Wats a good setup "that will KEEP working"

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Full Member
Verified Member
Sep 15, 2012
Get an Ego Twist (that battery is something close to a mod with the volatge options) and a Vision Vivi Nova (in my experience the original coil heads of the Vivi are very long lasting) and yr ready to go. But keep in mind that no device will realy keep you off analogs if you dont realy want to quit them. Takes a bit of will even if you use the most expencive long lasting mod


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
I think you will not go wrong with eGo-Twists,!

agree. Get genuiine Joyetechs, a few bucks extra, worth it IMHO.

If you don't get a kit, order ala carte. 650mAh and a 1000mAH (llasts longer but is kinda long for pocket but use at home then).
Buy some cartos, and buy 2 clearomizers or a vivi nova mini.

That way you iwll know if you like cartos or wicked clearo/tanks.

The twists will never be a bad choice. They will always be your backups, no matter what else you eventually buy, and/or will sell easily in the classies here.

Reminder: get verified. Taht way, you will also be able to buy in the classifieds here......which may be where you get your *next* vaping device, or your juice. :)


Senior Member
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Oct 7, 2011
I would recommend getting an eGo twist too, but make sure to get a back up battery. Then when you can afford it, get a back up for your backup. Keep an eye out on the Cyber Monday deals, some places are having great sales. Check here: Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales Or Here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/pay-forward-pif/85781-deals-steals.html

As for something juice delivery,I love my Kanger T3. It's easy to use, just fill from the bottom. It does produce a cooler vape because it's a bottom coil. However, I don't have wicking issues with it because of the bottom coil. Plus you don't have to keep spinning or tipping it to rewet the wicks like you do with top coil/long wicked clearos.

I'm getting a carto-tank setup soon, but haven't used one before. I'm sure someone will chime in and tell you how those work for them. But, I started out using cartos and I still love them. The flavor and vape is great. It's just a pain to top them off so often, but that's why I'm getting a tank setup.

Good Luck!!!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2011
The Wood Between the Worlds
One of my vape noobs just got a new E Power. They got the switch problem fixed. It will now run 1.25ohm dual coil. It hits like a champ.

And for under $60 you get everything you need to get started:

Crystal Clear Vaping

As for the eGo type stuff, I've killed too many of them to recommend them as your main vape option.

But, really, If you've been vaping on and off for a year, and the thing that's holding you back is hardware reliablility... How much have you spent on death sticks in the last year?

You could have bought a handfull of full sized provari V2's with the big 18650 extention caps. They have one that's GOLD PLATED. You could have got that too.

If you are vaping, and you are not saving a ton of money vs smoking, buy a Provari V2 with the extension cap. It's the last hardware you will ever need.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2011
The Wood Between the Worlds
My Zmax seems really derable they have done 30 foot drop tests on them. The Reo grands are also very well built the box is mad out of a single block of steel!

Unless I got the wrong website, they make their mods out of aluminum or wood.

There are not many mod makers who work in machined stainless.

Provape is one of them.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2012
South Carolina
Thanks for all the great tips.I haven't decided on which one I'm gonna order yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going with one that has a larger tank I like the idea of it lasting a few days. I'm also going to mix my own juice with the blu I got it came with a coffee flavor'd sample and I REALLY liked that. pretty sure im going with a variable volt batt just to find my sweet spot voltage.
now to find all of that that is compatible........looks like time to go shopping =)
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