YIHI SX550J G Class

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Jason Lewis

Full Member
Apr 27, 2015
I'm sure it has probably already been asked and/or answered here, but how does this thing do in straight wattage mode? I do not use TC anymore, as I've found my sweet spot with Nichrome 80 fused Claptons. Mainly interested in the device for the small form factor, and 30mm Atties fitting flush. Also, where is the best place to pick one up at the best price? Thanks in advance!!


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Mar 4, 2009
I'm sure it has probably already been asked and/or answered here, but how does this thing do in straight wattage mode? I do not use TC anymore, as I've found my sweet spot with Nichrome 80 fused Claptons. Mainly interested in the device for the small form factor, and 30mm Atties fitting flush. Also, where is the best place to pick one up at the best price? Thanks in advance!!

Yes it does straight wattage. All the vendors are selling them at the suggested retail price, so you won't find any on sale. Varitube is a good vendor to buy from.
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Sep 21, 2012
Alexandria, Va, USA
I have been using mine for a week. I continue to love the performance, the UI is manageable but still obnoxious. Still find myself annoyed whenever I need to make any sort of adjustment. The latest firmware update that tied bluetooth to the screen on time is the worst idea ever, I have to go in and set the screen on time to something long so I can use my phone? I dont understand why I cant just turn bluetooth on and have it running, always connected to my phone, much like I do a bluetooth speaker for my phone. It shouldnt be a big battery drain problem unless the bluetooth hardware in the device isnt optimized.

Im really thinking about picking my Triade back up again and just using it until Yihi actually does something to allow for some real customization. That is the part that is the most disappointing to me. I cant put my own wallpapers on it, I cant arrange the UI, I cant rearrange the menu system, the only real customization is power curves. I cant even put a CSV in for the batteries, and I might be wrong, but I dont recall seeing anything for a TCR curve, just a TCR value. Am I wrong? This has been out for 6 months and the only real thing Ive seen as far as firmware is bug fixes and basic features that are in just about any modern ecig device.

Ive owned the M class, the Q class, and now the G class. This thing has improved the battery life drastically. The screen is nice but the UI remains terrible with no customization. The TC is the best Ive ever used (Yihi has nailed TC). There is however, no auto wattage mode, a feature Im seeing on lower end devices that is really clever and nice (throw a new atty on, it will automatically set the wattage to something slightly lower than a reasonable setting that makes sense for the resistance of that new coil so that if you were vaping at say 100 watts on a previous atty and put a small single coil atty on, it wont fire at 100 watts and blow your coil and cotton up).

I have noticed that in TC mode, my coils are getting gunky less often (I can replace the cotton every few days instead of daily).

There are pros and cons and I am undecided as to whether the pros outweigh the cons. I dont find myself needing to change things often, however, there is not much to change so...

Also bizarre, why has Yihi's website been down nearly all this week? Ive been poking in nearly daily to see if any firmware updates are available and all I get are advertisements... If I go straight to the support page, I can check. However, if I go to the product page that advertises the g class, I just get unrelated adverts...
No there is no TFR range option, there was supposed to be but they never implemented it. tbh now that I really think about it this mod has the worst TC I've used in years, I'd set it, and something like going outdoors/indoors would screw it up... It made it so I couldn't take it out of the house. Even found myself wondering if I should try locking the resistance.

I just really liked the idea and look of it so I wanted to like it.
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Jan 17, 2017
For those who have a G class, may I ask a question please? Can you turn your device off, and after a couple minutes, a shadow, like a ghost, a very very low light version of what you last had on the screen will appear and stay there.. Almost like a burned in image but not, as the screen is totally black when first turned off, and then it just "comes".. if no one else has it, i have a faulty one, so would be great if you could check. Since i can't seem to update the FW OTA with BT on this one (it seems only the Q can do that), and i don't have access to a win machine yet, I haven't been able to get the latest firmware yet.. I am on the second latest, not the initial release, but the V 4.3 from 16th Feb 2017.. the latest is 5.5 which is from 2 months later... Will upgrade it as soon as I can get access to a win machine.. or *should* i be able to upgrade it over the BT app?


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Feb 23, 2014
No there is no TFR range option, there was supposed to be but they never implemented it. tbh now that I really think about it this mod has the worst TC I've used in years, I'd set it, and something like going outdoors/indoors would screw it up... It made it so I couldn't take it out of the house. Even found myself wondering if I should try locking the resistance.

I just really liked the idea and look of it so I wanted to like it.

You have to 'lock resistance' on Yihi mods if you want to use TC.
That's the 'push joystick straight down until you see the resistance shown' thing that I so loved.
Straight down mind you. Not a hint of being off dead center.

With that, I wasn't seeing the 'Best TC Vape Ever', I kind of prefer the vape I get from my VT133/167 but that may be because of the curve I can load with those.


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Sep 21, 2012
Alexandria, Va, USA
You have to 'lock resistance' on Yihi mods if you want to use TC.
That's the 'push joystick straight down until you see the resistance shown' thing that I so loved.
Straight down mind you. Not a hint of being off dead center.

With that, I wasn't seeing the 'Best TC Vape Ever', I kind of prefer the vape I get from my VT133/167 but that may be because of the curve I can load with those.
That's awful... I haven't needed to lock resistance for years, the whole point of TC is the variance in risistivity of the wire allows the board to guess temp, locking it means the board is not actually doing TC.


Vaping Master
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Aug 20, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
That's awful... I haven't needed to lock resistance for years, the whole point of TC is the variance in risistivity of the wire allows the board to guess temp, locking it means the board is not actually doing TC.
That's the way yihi boards have always done it. You have to lock the base resistance.

