. I had to go completely off the WTA for a couple days, my breathing got so bad, but after 2 days of no WTA, my depression was getting really bad, and my breathing had improved, so I added just a little of the WTA mix back to the mix I'm vaping, with extra PG plus some sweetener, and it helped a lot -- made it to 90 days smoke-free yesterday, and wasn't depressed at all. My breathing is better; the only time I'm really feeling any problem is when I first wake up, which is actually fairly normal, with asthma.

Getting some new flavors today, to try my hand at some DIY for something like blueberry muffin. If I can get all the ejuice that I mix with the WTA to 95%-100% PG, then mixing in the high-VG WTA won't be such a problem, won't mess up the proportion I'm aiming for -- it seems I need to keep my total mix at *at least* 80% PG, or somewhere between 80%-85% PG.


Angel Eyes

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Jul 17, 2013
Mt. Brook, AL, USA
when will Aroma bring back straight unflavored WTA? - this allows us to have WTA in any flavor we like, rather than just a short list of predetermined flavors with a preset amount of WTA in the juice.

This way, we can just buy our favorite juice and mix with straight WTA and get the flavor we prefer as well as the percent strength of WTA we prefer!

It's just common sense! :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2014
Tampa, FL USA
when will Aroma bring back straight unflavored WTA? - this allows us to have WTA in any flavor we like, rather than just a short list of predetermined flavors with a preset amount of WTA in the juice.

This way, we can just buy our favorite juice and mix with straight WTA and get the flavor we prefer as well as the percent strength of WTA we prefer!

It's just common sense! :)

If I'm correctly understanding what you're asking (which I'm not sure I am), if by "bring back" you mean to say you think they are no longer selling it, that's not the case -- they've just run out of stock. It's still listed on the website, but for availability, it just shows "Unavailable." As long as it's still listed, it's still a current product and will be back. I'm guessing -- and please don't hold me to this -- it will be available again shortly, maybe within the next few days or so.

Did that answer your question, or did I get your question wrong?


Full Member
Feb 29, 2012
Athens , Greece
4 years.
For the past 4 years i was trying to make it work for me without success.
Back and front, vaping, quit vaping , smoking again , the story of my life.
Until i tried the unflavored Aroma WTA.
Fantastic ! I have finally found what i was looking for. End of searching for me.
For the first time i vape without craving for analogs.
Thank you guys , i think i'm gonna move from Greece to Arizona just to be sure i won't run out !
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FYI - Jerry's is mixing up a new batch of his DIY WTA. Bad won't be available until next week. Our store is currently out of the VS DIY WTA, but it will be in shortly. Happy weekend to all!
coming soon.jpg


Full Member
Nov 19, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Hi Everyone!

I wanted to share my hour experience with WTA. I've been looking forward to experiencing this juice. I believed I should've ordered this a long time ago, now belief is confirmed. It does feel just like a cigarette, especially if you smoked additive free (American Spirits). I don't know why people say it doesn't work, maybe they use cartos? I use a Protank 3 (dual coils v2) on an Innokin iTaste MVP v2. I'm not disappointed that it doesn't taste just like a burning cigarette, or as the reviews said on Aroma's website, the flavor is awesome (better than any flavor I've tasted). So basically I agree with all the positive reviews and disagree with negatives. Clouds of vapor like I've never seen, and kinda sticks a round but still doesn't have an odor (nonsmoking brother approved). And it does feel like smoke in the mouth and lungs. Not like vapor, can't describe it yet but you can just tell the difference.

Jerry, I never talked to you before but always hear good things about you and your company. I agree that you and your staff are awesome. Chris replied to a question of mine on a Sunday, a Sunday. I'm going to tell every vapor about WTA and Aroma. I'm not even curious about other WTA producers, this flavor is my only flavor until I run out and have to use regular e juice until I get more

Thanks again Jerry, Chris, and the rest of the staff.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
4 years.
For the past 4 years i was trying to make it work for me without success.
Back and front, vaping, quit vaping , smoking again , the story of my life.
Until i tried the unflavored Aroma WTA.
Fantastic ! I have finally found what i was looking for. End of searching for me.
For the first time i vape without craving for analogs.
Thank you guys , i think i'm gonna move from Greece to Arizona just to be sure i won't run out !

Awesome to hear....bring some extra dishes along cause I can tell we are going to have a great time.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hi Everyone!

I wanted to share my hour experience with WTA. I've been looking forward to experiencing this juice. I believed I should've ordered this a long time ago, now belief is confirmed. It does feel just like a cigarette, especially if you smoked additive free (American Spirits). I don't know why people say it doesn't work, maybe they use cartos? I use a Protank 3 (dual coils v2) on an Innokin iTaste MVP v2. I'm not disappointed that it doesn't taste just like a burning cigarette, or as the reviews said on Aroma's website, the flavor is awesome (better than any flavor I've tasted). So basically I agree with all the positive reviews and disagree with negatives. Clouds of vapor like I've never seen, and kinda sticks a round but still doesn't have an odor (nonsmoking brother approved). And it does feel like smoke in the mouth and lungs. Not like vapor, can't describe it yet but you can just tell the difference.

Jerry, I never talked to you before but always hear good things about you and your company. I agree that you and your staff are awesome. Chris replied to a question of mine on a Sunday, a Sunday. I'm going to tell every vapor about WTA and Aroma. I'm not even curious about other WTA producers, this flavor is my only flavor until I run out and have to use regular e juice until I get more

Thanks again Jerry, Chris, and the rest of the staff.


Thank you so much for the kind words. Please feel free to kick off your shoes and contribute to the aroma forums. Its important that we hear both good and bad about us. We strive to make sure I small base of customers are taken care of. If you like what we do....spreading the words helps more then you believe. Are you near North Vegas or Henderson? I was up there the other day doing a blood run and its always fun visiting Vegas.


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2014
Jumbos Cove,On,Can
Jerry--from the bottom of my heart--Thank You
I started vaping last November and immediately went from 2 to 3 packs a day down to 3 to 5 cigaretts per day. After more than 40 years I finally found something that kinda worked. I just couldn't get rid of those last 3. Someone on here recommended your company and to try WTA's. Got my order shipped to Minneapolis and it got there in 3 days. I arrived in MPLS from Northern Ontario picked up my juice and jumped on an airplane for Florida. That was a week ago. 7 days without a cigarette!
I'm convinced your juice --unflavored WTA--did the trick.

I didn't bring my laptop with me as I wanted this to be a true vacation and there is a line up of people behind me wantin to use the hotel computer--but I just had to say Thank You

I'm going back out on the beach now for a vape before bed.
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