We Need our own E-cig Association !

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    I think a more useful association would be an independent testing agency. Kind of like being ISO approved or UL approved. base approval on adherence to specifications and documented Quality Assurance procedures that are randomly tested in an unannounced fashion. I think that is the big lesson to be learned from the entire Box Elder Debacle. That is just my opinion, ymmv.

    Since the e-cig is an electrical device UL ratings would be appropriate. (also long overdue IMHO)

    John Phoenix

    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 12, 2011
    New Orleans
    I think a more useful association would be an independent testing agency. Kind of like being ISO approved or UL approved. base approval on adherence to specifications and documented Quality Assurance procedures that are randomly tested in an unannounced fashion. I think that is the big lesson to be learned from the entire Box Elder Debacle. That is just my opinion, ymmv.

    And quite a valid opinion it is. I was never against such testing or to say that an official e-cig association could not be involved in that type of research. I do have a problem leaving all the 'facts' (quality safety and price) up to the manufacturers claims alone - I can't trust em to be 100 % honest, they are out to sell products. That's why I think the opinions of the end users and vendors should be included, each has their special take on why some products are good, bad or better than others.

    Morandir835 brought up a valid point. You cannot get everyone to vote or vote honestly 100% of the time. Obviously there are lots of bugs to be worked out with such an undertaking. How do you take 3 separate overall opinions from the 3 factions involved and marry them into a coherent and true statement? This has not been attempted by anyone. Every Assoc. you see is led by one group mostly the manufacturers. If you mix the results in as all individuals you may come out with results that either the vendors or producers do not like because there are way more end users than anyone else. Ideas would have to be kicked around and these problems solved.

    The independent testing agency would be a godsend vapers have wanted for years but that cost money. There is the issue of getting people to use the service, who would pay for it and how to make sure the testing results are not bias. This industry I think is still relatively small and does not as a whole have the type of money needed to throw behind such an agency. Most products sold are purchased by manufacturers overseas. These are more problems that need to be solved, but only with a willing community working together will solutions be found. Perhaps an e-cig association of people working together could solve these problems. That's the one thing we don't have or have enough of, Unity.
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