What The....

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2009
If people applied the logic in this article to day to day life; then there's no reason to ever wear a seat-belt. In fact, you should get sloppy drunk, and drive around with your head out the window, because driving cautiously and sober is not a safe alternative; fatal accidents can happen in both situations.

The quoted comment explains it all.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2009
Clovis, Ca
The thing is, even if all that the FDA stated is true.

There is still more and worse chemicals in regular cigarettes.

So even if vaping is only about 10% better for me, I still would do it over smoking.

And I don't ever believe an article that uses second hand smoke as a leading cause of lung cancer/death. "Real" test are inconclusive in that department.


Full Member
Aug 29, 2009
I may be the only one with this idea, but has anyone else thought of this,
some of these reporters and other news groups who are spewing out this
crap may be getting paid to tell lies and haft truths. With the possibility
of the ecigs really catching on and BT and BP standing to lose billions,
not to mention the billions of tax dollars lost,I wouldn't put anything past any
of them. Some people have done worst things when there wasn't this much
money at stake.
Also you have the guy with the massive ego, which is more important to
him then money, and some anti's that would do anything to not have to
look at something that even resembles someone smoking a cigarette.
I wouldn't put anything past any of them either.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
The thing is, even if all that the FDA stated is true.

There is still more and worse chemicals in regular cigarettes.

So even if vaping is only about 10% better for me, I still would do it over smoking.

And I don't ever believe an article that uses second hand smoke as a leading cause of lung cancer/death. "Real" test are inconclusive in that department.

I could care less if vaping was equally as harmful as analogs, I was never going to quit smoking analogs anyways... Even though it seems Vaping is clearly at least 90% safer than analogs, Even if it weren't, I'd still Vape.
I just like it that much better.

Even if it were illegal, I'd still Vape... Just like pothead smokes pot. That's illegal.

I will vape 4 life just like my screen name says :evil:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2009
Pretty screwed up when you can state (and report) something is equally dangerous to smoking and not provide ONE shred of substantiated proof along with the tests.

Lots of Carcinogens? Name them and how much compared to cigarettes. DG? Again how much when compared to cigarettes.

NO ONE has asked my to stop vaping in their presence. However, if I was to all of a sudden, light up...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2009
I may be the only one with this idea, but has anyone else thought of this,
some of these reporters and other news groups who are spewing out this
crap may be getting paid to tell lies and haft truths.
No! Say it isn't so!!

Jeez, Louise! There's no such thing as an unbiased report. On anything.

And yes, that's what they get paid to do. Lie, spin, invent news, creatively edit.

Sad Society

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 5, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Mooney still supports the concept of an electronic cigarette, if someone could design a nice, safe model. "It's a good idea," she said. "They just need to work on it to find a better way."

When I read the article I pictured Mooney to be a middle-aged semi-overweight lady with glasses. But never judge what you can't see I guess. Someone who will believe what the FDA and the government say without doing their own research is ignorant. Especially in a world where the internet is accessable to literally anyone.

Keep smoking those analogs Mooney...Your the best example of a Sad Society.


Full Member
May 12, 2009
I'm so tired of seeing that FDA "research" on e-liquid. Anyone who's taken any class on statistics knows that you can't determine anything from that small of a sample size, let alone declare that 1/9 isn't anything other than contamination or an anomaly.
Investigative journalism at its finest here folks.

(Also, DG is actually less dangerous in terms of how much it takes to kill you than nicotine, just a fun little thought)


Unregistered Supplier
Oct 14, 2009
New Mexico
I was going to get my kid a wooden toy from Mattel for Christmas. I've been trying to get him away from the computer games and hoped he might have some fun with a more traditional toy.

But I changed my mind when the new recall came out showing wooden toys contain toxic lead paint!

Amazing what one little cartridge from china can do isn't it? Worst thing that ever happened to us was that one little cartridge. But I have to notice when the recalls come out you never see news reports of "toys contain dangerous chemicals" you never even see the recalls mentioned unless they are huge like the one last year that took Mattel for what? almost 2 billion? Yet even with millions of products already sold with lead paint, you didn't really see any news stations running the top story "Your kids may be at risk, dangerous toys out in the market." If mentioned at all it was a small piece at the end. The big story was how much the company had lost, not the risks to children from eating lead paint.

I wonder what we might find if we took some scientists over to Wal-mart and started testing everything?


Quantum Vapyre
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
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