Valley View Vapes - Win a FREE Polypropylene Tank - Weekly Contest

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Apr 10, 2012
Weekly Contest Number 25

This weeks contest is another easy one.
You can make a post about anything you want
Just be sure to number your entries and not make back to back posts.
Winner will receive a free economy polypropylene tank of their choice (or a $10 store gift certificate if they prefer).

Additional prizes MAY be awarded.
Note: Contest is only for members with a US shipping address.

Your entry posts MUST start with a number. (1,2 or 3 etc.) Please number your posts by day. (1-5 not 1-25)
The post must have substance though. Posts such as entry, or "count me in" etc will be ineligible for prizes
Only your 5 (per day) entry posts will be eligible for the prize drawing.
Un-numbered posts will be considered "Chit Chat" and not eligible for the prize.
Back to Back posting is NOT allowed for this contest.

Winner will be chosen by random number generation, based on the post number.

Contest will end Friday Night at Midnight Central time. Winner will be announced at the end of this thread.

Last Weeks Winner: RPadTV


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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Congrats Rpad!!!!

#1 I felt like posting my favorite nonsensical poem as a child.

One bright morning in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back-to-back they faced one another,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
One was blind and the other couldn't see,
So they chose a dummy for a referee.
A blind man went to see fair play,
A dumb man went to shout "hooray!"
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came and killed those two dead boys.
A paralyzed donkey walking by,
Kicked the copper in the eye,
Sent him through a nine inch wall,
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all.
(If you don't believe this lie is true,
Ask the blind man -- he saw it too!)

Vince Clortho

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Sep 2, 2012
1. Ok numbering posts again this week. Someone I work with is going to try vaping. I am picking up a Ray twist kit for her this weekend, and grabbing some juice as well (haven't picked that for her yet). So this week any win will go to her :)

Any suggestions on juice for her? She has no idea ofc what she would like.

And as an aside, this is the second Ray twist kit I am purchasing for a newbie. I recommend his kit, not only for the extraordinary value, but also because it really is great for beginners. I wish I had started with Ray and not the junk I originally bought.


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Apr 10, 2012
Hard to recommend a juice to a beginner. I think most people do better with using a tobacco flavor to start making the switch.
I like the 7 Leaf Tobacco Blend from

1. Ok numbering posts again this week. Someone I work with is going to try vaping. I am picking up a Ray twist kit for her this weekend, and grabbing some juice as well (haven't picked that for her yet). So this week any win will go to her :)

Any suggestions on juice for her? She has no idea ofc what she would like.

And as an aside, this is the second Ray twist kit I am purchasing for a newbie. I recommend his kit, not only for the extraordinary value, but also because it really is great for beginners. I wish I had started with Ray and not the junk I originally bought.

Vince Clortho

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Sep 2, 2012
chit chat,
Just had to put in one more thing, Rays packing is second to none, doubt he ever has any issues with what he sends out with how much care everything is packed.

2. LOL, I know it. An a-bomb would be safe in his packaging. My only concern is the amount of waste such awesome packaging produces (me being the eco-conscious dweeb that i am). OFC that waste means we get our products safe and sound - cheers and once again Ray F T W.

Maybe from now on I'll save the packaging and for Halloween I'll be a VVV package!!


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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
#1 on 01/05/2013 - OFFICIAL ENTRY on behalf of Mr. DreamingButterfly81 -

@ Vince - if this Triple V Halloween costume comes to pass... it didn't happen unless we get pictures :/

But, a 'decorate your Triple V tank for Halloween contest' or a 'Triple V Valentines Package' does sound nice :p

Imagine a Triple V Valentines Package:

Red Pyrex or Polypro Tank
Red cap Fill bottle
Strawberry & Champagne TriV Juice
Decadent Chocolate TriV Juice

I just got a PV through the classifieds and the seller is a BAKER! Him sent me delicious Biscotti from his bakery :p The personal touches, like a note, sample of an upcoming product, or flashlight, pen, whatever is a very nice touch that has been lost with big business.
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Ultra Member
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Apr 10, 2012
FWIW all my packaging materials are recyclable. :)

2. LOL, I know it. An a-bomb would be safe in his packaging. My only concern is the amount of waste such awesome packaging produces (me being the eco-conscious dweeb that i am). OFC that waste means we get our products safe and sound - cheers and once again Ray F T W.

Maybe from now on I'll save the packaging and for Halloween I'll be a VVV package!!
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