You won't be seeing Baditude posting on ECF in the near future

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Apr 5, 2009
Corydon Indiana
I was very surprised to get choked up reading your post. You've been very familiar here, even with people like me who see your name continuously and always read your posts.

My education and job were specific, and I quit it 2 years ago, and still haven't found a job. Yes, it's money and home concerns. But it's also self image. I don't tell anyone in my life how low my self image is right now. But anyway; I can empathize.

Thank God you have your brother. And you absolutely must be proud of yourself forever for vaping and not smoking. And you will probably never know how many people you've helped over rough spots, and how many remain vapers because of you. Don't think of your absence as a retirement. Think of it as an indefinite time off. You know support works both ways-and you will always have a lot of support right here .


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I lived in a camper for a year in 2008 after that nice little "bubble".

I can't explain why (maybe it was the mention of living in a camper), but this made me think of Chris Farley's motivational speaker character. He was a big fat guy who lived in a van down by the river. Made me laugh... I needed that. :laugh:



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Jan 14, 2014
NW Ohio
I can't explain why (maybe it was the mention of living in a camper), but this made me think of Chris Farley's motivational speaker character. He was a big fat guy who lived in a van down by the river. Made me laugh... I needed that. :laugh:

Glad there is room to laugh my friend.

Get you some breathing room. Things come 'round...


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2014
Port Republic,MD,USA
Yup. I'm not Amish, but there is a large Amish community in northwestern Ohio where I grew up. Horse & buggy, black & white clothing, barn raisings. Like the Harrison Ford movie, "Witness". My brother is single and lives in the same house we brothers and sister grew up in.

Until a few years ago, our community still used "party lines" for the telephone service. Several people shared the same phone line, and if someone was already on the line, you had to wait until their conversation was over to use the phone. I can remember my mom picking up the phone...listen...and hang up, and say, "That Sarah Clark is STILL on the line!!"

My brother did get satelite TV service a few years ago. I may be able to talk him into allowing me to get satelite internet if I earn my keep. I plan to be a "house husband", at least initially. Cook, clean, laundry, lawn & leaf care, snow removal. Even windows.

Bad it seems to me like this is a good thing... even though ECF will miss you. Sometimes I think we need the chaos to JUST STOP so we can think. What you have described sounds like a great place to go for just that. Just some simple PEACE. Go wash those windows. I find laundry very therapeutic. The simple mind relaxing activities of just being. And you could plant a nice plot of garlic soon to just get in the dirt. Take care of you. If you ever need anything, please holler. Maybe someday we could plan a mini Ohio vape meet when we are out visiting family. Thank you for all the great posts. Enjoy the peace.


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Aug 20, 2013
Wylie, Texas
Here's wishing you a speedy financial recovery Bad. It's been over a year now since I quit smoking and took up vaping. You were very influential early on helping me learn what I needed to know about my then new endeavor. You answered many of my posted questions, always with skill and grace. I'm very grateful. Thank you my friend!

best regards, larry mac


Super Squonker
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Aug 22, 2014
Central Mass
Truly sorry to hear this, Bad. You were my first real source of info here, and I wouldn't be 3 weeks smoke free without your knowledge and advice. Thank you, thank you - a thousand thanks! I hope that things turn around for you, and wish you the best of luck in the future. Things will work out, I know it. And we will all be "seeing" you soon!

Sent from my Droid Mini.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2014
Fort Nelson, BC, Canada
Bad, I am so very sorry to hear things have not been going well for you . Just look at all the pages of people writing in , wow you have touched so many lives . Thank you for everything you have done on this forum, you will be missed greatly. Looking forward to your return.

If someone sets something up somewhere please count me in and pm me .


Super Member
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Jul 24, 2014
Bedfordshire, England
Bad, I am so very sorry to hear things have not been going well for you . Just look at all the pages of people writing in , wow you have touched so many lives . Thank you for everything you have done on this forum, you will be missed greatly. Looking forward to your return.

If someone sets something up somewhere please count me in and pm me .

I would also like to be on that PM list.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
Wow. I take a hiatus from the board in an effort to curb shinytis, and see this! Baditude, you have certainly helped me a great deal in my journey into vaping. I will start to frequent this board again to pass on some of that wisdom. I just need to stay off the classies. Should be able to do that...
So sad to hear that bad. All of the luck in the world to you. Your blogs are a must read for those of us upgrading for egos. You have surely saved lives both in your aid of new vapes and helping people keep a potential pipe bomb from being a pipe bomb. I leave you with an irish proverb

May the road rise to meet you..
May the wind be always at your back..
May the sun shine warm upon your face..
And rains fall soft upon your fields..
And until we meet again,.
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
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