Your experience finding housing as a Vaper.

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Jun 30, 2014
British Columbia
So, been vaping pretty much 98 % full time since Fall 2014. Luckily for almost 3 years I've lived in nice, secure building with respectable tenants, and they allow smoking/vaping/even seem to allow medical cannabis both indoors (not in halls, or foyer) and your balcony. So it's worked out pretty great, unfortunately I have a noisy neighbor, not in the party/wilding out sense, but a lot of banging and crashing and my floor shakes a lot (spare the jokes, it's not that). I'm holding out for another suite in the building, one I really want, but open to moving to greener pastures hence why I sometimes check google and CL for places to rent. (apts, duplexes, suites,etc).

Last spring I found a really sweet basement suite in a modern house, I started corresponding with the rental property manager, he was offering for me to come view it...and then.. I decided to be honest and tell him about my vaping, I figure it was better being upfront than the landlord or neighbor or manager questioning me after I moved in. I'm drug/alcohol free, clean cut, my party days over, I never miss rent but he said the owner of the house didn't like the idea of vaping. I asked if we could agree that I vape outside, but the conversation exchange sort of died off and that was that. So my question:

When applying to rent any kind of housing, have you mentioned you vaped? Kept it a secret? Agreed to vape outside? How did you handle it.? about 99 % of advertised rentals say "No smoking", Well vaping is not smoking but to the untrained eye they seem to lump it all together. smh.

Let me know, input welcome


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May 21, 2013
My position would have been along the lines of "what they don't know won't hurt them". There is such an enormous amount of misinformation out there that regular folks who really don't know any better and get their information from the nightly news are going to seriously frown upon it and lump it right in with cigarettes.

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Feb 22, 2012
Tennessee and ports on the East Coast
I work on a yacht and have not been "caught" vaping for four years now. I vape in my cabin and sitting area. Now, yachts have small rooms, so, I have set off a fire alarm occasionally. I blame the alarm on hairspray! lf the people who own the boat are around, I chew gum. I am very cautious about it. My last boss, when I was smoking, said he would fire me if I smoked and he never knew I smoked for 14 years! I just do not want them to know, because they may tell me not to do it inside.
My point is, it all depends on how circumspect you are able to be. No vaping walking up to the building, in halls, or even near a window, if they can see you.
I do it because I get paid really well and like my job. You will have to decide for yourself. And yes, people think it is smoking and dangerous. It just isn't, but they think it is. We need more news media outlets to change there tune and support it.


Vaping Master
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Nov 21, 2015
Toronto, Canada
I smoke in my house (I own it... Well, me and the bank) and the ejuice smell is 100% gone in a few minutes regardless of what juice I vape.

I wouldn't be concerned about vaping in an apartment unless you are having cloud comps with your buddies in the hall.

Common sense, but I wouldn't tell a landlord I vaped.

Alien Traveler

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2014
United States
I smoke in my house (I own it... Well, me and the bank) and the ejuice smell is 100% gone in a few minutes regardless of what juice I vape.

I wouldn't be concerned about vaping in an apartment unless you are having cloud comps with your buddies in the hall.

Common sense, but I wouldn't tell a landlord I vaped.
Some flavorings have pretty sticky smell. For example "smoke and prune" from Inavera. And it has a tobacco note in it. For DIY in an apartment I would not recommend tobacco flavorings.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2014
When I started vaping, I straight up asked my rental agency if I could do it inside the apartment. The lease says no smoking and I know it's not the same but I don't know if they know and so I wanted to make sure I was in the clear. I'd rather vape outside than get kicked out of my apartment. Their response was basically "well, we can't seem to come up with a good reason why not, so I suppose it's okay for now" (with the implication that they would continue to try very hard, and let me know as soon as they did manage to come up with a good reason why not.)

A year later, the new lease came and it had a clause about "smoking/vaping is prohibited in designated non-smoking/vaping areas" that wasn't there before, but then later where it was discussing the individual unit, it just said it was a "non-smoking" unit with no mention of vaping at all. So I wrote back and asked again for clarification. They said it was a "difficult situation, because 'they' [who?] just found out that it's the same as smoking" (I decided not to "poke the bear" on that one) but, again, it is fine "for now" unless a neighbor complains of the smell. My neighbors are generally pretty chill and it hasn't been an issue, thus far. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
A few years ago I had to rent a vehicle because of an auto accident and at the rental place the representative went over very clearly about no smoking and if the vehicle was smoked in you would be liable for the cleaning of the vehicle due to smoking. I asked him right in the office and e-cigs and vaping in the vehicle which he looked at me puzzled until I explained there was not combustion, no smoke or smell and only vapor. With that I demonstrated my cig-a-like to which he sniffed at said he does not see a problem with it at all! That was then and I wonder what the policy is now.
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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
I have a house of my own, so I don't have experience with renting a house or apartment for full-time housing. I do have experience though with renting hotel suites, apartments, condos, etc. for several days to a week at a time...on my trips to Alaska.

In Seattle, vaping is restricted the same as smoking, and it's not allowed on the streets, in common areas in hotels, etc., or risk the hefty fine that comes with getting caught doing it. But, it WAS allowed in my hotel suite. No problem at all, because they voluntarily told me this at the front desk.

Our group rents condos and apartments as well on our trips. ALL of them are "No Smoking", but not a single owner prohibits vaping in them. In fact, in 1 condominium complex...even the owner vapes and encourages others who still smoke to try it. The owner of several apartments we stay at actually likes the smell of my vapor, and said the apartment always smells wonderful when we leave!

So, I'd say, unless there is a current restriction about specifically vaping someplace you're looking at to rent...I'd not volunteer the info. that you do. Like someone said long as you're not creating "clouds" that'll blow into someone else's living space or into a common area...I'd say go for it!
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Sep 26, 2016
Personally I've never had an issue with vaping in accommodation, with the one exception of the very first shelter I stayed in where all the beds were in one hall and there was no real "personal area". The laws here may be very different to the laws where you are, though. If you're worried, ask your landlord. Or just read your lease very very carefully and, if it says nothing about vaping, play dumb if they call you on it.

I think it's highly unlikely that they'd ever know, since there's no real lingering smell, but if you're worried you might lose your apartment if they found out and would rather be in the clear I can't blame you.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2016
Long Island, New York
On vacation recently the person at check made a point of saying it was a smoke free resort and explained there was no smoking on the property anywhere along with a bunch of other restrictions. So I asked about vaping and he responding by asking if I meant electronic cigarettes and I said yes they can be called that. He said no they do not allow that either but we vaped in the room and on the balcony and in the pool area. We figured that if someone said something we would say maybe they should do something about all the glassed around and in the pool area. The only smoke alarm that went off was in a room for a Bachelorette party and when a smoke or fire alarm goes off the Fire Department responds.
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