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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2013
Because reports came back that frosted donuts and Twinkies were a bit thin for our 1000 watt drippers, I re-formulated them to 30% mixes. The originals are fine at 12 watts, but too thin at 30 watts (too much heat burns off flavoring and makes juice taste thin).


Vanilla Cupcake - 14%
Sweetener - 4%
Sweet Cream - 6%
Bavarian Cream - 6%

Frosted Donuts

Frosted Donuts - 18%
Sweet Cream - 5%
Sweetener - 2%
Cotton Candy - 2%
Vanilla Swirl - 2%
Butter - 1%

This will vape just fine at high temperature. Back to taste testing on the street. Good luck! :vapor:

Here's the other of Bill's Twinkie recipe...good luck!


Senior Member
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Jul 4, 2014
Good morning everyone, seeing some new faces(and some older, valued mixing vets posting here again) to the thread, welcome and so glad to see ya' here!!!

So today will officially kick off the milkshake vapathon, the purpose being creating the best milkshakes, learning, and sharing both successes and failures. We work together to collaborate and hopefully develop some really tasty vapes together during these vapathon/mixing sessions I guess I will set the end date as 11-9, since two weeks worked well with Danish, just to provide an area of time for people to work with of course. Will we get close to a true milkshake in a mix???? We'll try and see together.

New mixers, don't be afraid to try, post your results, what works what does not, and why's. Veterans, don't hesitate to jump in and assist, your knowledge is super valuable and we NEED your guidance. We try to stick primarily with TFA flavorings being a TFA thread, but if another vendor's flavor is necessary, please let us know why subbed. Communication and participation are key, the more shared, the more gained, benefits all.

I worked at an ice cream shop as a teenager, milkshakes well...pretty much anything goes honestly, ice cream, milk, and many "additives/toppings" blended together to make a yummy result. I can see a lot of vanilla bean ice cream, vanilla bean gelato, and vanilla swirl in our bases as mentioned earlier, but I see a LOT of room for creativity and variety....some have started already, but please let's start mixing and sharing, learning and creating some nice vapes together....mix on!!!!

Share, share, share if you are participating please!!!! New and veteran both. Thank you again....this can be only as successful as we make it:)

Since the race is officially started I'll throw this out. Let me preface that the original recipe idea was not mine but I have tweaked it a bit for my tastes but it is very good if you like banana.

Banana Cream 12%
Vanilla Swirl 12%
Dulce de Leche 3%
Brown Sugar (Extra) 2%
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 17, 2014
Bay City, Michigan
I'm wondering how I might adapt this for blueberry instead of raspberry -- can't abide raspberries, but blueberries really ought to be their own food group, IMO. :D

I've got Blueberry Extra and Blueberry Candy -- would either or both of those work, and if so, similar percentage as that shown for raspberry here?


The biggest issue with Blueberry flavor is that it's easily covered up by other flavorings IMO.
I use Blueberry Wild primarily but sometimes mixed with FW Blueberry, or CAP Blueberry.
Normally 5% of each.
Sometimes I add a few drops of FA Bilberry too.
If you go above 5% on other added flavors the Blueberry starts to mute IMO.
Custards and Cheesecakes will take over quickly.
Sweeteners and EM not recommended.
Try the 2 Blueberries mixed together stand alone at 10% total, and if it isn't strong enough, then something else may be wrong.

Then add some TFA Banana Cream at 5%.
If no Banana taste is present add a few drops of Banana Ripe.


Vaping Master
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Mar 30, 2014
That vanilla bean gelato may be a very good choice,it has a deep true vanilla taste,so i think it may be a perfect base flavor to get to a vanilla milkshake and may even work well with other flavors as well.The gelato is one of the few flavors i have found that is great as a standalone,i vaped it at 5% by itself as an adv for probably 2 months,good stuff.


Ultra Member
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Dec 20, 2012
Eastern Wa.
10% Flavor West Candy Cane is the best IMO.
I didn't want to say anything since this is a TFA forum, but DITTO DITTO
Every company has a few flavorings that are outstanding, and FW Candy Cane is one of them.
My taste buds like it at the recommended 15% solo, ... some like to add a tad of sweetener to it.
Other than that, it's spot on, and I can't see trying to imitate it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Monica, I am getting no coconut with 2% coconut candy either..I am going to stick to 1%-2% coconut extra for my tastes, but I did try it....I just feel i get "more bang" out of the coc. ex.
That makes me want to try the coconut extra. I'm planning an order within the next day or 2 - definitely going to add it. I certainly realized even in that mix with coconut candy it was best at 4-5%
Shows how different the flavors are though!

