very short of breath (any ideas?)

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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2013
Ok so again, 2 weeks of vaping, and every now and then when i am at the gym i get so short of breath that I have to sit and focus on breathing, doesn't always happen though, maybe 2nd time this morning, even now at home im still out of breath. first of all how i am vaping currently:

vamo, vivi nova, 2.4 ohms, was vaping at 4.2v usually, upped it to 4.8, then back down to 4.4. using a 70/30 pg/vg RY4, 20nic (usually use 24nic)

but here is the funny part, i weight trained and did multiple martial arts for years, while being a heavy smoker (1.5-2 packs a day) and NEVER got this short of breath, only now that i switched to vaping, does anyone have any ideas why? is it the pg/vg mix? getting used to breathing properly after 10+ years? if I have to quit vaping cause of this i'll be very upset.

please give me some ideas :-(


Senior Member
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Oct 19, 2012
uk Lincolnshire
Hi well your lungs are clearing themselfs out and new hairs are growing back so these together are the reason for shortness of breath and eventually will become a lot easier and also the lungs feel like you can't get a full breth in them and this is because the body lines the lungs with fluid to help AId the cleaning :) your all good ;) EDIT EDIT also when you focus on something the mind thinks their is a problem and panic can set in which in turn can cause shallow breathing and hard to breath ...if u notice just say to yourself (I'm absolutely fine ) and smile ..focus on the good things ;-)
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Full Member
Mar 9, 2013
Husdon, NH
I'm sure someone who has been vaping longer than me will be along soon! I've been vaping for a little over 12 weeks, 6 1/2 of those weeks smoke free! I have had breathing issues too. I was diagnosed with COPD 6 1/2 weeks ago but wonder sometimes if it's COPD or Juice??? I'll be fine then all of a sudden will be out of breath after doing nothing! Weird. I didn't really notice that happening before I was diagnosed with COPD. I sure hope it's not from vaping! Good luck to you!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2013
Hi well your lungs are clearing themselfs out and new hairs are growing back so these together are the reason for shortness of breath and eventually will become a lot easier and also the lungs feel like you can't get a full breth in them and this is because the body lines the lungs with fluid to help AId the cleaning :) your all good ;)

I hope you're right o_O I am also a big guy (6'5, 250) I am on my way to getting back into the good shape i used to be.


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Jan 19, 2011
Woodstock, GA
1st off, for any medical issues you may be experiencing, I would recommend consulting your doctor just in case..

Now my :2c: ... What I think could be happening is that your lungs are staring to repair them selves causing them to not be able to work as hard for the time being. I believe it was about 2 or 3 weeks after I started vaping that I started coughing up nasty crap. Now, it's different for everyone but I world take it slow and be sure to rest often and stay extremely hydrated while working out


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
It's possible you are sensitive to PG and may need to use more VG juices. I've heard of that from some people that had the same problem. Try that. I also knew someone that was allergic to the filler in cartomizers and could only use clearomizers. You may need to experiment with a couple variations to figure out the problem. It could also be a sensitivity to a particular flavoring.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2012
uk Lincolnshire
sivo:9008607 said:
Hi well your lungs are clearing themselfs out and new hairs are growing back so these together are the reason for shortness of breath and eventually will become a lot easier and also the lungs feel like you can't get a full breth in them and this is because the body lines the lungs with fluid to help AId the cleaning :) your all good ;)

I hope you're right o_O I am also a big guy (6'5, 250) I am on my way to getting back into the good shape i used to be.

Everything your doing buddy is positive ! Now just think positive ...if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got !! Your changing that all now and have new positive things to think about ..the rest and old worries forget :D congrats


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Apr 2, 2011
Pasco, Washington
So, you quit smoking analogs about 2 weeks ago. You appear to be in excellect health other than poisoning yourself daily. 10 plus years of putting nasties in your body, specifically your lungs.

I'd say, sounds about right! Your body is healing. Think about what ash, HOT ash, not to mention all the chemicals in analogs has been doing to your lungs for 10 years. Literally BURNING holes into your flesh. Coating the aveoli in your lungs with chemicals and a thin patina of smoke. Because you continued to smoke, the lungs never got a chance to heal up. The chemicals continued to be added everytime you lit up. Now everything is attempting to heal up! The maizma covering the flesh in your lungs is loosening up and sloughing off, the nasty has to come out, the burns are healing, for you, this may mean lowered lung function for a bit as this junk breaks up and comes out, unfortunatly, alot of it the same way it got IN!

Give your body a chance to heal. You busted it up for 10 years, if in another few months you are still having problems, THEN worry. Until then, go easy on yourself, give your body the chance to heal.

2 cents of a 35 year plus, two pack a day smoker whom couldn't run accross a yard 3 years ago. NOW I can dash accross a 5 acre field and do CPR while discussing the patient with a doctor and only be slightly winded.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2013
It's possible you are sensitive to PG and may need to use more VG juices. I've heard of that from some people that had the same problem. Try that. I also knew someone that was allergic to the filler in cartomizers and could only use clearomizers. You may need to experiment with a couple variations to figure out the problem. It could also be a sensitivity to a particular flavoring.

hm, if I remember correctly, this happened around the time i used french vanilla juice also, and today using RY4, hmm, i just looked up COPD, I pray to god I don't have that O.O


Full Member
Nov 9, 2011
I'm actually trying to debug the same shortness of breath issue right now after a couple of years of glorious, trouble-free vaping -- I realized there was a problem a couple of months ago when I read a blogger I love, he made me genuinely LOL for a sustained period of time, and I nearly lost consciousness. Just couldn't breathe.