Sent from my K6000 Pro using Tapatalk


Vaping Master
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Sep 21, 2012
Alexandria, Va, USA
That's the way yihi boards have always done it. You have to lock the base resistance.

Sent from my K6000 Pro using Tapatalk
I know but then I have to lock/relocking whenever I go in/outside, it should just read the lowest resistance as the baseline like all the other boards do. It's too much work.

Actually I think it does, just not accurately or something.


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2013
Flat Rock, MI, USA
I know but then I have to lock/relocking whenever I go in/outside, it should just read the lowest resistance as the baseline like all the other boards do. It's too much work.

Actually I think it does, just not accurately or something.
Most boards have an autolock/read of the resistance in TC mode, Yihi doesn't. You have to lock the room temperature resistance. You don't have to unlock it though. It compares the room temperature resistance to the rise in resistance as the coil heats up to calculate the coils temperature just like all other mods do. The only difference is you have to manually lock it when you screw on the atty while the coils are at room temperature.



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Jan 17, 2017
Most boards have an autolock/read of the resistance in TC mode, Yihi doesn't. You have to lock the room temperature resistance. You don't have to unlock it though. It compares the room temperature resistance to the rise in resistance as the coil heats up to calculate the coils temperature just like all other mods do. The only difference is you have to manually lock it when you screw on the atty while the coils are at room temperature.

exactly.. yihi is giving me one of the best temp vapes ever btw


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Jan 8, 2014
United States
With all this talk of the UI being wonky and some hate for the joystick I guess it is all preference. Personally I find the joystick a welcome change from my 3 other Yihi chipped mods.

For everyday vaping I can make all my changes using the joystick and hardly ever have to 5 click the power button to get into the menu. Is it different. ...yeah but now if I use my Boxer with the older Yihi chip in it it is cumbersome compared to the G's joystick. I hate having to cycle through the menu now to change my temp then clicking the fire button to exit the menu and hope I don't pass by it and have to cycle through again. With the joystick I just press it until the temp is highlighted and adjust from there. If I want to switch from TC to power mode I just click the joystick until joules changes to watts, easy peasy.

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Jan 8, 2014
United States
That's the part I have a problem with, it's too much crap to have to do... Ive had it burn my cotton at 400f, and the whole reason I started using TC is bc Im add.
Sorry but I haven't had that experience, at 420 to 430 depending on the build I can vape my cotton dry.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
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Sep 21, 2012
Alexandria, Va, USA
Sorry but I haven't had that experience, at 420 to 430 depending on the build I can vape my cotton dry.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
It won't happen if I'm sitting in one place, but as soon as I'm in my car with a/c it screws it all up, especially I've noticed if it's hot w/ a/c on or cold w/ heat on it starts acting up... but that's unavoidable bc I'm always running all over for work and going in/outside all the time.

Gotta say though, this cheap little evic with ArcticFox just works, all the time no matter where I am.
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Mar 27, 2015
currently, Earth
It won't happen if I'm sitting in one place, but as soon as I'm in my car with a/c it screws it all up, especially I've noticed if it's hot w/ a/c on or cold w/ heat on it starts acting up... but that's unavoidable bc I'm always running all over for work and going in/outside all the time.

Gotta say though, this cheap little evic with ArcticFox just works, all the time no matter where I am.
Well, the UI, despite vast improvements over previous Yihi chips, is still awkward and cumbersome. The BT is a flaky, beta app and all the promised customizations are still vaporware.

That being said, I think the G Class is probably the best overall mod out there. Due to the hardware. If you take some time to learn the Yihi way and understand how this chip and how the firm/software operate then I think you'll find the TC absolutely rock solid. It'll track you whisper your vape. It can ramp up high voltage amps effortlessly on near dead batteries. This mod is a precision work horse. Only mod I use anymore. Love or hate I suppose...

But that's why I use it. Once I'm setup for a build I don't have to adjust anything, no power twiddling, no temp adjusts, nada. I only need the fire button to unlock and vape. That's it and it's prefect as my wicking allows. Vape 'em dry to the bone.

Also btw, with some setup effort, using the SXi-Q software you can configure any power or temp curves you want; or even both together at the same time for those truly custom preheats on complex builds. Want that mech punch and smooth fade in power mode? Just draw out the graph you want and store it in one of 5 memories for one in 5 coil config/profiles.

There's quite a lot this mod can do that gets overlooked because of Yihi's convoluted software. At last they have been making releases and it is improving. So hopefully they can beef up the UI and usability. This chip is capable of performing any software "feature" of anything out there.

To each their own...


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Feb 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX - USA
I just wish the ui was better. I hate how all these devices are all so complicated. The ui is not intuitive. I don't have any issue with the device itself, although, I'm not 100 percent sure Tc is working correctly. I replaced my wick today because I was just getting burned taste, looked at the wick and it was charred black,which should never happen.

Yihi is not known for delivering on promised functionality. There is alot of possibility but because they won't open source the software and allow the community to start improving the software, we have a crippled device.

It is the least fiddly temp control I've used. I'm going to pick up a dna 250 device and see if it performs better than my G class or older triade, which I thought had a 250 chip but is only a 200...


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Oct 9, 2015
I could talk all day about this mod. Mostly good things. But, I won't. I will say that I have no problems with TC. SS316L, single coil, around .60 ohms. Around 30 Joules, 440F. I only have slight burning on the outside of the coil after a few days of vaping. I get the coil gunking up, and need to dry burn. Wick itself seems fine. TC was just as good as my DNA75 device, if not better. Much better than my two other devices that I've used for TC.
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