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Feb 8, 2013
Thank you Mom for the Vapathon! I'm very excited to make a few milkshakes myself. :toast:

A word of caution to posters. What I have found is that "rules of thumb" do exist for our own individual taste sensibilities on our own particular gear, which can vary widely. However, it's hard to translate these "rules" to "all" other vapers because of the vast differences in taste and gear. I have to catch myself all the time from making blanket generalities, and some do slip through. All I can say is what my experiences are and have been, and hope these help others, or provide some needed clues. When I hear things like sweeteners mute flavors, I know this relates to a particular poster and doesn't affect me the same way, so be careful with all the "advise" you see here. For the most part, you will have to make juice that works for you. I sometimes sit with disbelief as some of my favorite juices can't even be tasted by others (apple comes to mind). We are all different. Suggesting, for example, that 30% mixes are required because Cotton candy is added is just crazy talk to me, but for some, that's the way it is to some others. 30% mixes tend to show their flavorings at mixing, and often hold that flavoring after steep, and don't require days and months to achieve their "final flavorings." Just my experience. Others may have different takes. What is right for you, though, is all that matters. So, glean the clues and helpful information that can be garnered here, and then try to apply that to your own taste sensibilities. I've never seen a recipe that I didn't need to tweak to work for me. Most experienced juice makers feel the same. So, live and learn, find what works for you, and then, please, please, please share YOUR experiences. We can all learn from your posts. I know I do;. :toast:

The milkshake posts I've seen thus far are just marvelous clues to starting this process. I've been out of town for a couple of days and may be able to get to the lab tomorrow or next day. I can't wait. I know that these great suggestions are going to translate to some awesome juices. I've made tons of creams and custards, but never a milkshake. This is new territory for me, and I'm really stoked to get on this. I love vanilla milkshakes. I make a strong vanilla eJuice, but it's not a milkshake. Once I have my vanilla, I will try other additives. I can see a vanilla milkshake plus my oreo cookies and being super wonderful. Will keep you posted. Sharing is everything here. Share your recipes, your ideas, your questions. We all learn from your questions. Your questions constantly remind me of how much I don't know. We're all working on this, and these Vapathons allow us to do this together. Thanks Mom from all of us! :toast:

Be the Juice....:ohmy:


Vaping Master
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Mar 30, 2014
Ok,i have a question.As i have mentioned several times,i have been using fire & ice as my adv for quite a while now,and i dont see that changing any time soon,it's good stuff haha.Anyway,i have checked around and looked at several lists,and none of them show tfa cinnamon or menthol as tank crackers.They show every other cinnamon such as red hots and cinnamon spice as being not safe for plastic,but the regular cinnamon is not marked like that.So my question is,can anyone confirm that these 2 flavors are safe in a plastic tank?I just got my orchid v4 and put a nice m-tank on it,so i don't want to be a guinnea pig with it,but it is by far my favorite attie now,so i really want to use it with my adv.

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Feb 8, 2013
Ok,i have a question.As i have mentioned several times,i have been using fire & ice as my adv for quite a while now,and i dont see that changing any time soon,it's good stuff haha.Anyway,i have checked around and looked at several lists,and none of them show tfa cinnamon or menthol as tank crackers.They show every other cinnamon such as red hots and cinnamon spice as being not safe for plastic,but the regular cinnamon is not marked like that.So my question is,can anyone confirm that these 2 flavors are safe in a plastic tank?I just got my orchid v4 and put a nice m-tank on it,so i don't want to be a guinnea pig with it,but it is by far my favorite attie now,so i really want to use it with my adv.

Cinnamon can react with some plastics, and comes in the special 4 oz plastic bottles reserved for tank crackers. However, I've never had a problem with it in my tanks. Probably because it is so diluted, and rarely used over 1%, though the fire and ice is higher. Menthol has also never been a problem for me, but Fire and Ice uses both at higher percentages. I'll soak a tanks in some fire and ice and let you know tomorrow. Checking now.

Edit: Initial reaction seems ok. Will let soak overnight. Most tank crackers react immediately with the plastic. So far, so good Bill.

Edit: Next morning. Fire and Ice completely ate through the tank. Total tank killer/cracker. Sorry! :ohmy:
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a more general question, not necessarily TFA, but I think pertaining to all vendors/juices. If a mix that's fairly fresh has a sort of "plastic-y" taste... is this something that will fade if I aerate the juice? Leave it sitting for some length of time, uncapped?

I've tasted this in other ejuices, that I've bought pre-made, and just thought it was "bad juice," but maybe it just needs aeration?

How long is good, for aeration?

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