Here are my ideas based on the avenues I'm investigating myself, and they're just guesses: your juice vendor is using something other than food-grade PG or VG, your juice vendor changed nicotine sources and/or their nic was old (older juices kill me), you're slightly asthmatic and your lungs have healed from the paralyzing wallop of smoking so you're now more sensitive to air contamination, you're vaping a flavor chemical that irks your lungs, your vape setup is atomizing something in addition to PG/vg/nic/flavor -- perhaps plastic or metal, perhaps some component of PG/VG/nic is irritating.

I'm with you all the way on "if I have to quit I'll be very upset." I have ulcerative colitis and a lot of UCs smoke, I've read stats that it's up to ~80% and severe flare-ups are frequently reported by those of us who quit. I started vaping and felt healthier after a couple of days... and that continued for the past two years. Hope both you and I can get back to trouble-free vaping by trying different juices/hardware and eliminating what's wrong. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2013
Hi Sivo,

Again like others have said, for medical issues you should consult a doctor--particularly if you believe this to be life threatening. We are lay people on an internet forum.

Now, for my two cents. You smoked for 10 years right? And vaped for 2 weeks right. I've had shortness of breath issues myself--I smoked for 20 years. 1/2 oz of pipe tobacco per day for 15 years. The first thing is your lungs are probably healing and well while they heal you may need to take it easy.

When I smoked I used to be able to walk 5 miles before getting tired, now I can only do two, but I'm also having other issues with my breathing but vaping isn't one of them (I know my body etc etc).

Second, given the season of the year (it is cold, flu and allergy season) you may have a cold or a flu or a seasonal allergy issue going on (particularly if you have seasonal allergies--I know I do). Its not unheard of people getting unlucky and catching a cold right when they are stopping smoking and taking up vaping. Again you would need a doctor to find this out though probably.

If it isn't your lungs healing and needing you to take it easy while they do their thing, and it isn't a cold/flu/allergy issue then I would start looking at your juice. Some people report sensitivity to PG, others to VG and still others to the flavorings, and apparently others not-so-fresh nicotine extractions.


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Feb 16, 2013
Westport, WA
Thanks guys, everything is pointing towards side effects of quitting smoking, lots of people on the internet said the same thing as me. I wonder if a menthol juice would help at all? I hope it doesn't interfere with my cardio at the gym too much.
don't listen to any of the special needs children on here. having issues?, see your doctor. he went to med school for 10 years. we didn't. it could be from vaping, or a thousand other reasons. don't panic until a medical professional tells you to. and for god's sake, do not pick up a cig.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2012
versailles mo.
i vaped for 6 months before i started having breathing issues,i smoked for 54 years and smoked my last cig on may 28th 2012.

just befor i quit smoking i started using a inhaler just befor i went to bed
,because i would jump up in the middle of the night trying to get my breath.

now i use the inhaler every 4 hours or so, i have tried every combination of juices and still am short winded as hell.

my doctor said i just smoked to long before quitting.

i will never go back to smoking because i smell how bad smokers stink when they come near me i always ask them if they have a wood stove to heat their homes.

i have been vaping like using a cigar,not inhaling just holding it in my mouth,but old habits are hard to break and i catch my self inhaling .

I will figure this out cause i just can't smoke again.


I'm considered a Mad Scientist in some circles!
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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
Is anybody even considering the One main issue??

You're not (insert you're most active age here!) anymore......

Sometimes, your body tells you it's changing and it has nothing to do with anything except it's getting older...

Get a check upto make sure you're healthy, get it fixed if you're not, and keep living!


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Feb 27, 2013
Ok, so this is kind of a dumb story, but I thought I would share cause I've experienced the same issues.

I climbed Mt. Fugi last year. The air at the summit is so thin that people have trouble catching their breath, and use "oxygen in a can". My non smoker friends ask me, "Your the only smoker here, how are you the only one not out of breath?" My reply as I light one up, "HA! My lungs are USED to fighting for air!"

As a smoker, I had a faster run time and didn't lose my breath as easily as I do now. However...I have way more energy with day to day activities, even if I run out breath more quickly than before. I think a lot of it has to do with conditioning and what your body is used to. Still, a good topic for your doc:)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2013
Is anybody even considering the One main issue??

You're not (insert you're most active age here!) anymore......

Sometimes, your body tells you it's changing and it has nothing to do with anything except it's getting older...

Get a check upto make sure you're healthy, get it fixed if you're not, and keep living!

I won't speak for others, but yes I considered it. I know that to many me saying I'm 34 (well will be in June) may seem that I'm some youngun whining. But I smoked for a very long time--since I was 13. It is going to take a while for my body to undo most of the damage I caused it. When I got short of breath while exercising (I usually walk though I ride a bike too--that gym stuff is waste of money in my book) I used it as an excuse to sit down and catch my breath (and take a sinus pill--I HATE MARCH SO SO MUCH). Strange thing is, I would have smoked when I smoked but since I switched I didn't even want to vape as I rested. It was nice just to sit my tuckus down. Since then I decided that perhaps I should take it a bit easier and work my way back up.

Stopping smoking is causing a lot of changes and well, I'm not as young as I used to be (though I'm hardly old either). Perhaps the hardest part of being middle aged is admitting you are middle aged.

In before someone points out that 34 isn't middle aged. Average life expectancy for a man is 72, 36 is right in the middle for that expectation.
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