Young Vapers

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
I'm 21. I've wanted to quit since about a year after I started, when my reason for starting became invalid. Been trying every since - about 2-3 years now.

I do have an intellectual understanding of what smoking could do to me. And having genetically sensitive gums only magnified it to me. I have already been getting gum disease as a result of smoking. Since I'm still young, the damage should be reversible for the most part... but having one weak spot really helps sink in the reality of what smoking does to your health. If my gums are already failing at 21, what's it going to be like at 40?

And it really cements the idea of "time." Your body won't take this much abuse forever. I smoked HEAVILY. And it seemed like every day it was harder to cough and hack my way out of bed, harder to keep my gums from bleeding, harder to go a whole hour without a cig before I got agitated and unpleasant.

The effects of smoking ARE there, even when you're young. You just have to pay attention.

Besides that, I never liked smoking. Ever. I did it purely out of perceived need and addiction. I think I only enjoyed a handful of cigarettes in my life, out of tens of thousands.

I've actually had the opposite problem as you, Linda. I am having a heck of a time convincing my 59-year-old father to take it seriously. I got him an e-cig, but he doesn't really use it much. He's cut down a bit and that's good, but... he's 59. And I got my gum issues from him. He's already suffered the consequences of that. How much more real does it need to be for him to quit?

It's frustrating and scary. But I don't push. I don't feel like that's any help.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2009
United States (Utah) SLC
Im 22, Got into vaping over a year ago, Started smoking a pack a day when I was 14.

I actually have found the opposite! People my age are very interested, and yeah, most ask if they can put weed in it. haha. But... All of the older people I have tried to convert think Im insane. Take my Grandmother. She has been chain smoking for 30+ years. I convinced her to try vaping after buying her a kit and juice, (trying to make it appealing by her not having to pay anything) And Since she is on a fixed income, as most people her age are, I thought she would love how cheap it would be for her.
She did it for a day, then started back on her Marlboro medium 100's. She said its not the same, and she doesnt have time to play with things.
Soo sad!

But I have to agree with this: Younger people are hesitant to pay the money up front.
I was, But I figured What the hell, Ill do it. Its not like I dont waste that much money in three days at the gas station buying pack after pack of smokes and drinks... And snacks...
Has anyone else noticed how much money they have saved by not going into the gas station to buy smokes, and buying all sorts of other things while they are at it? Or was that just me? :oops:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2010
I'm 23 and I started vaping about 2 weeks ago. I switched more so out of necessity and I'm glad I did. I agree with a few of the comments about why young people are deterred from making the switch, but that's just based on my personal reasons. My reasons for hesitating to switch were:

1.) Initial costs: the high initial costs played a role since I am a college student, but when you take a step back and really calculate out the costs between both, you really do save money in the long run with vaping.

2.) Skepticism: i was REALLY skeptic about it being able to substitute for smoking. i didn't believe it would be able to satiate my cravings for a real cigarette, but was proved wrong when i tried my first pv.

3.) Maintenance and convenience: Vaping takes more work than smoking and i think most young people like things to be easier. It's much easier to buy a pack and light up. With a PV you have to refill carts, clean out parts every so often, make sure you don't flood or burn out your atty, etc.

4.) Delusions of Invincibilty: You're young, you don't feel the after effects of years of smoking cigarettes and you kind of trick yourself. You keep saying you'll quit at a certain time anyway, then when that time comes, you pick another later date, etc. You figure, you're still fine, so why fix something that ain't broke.

5.) Vaping is VERY different from smoking: You have to learn how to inhale properly and differently when vaping versus smoking. Like I mentioned earlier, there's alot more upkeep with vaping than smoking that requires more maintenance, attention, etc. Also, there's so much to learn about vaping and some are discouraged by that.

