The “Good Old Days” of Vaping and Now

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Full Member
Dec 27, 2018
I’m not sure if I should’ve posted in the “New Members” forum. I’m more of a “returning member”.

I originally joined ECF in early 2012 when I first started vaping. At the time, I was living in Indiana and usually purchased the “cig-a-like” devices from gas stations and liquor stores (menthol- or tobacco-flavored). Some stores had policies that they didn’t sell to anyone under 18, so I was occasionally asked for ID. With no complaint from others and sometimes asking permission, I vaped just about everywhere: my shared apartment, hallways, restaurants, shopping malls, etc. I was never told to stop. At the time, only New Jersey and a couple counties in Washington state banned the sale of e-cigarettes to people under 18 and considered vaping equivalent to smoking as it related to indoor clean air laws.

When I visited my folks in the Chicagoland area, I was usually told by the restaurant manager that either vaping was not allowed for one of two reasons: 1) some (non-existent) state or city law or 2) another patron would complain. For those reasons, I almost never vaped indoors around there.

In late 2014, I more or less quit vaping, and by mid-2015 I was moved back to the Chicago suburbs before settling in the city. From a legal, cultural, and social standpoint, vaping had completely changed:

- Most, if not all, states now prohibit the sale to people under 18 (or even 21)
- Many municipalities in the U.S., including Chicago and several suburbs, now ban vaping wherever smoking is banned. A decent chunk of states do as well.
- I think that I saw maybe 1 or 2 people vaping (only outdoors) when I was still doing it. I now personally know several people that currently vape or have vaped.
- Nobody uses the “cig-a-likes” anymore, which really surprised me given that many users once smoked tobacco cigarettes.
- The antivaping crowd is much larger and vocal than just a few years ago, likely fueled by misinformation being spread by the FDA, CDC, and politicians at the state and federal level. The false equivalency between vaping and smoking and the belief that vaping is a gateway to smoking is espoused much more now than when I was vaping.

The very rapid shifts in both laws and public perception on vaping have vilified e-cigarettes to the point that I’m sure convinced some people to either: 1) start smoking tobacco cigarettes instead (who would have otherwise vaped), 2) not quit smoking, or even 3) return to smoking after having vaped. I can’t say that I would’ve vaped or encouraged others to do the same knowing what the future held. It is very unfortunate because I come from a family of many smokers that maybe would’ve benefitted from e-cigarettes before contracting lung cancer or other health problems.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Well, for one, Governments are for sale. Even in the "Land of the Free". Taxes from tobacco sales and lobbyist money mean more to a career politician than your health.
There are people who try to fight back, but let's face it - if you see it on TV, it must be true (NOT). Too many people are misinformed.
I personally believe someone around 2014 or so, a demand for higher voltage led to some less than stellar vaping gear flooding the market. Safety was not always a concern of a company selling from half the world away. These cheaply made powerful devices failed regularly, which did cause some injuries.
"Cloud Chasing", or trying to fill a restaurant dining area with your exhale, didn't help Vaping's image, either. Just because you don't smoke anymore, doesn't mean you have a right to be obnoxious about it.
I, too, started in 2012. Vaping was a way out of the 40 year hold tobacco had on me. I still vape, and am grateful for it being available. But I no longer vape in restaurants or other businesses.
Cig-a-likes are still available, but Pods seems to be the newer version of the cheap and disposables.
I don't try to 'enlighten' my family about vaping anymore. If they ask, I will help. But one by one they have all gone back to smoking. If they ask again, I will offer my assistance again.
I've heard the term "Golden Age" of Vaping, referring to what it was just five or six years ago. But I still believe as more people become better informed, Vaping will continue.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
"Cloud Chasing", or trying to fill a restaurant dining area with your exhale, didn't help Vaping's image, either. Just because you don't smoke anymore, doesn't mean you have a right to be obnoxious about it.
I, too, started in 2012. Vaping was a way out of the 40 year hold tobacco had on me. I still vape, and am grateful for it being available. But I no longer vape in restaurants or other businesses.

I remember that. Seems like for a while I regularly saw people vaping in public places, even restaurants. Doesn't seem to happen any more. Maybe it's just that restaurants and so forth got wise to it and brought it formal bans.

There were some pretty raucous debates about it on ECF. Some folks got righteous about the Right to Vape, wherever and however. Some saw it as obnoxious. Some said it was a self inflicted black eye for vaping.

I don't try to 'enlighten' my family about vaping anymore. If they ask, I will help. But one by one they have all gone back to smoking. If they ask again, I will offer my assistance again.

I got my grandson onto vaping, but everyone else I've tried to help gave up on it. Maybe some others, people I gave gear to and didn't stay in touch with.

I've heard the term "Golden Age" of Vaping, referring to what it was just five or six years ago. But I still believe as more people become better informed, Vaping will continue.