Again, these were just my personal reasons for why I was hesitant to make the switch, I'm sure some can apply to most young adults, but everyone does have their own personal reasons. =]


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2010
Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti, MI
Most of my friends just don't get it. They just don't wanna go through the hassle (5-10mins) a day to prepare their vape for the day. They feel it's just easier to buy a pack and light up a analog. The money is a big part of why younger kids don't get into but that's only b/c most have no concept of money management or ROI. Now that there is a smoking ban in Michigan I have seen a lot of younger ppl on campus and at the clubs with e-cigs. A lot of younger ppl in the restaurant biz out here have also started to use them b/c of the smoking crackdown and new policies that Ann Arbor Liberals have made. I started to vape b/c I was tired of coughing and everything in my room smelling like smoke.


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Jun 2, 2010
Rochester, New York
What is helping make the transition easier for me is that I am somewhat of a "techno geek". I have always been interested, and tried to keep up on, current technology and trends. I like the fact that technology has progressed to the point where we can "digitally" smoke (vaping) and that interests me. It's another thing that I can tinker with and use :)

I am truly surprised that so many of the younger crowd are willing/wanting to switch from analogs to vaping. I would like to think if they had pv's when I started smoking that they would have seemed much more appealing to me and I would have traveled that route instead. Now at 32 I'm not necessarily "older" per se, yet I am not exactly part of the "younger" (teen-early 20's). I am just glad that there is an option available and hope to quit having to have at least the few analogs I smoke in addition to vaping. It's just truly sad that a "newer" smoker will not "feel" most of the ill effects of tobacco use until it's too hard to quit.


Full Member
Jul 3, 2010
I think I'm a perfect fit for this thread haha. I'm 22 and have been smoking since I was 17. I also have to admit that my reason for starting was trivial and dumb, but I'm much more mature now;). After 5 years of smoking I was already noticing the effects of smoking. Shortness of breath, coughing, unable to handle any period of strenuous activity, and smelling like ashes. I was very unhappy I'd ever started, but I LOVED the act of smoking. I still do. So the search was on for a healthy alternative.

At any rate I've been vaping only for about two weeks. I found this forum (bc I am an internet geek) and did my research on vaping and various pv's, and was able to to get an easy start. I had plenty of information at my disposal and was able to overcome the little thing every new vaper has to deal with. I loved it soo much I just forgot about buying cigs.

After just one week everything has improved drastically. I even went to have sushi last night and the taste was unbelievably more complex than I ever imagined it could be. I am in heaven. I never thought 5 years of smoking could do soo much damage. I was one of the young kids who thought that I could get away with it and quit later. I thought smoking only really affected you when you were "old". (sorry old timers).

This is getting quite long though, lol. Anyway I have already managed to get a few friends interested in vaping who are young as I am. If they are close-minded and have the typical don't care attitude, then they well, won't care about vaping. I think one of the reasons I really got into it, is because I love technology and the amazing things it can accomplish. These e-cigs really can help alot of people not suffer painful deaths or disfiguring diseases big tobacco has forced upon us.

I'm going to end now because my ADHD has taken over this post. Sorry if it was a ramble for you.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2010
Uvalde, Texas
One group of older people that are probably more apt to try vaping is the people that have tried all of the other methods to quit. I've you've already tried the pills, lozenges, patch, etc, vaping isn't that expensive comparatively. Younger people, even the ones that want to quit don't have the first hand experience of spend and fail multiple times.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised that even though there are fewer young people trying vaping, the ones that do are probably more successful at quiting smoking on the average then us older folks.

None of my comments are based on documented facts, just what I've seen personally. I have a 28 year old daughter that loves to come over and try my "flavor of the day" but has no interest in using a PV, even if I give it to her. Wife of a friend is about 30, and she quit smoking the day I gave her a Volcano kit and has now cut back to only using that once or twice a day. Myself, I went from a 2 pack a day smoker for 40 years to about 2 packs a week in about 4 months. I'm beginning to see those going away too, finally, but it's been a struggle some days.
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