Might not have been all that golden in terms of the quality of the gear. But it was interesting. There really were new and better things coming along, not just bigger flashier things.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2017
I remember that. Seems like for a while I regularly saw people vaping in public places, even restaurants. Doesn't seem to happen any more. Maybe it's just that restaurants and so forth got wise to it and brought it formal bans.

There were some pretty raucous debates about it on ECF. Some folks got righteous about the Right to Vape, wherever and however. Some saw it as obnoxious. Some said it was a self inflicted black eye for vaping.

I got my grandson onto vaping, but everyone else I've tried to help gave up on it. Maybe some others, people I gave gear to and didn't stay in touch with.

Might not have been all that golden in terms of the quality of the gear. But it was interesting. There really were new and better things coming along, not just bigger flashier things.
I started vaping a year-and-a-half ago. The reason was not for health reasons the reason was for financial reasons. $10 for a pack of cigarettes. That's why me and my wife Vape it's much more economical. As far as the rules go, we.. Vape only in smoking areas

United States

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2018
I knew it would just be a matter of time before vaping would be banned in those places where smoking is banned.

I began in the cave man days of vaping. Around 2009 or so when tobacco stores were touting the 'new electric' cigarette.

The state I live in had just banned smoking altogether in restaraunts. Tax and spend king Tim Kaine was our governor and decided all you can eat joints would have better turn over if giant people didn't hang around smoking after 8 plates of food. The restaraunts applauded the idea. More profit and more prepared food tax revenue.

The Mrs and I were asked to leave a few times after being spotted puffing on an e-cig. But it was so new, even Hollyweird thought it was cool and touted them in a few 'cutting edge' shows. So we both knew it would just be a matter of time. I'd hear on the radio "vaping banned on trains, now on planes, in theatres (but still no restaraunts)... Then one day I saw a sign on the door of my favorite Italian joint where it was a Provari looking cartoon with a red circle/line saying "no vaping". That was long before quad coil'd fog machines....

Blame it on Cabbage Patch dolls. Yup, when ladies in Toys R Us started beating the crap out of each other over the last one, it was just a matter of time before things got ugly for real due to a basic lack of manners.

I remember when the crowd at events began to cheer for the bad guy and booo the good guy. And now that first graders are being told "your mommy is going to drown in 2034 when the oceans flood your state if we don't bow down to government know how" it shows how society in general has gone from "ask not what your country can do for you" to "where's my free college"....

The good old days are gone.

United States

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2018
Some say it's FaceBook. Others say Fox News and CNN.

I just see it as a natural process where as a species becomes more successful there are negative consequences. It's as simple as "when an animal species becomes more and more populated, strife results".

Towns in the middle of nowhere with a sparse population that rely on one another tend to get along just fine in general. Crowded places where basic necessities are a mouse click away and/or paid for by somebody else is a place where selfishness sets in and societal behaviors degenerate accordingly.
CNN or not.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
There are times when I think about things, it seems to me that when one's life is rather empty and lacks "meaning" that person, trying to rectify an otherwise nearly meaning less life, turns not inwardly to examine their own life but rather looks to "fix" the life of others. And then the nannies begin to press their idea of health and happiness upon everyone else.
I don't care if someone smokes, vapes, eats red meat or is gluten free but I would like to be left to my own erroneous way of living, harming no one, without being told that I am doing it wrong or worse being forced to conform to the health and happiness designs of others.

Just a few years ago in my doctors patients were using there vape pens in the waiting area and nobody said anything, nobody cared. But that's not the entire point the attitude towards a lot things imo have gotten out of hand and I'm not sure what's going on with that.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jan 22, 2010
"Cloud Chasing", or trying to fill a restaurant dining area with your exhale, didn't help Vaping's image, either. Just because you don't smoke anymore, doesn't mean you have a right to be obnoxious about it.

Had this exact discussion many years ago in a thread somewhere here on ECF..

I was ridiculed for saying people should not be blowing clouds in Walmart and they should be respectful when vaping in public.

I have a friend who owns a restaurant / bar in the LA area. He was getting complaints from customers about vapers blowing huge clouds inside. He went out of his way to make a special area for people to vape. He was called an idiot in that thread... YAWN!

I saw a dude walking through Walmart blowing huge clouds. A lady and her kid had a huge vapor cloud blown almost directly in their face. They complained....

I mentioned this in that thread and was put down and ridiculed for saying the dude should not be doing that... It was his and everyones RIGHT to vape where and how they wanted, or so I was told....

Anyways, here we are eh?


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
We live in a time when self-restraint is despised. My generation touted "if it feels good, do it" and here we are.

Had this exact discussion many years ago in a thread somewhere here on ECF..

I was ridiculed for saying people should not be blowing clouds in Walmart and they should be respectful when vaping in public.

I have a friend who owns a restaurant / bar in the LA area. He was getting complaints from customers about vapers blowing huge clouds inside. He went out of his way to make a special area for people to vape. He was called an idiot in that thread... YAWN!

I saw a dude walking through Walmart blowing huge clouds. A lady and her kid had a huge vapor cloud blown almost directly in their face. They complained....

I mentioned this in that thread and was put down and ridiculed for saying the dude should not be doing that... It was his and everyones RIGHT to vape where and how they wanted, or so I was told....

Anyways, here we are eh?
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 22, 2010
We live in a time when self-restraint is despised. My generation touted "if it feels goodc, do it" and here we are.

Found the thread I was referring to....

It's these kind of people that are going to ruin it for all of us...

Reading that thread now and seeing the responses from back then leave NO doubt as to why we are, where we are now...

I was called every name in the book for saying people needed to be respectful and my friend who owns a club was called an idiot for not allowing clouds to be blown in the faces of customers...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Most cities and states now have laws prohibiting vaping and smoking in public. Doesn't really matter how or why we have gotten to that place because "it is what it is".

Cigarette smoke stinks. To many non-smokers and non-vapers, vapor stinks, too. Someone eating in a restaurant doesn't necessarily want to smell the flavor that someone is vaping, I get that. After 30+ years of smoking I think my sense of smell has been ruined for good, but if I'm eating in a restaurant I don't want to eat in a cloudy room of vapor caused by inconsiderate cloud chasers.

I live with my brother in a shared house. The home is paid for, so we share utility costs and property taxes. We buy our own food. He hates the smell of vapor, and I have to respect that. But it is my home, too, so I continue to vape in my bedroom with the door closed ... no where else in the house. Sometime early next year I plan on investing in an air purifier for my room to eliminate any hint of odor from my vaping.

Most times I respect the local laws for smoking/vaping. I step outdoors to vape or where ever smoking is allowed. Rarely, I will stealth vape in a BR stall if pressed.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Consideration for others, what a concept.

Most cities and states now have laws prohibiting vaping and smoking in public. Doesn't really matter how or why we have gotten to that place because "it is what it is".

Cigarette smoke stinks. To many non-smokers and non-vapers, vapor stinks, too. Someone eating in a restaurant doesn't necessarily want to smell the flavor that someone is vaping, I get that. After 30+ years of smoking I think my sense of smell has been ruined for good, but if I'm eating in a restaurant I don't want to eat in a cloudy room of vapor caused by inconsiderate cloud chasers.

I live with my brother in a shared house. The home is paid for, so we share utility costs and property taxes. We buy our own food. He hates the smell of vapor, and I have to respect that. But it is my home, too, so I continue to vape in my bedroom with the door closed ... no where else in the house. Sometime early next year I plan on investing in an air purifier for my room to eliminate any hint of odor from my vaping.

Most times I respect the local laws for smoking/vaping. I step outdoors to vape or where ever smoking is allowed. Rarely, I will stealth vape in a BR stall if pressed.

Chris Sutton

Full Member
Dec 31, 2017
Galveston, TX
Many months ago I was approached by someone at a bar (which allows indoor smoking ) and was told I was being offensive with my vaping. So using information on ECF I had a good discussion with this guy and opened his eyes to even the non scientific observations of vape v smoke. I told him his many times do you come to this bar and reek of stale smoke or even your car seats. Of course this is 100% of the time. I told him I commute 30 minutes each way to work with my windows shut mostly, so my car should smell pretty bad too right? He was pretty stunned that it didn't really smell like anything in there. This lead to many many more questions and debate and he just picked up his first vape a month ago. So my story is to say that keeping up on the ECF and having friendly debate is a small small dent in changing culture, but it's something even us little guys can do.

Chris Sutton

Full Member
Dec 31, 2017
Galveston, TX
I vape in smoking areas, always did, even before the laws started catching up. That's where my friends were anyway.. now there's quite a few vapors in the smoking area.

Agreed. It is vape not smoke, but a non smoker cannot see this as a difference. Here in Galveston /Houston the cities decide where people can smoke and i just treat it as such to not cause waves. I think it's a safe bet to just vape in smoking areas. Plus you might convert an analog!
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Aug 17, 2018
"I work as an EMT and the other day we pick up this asthmatic having a severe attack. We're driving him to the hospital and he's all like "I can't breath! I'm gonna die." So anyways, it was a tense situation so I pulled out my mod and filled the back of the ambulance with a nice, mellow fog and this guy starts screaming "Stop! I can't breath already" I'm like "Dude, it's not smoke, it's vapor. Here, I'll blow some in your oxygen mask and you'll see" Well, he passes out and went into cardiac arrest. What a wang. So I put down my mod and hit him with the defibrillator and he was fine. When he woke up he wanted to sue me. He called my boss and said I was smoking in the ambulance. What a jerk."

^^ This one made my week...
Actually it made my year complete as I laughed so hard I had to change my clothes (if you know what I mean).
(If not...I ...... myself).

It's a quote from page 2
It's these kind of people that are going to ruin it for all of us...
Made it to page 41.... I stopped reading on page 2

Ahhhhh, the good ole days.
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