Fogger v4 (+) vs. Kayfun

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
If you want to talk about flavor then Taifun GT, Fogger V3(not version 4) out class the Kayfun. Before you react to this listen. These two can do stainless mesh with silca and the Kayfun can't. If you haven't tried a Taifun with mesh, hmmm your missing out. Vape some orange ejuice and will taste like a orange. Vape the same ejuice in a Kayfun, it will taste like water down Tang. But build is complex somewhat. Would bypass the Fogger because it doesn't know what it wants to be. Have seen all the versions out to this date. Taifun like or Kayfun like.

Compare these guys to cars.
Taifun GT - Ford Raptor - Big, smooth with flavor, multiple builds, and take a ton of ejuice. Did I say this thing was big even with the nano tank.
Kayfun - Someone said a Porsche - Nice size, lots of performance accessories(dripper option), and all around good performer. Slightly muted flavors compared to a stainless steel mesh build in the Taifun.
Fogger - Nissan Juke (SUV or Crossover or what the hell is it) - It's lost what it wants to be. Flavor is great with a certain build. It leaks, not all screws are stainless steel and rusts. I think it's built like a Nissan or Renault. :ohmy:


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Aug 23, 2014
Portland, OR
The nice thing about the fogger compared to the kayfun or the TaifunGT as suggested above... is that it comes with a glass tank, stock. If you are into tank cracking liquids.

This is a plus. I love the newest Fogger a lot. Some people gripe about the build but it's not hard. Just use minimal cotton, like just enough to fill half of each channel, clip each little tail at an angle so there's not much in the channel. If you build it like that, the flavor is awesome. I slap the Fogger on my homemade unregulated dual 18650 box mod and I've got great flavor and wonderful hits all day long. It can handle crazy 0.3 builds, too, something I wouldn't do in any other RTA, Kayfun included (though I usually build it to 0.55).


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Aug 4, 2013
north Carolina
Lot of good info on this thread. My daily driver is a KFL+, and I also use a Magma RDA. Absolutely love my Magma, but drippers can be a pain when out and about.

My advice - if you're set on learning to build on a rebuildable tank atty (drippers are easier to build, IMO), go for the KFL+. However, the build is deceptively easy - no big headaches getting everything in the right spot, but it's kind of tough to get a build that works like a charm. Wicking is extremely important on the KFL+, and can be tricky to get right. It'll take some practice. I still haven't got the wicking as well as I'd like. I'm waiting for my Fogger v4 to come in, and I'm sure there'll be a learning curve with it, even after a couple months experience on the KFL+.


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Aug 23, 2014
Portland, OR
Hope you enjoy your new fogger! If you build it right it's simply amazing! there is a learning curve, as Foggers and Kayfuns are wicked completely different. With the kayfun you can just put the barrel on and shove the cotton down in that general area, but the fogger is a lot trickier. You need to cut the cotton at a slant so it's thicker inside the coil but thins out considerably at the tips. Keep the wicks short, just put enough in the channels to fill them halfway,,if the wicks are touching where the channels curve out that's too much, you want them to stop right before that point. Also, keep the little tails in the channels thin enough that they don't stick out of the channels,,you should be able to screw the barrel on without messing up the wicks (you need to put them in the channels before you put the barrel on, unlike how many folks build the kayfun) and you should be able to look at the channels from the side and not see cotton sticking out. Hope that helps and is not confusing!!


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Aug 4, 2013
north Carolina
Pretty much abandoned my Kayfun lite plus in favor of the Fogger. V4 was a very irritating build for me, so I picked up a V5 (post holes instead of wrapping screws). Now it's really easy to build, but they decided to put in top fill instead of bottom fill, and it's worse.

Need a small screwdriver to pop out a thick O ring to expose a little fill hole down in the O ring's channel - basically, you still need a screwdriver and a syringe or really small dripper bottle tip to fill, with the added benefit of breaking the negative pressure in the tank so that liquid can leak out the airholes. Bottom fill worked so much better. Maybe in V6 they'll get it right.

Despite the relatively poor machining on the Foggers, their constant revisions, design flaws, and trial-and-error to get a decent build and wicking, my Kayfun lite plus sits on a shelf most of the time. The extra airflow directly on two coils is worth the extra hassle, IMO.

Oh, and I basically wick mine like a Kayfun, with one minor difference. On a Kayfun, I put the wick tails down on the deck and not over the channels; on the Fogger, I basically cover the deck to each side of the coils with my tails, covering the channels, but not running down in.


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Aug 23, 2014
Portland, OR
Is the hcigar hc a kayfun clone?

I had never heard of it until just now. I looked at some pics and it seems to be a Kayfun clone (basically). It's got an ugly-as-all-h377 metal sleeve and some pointless revisions. I would just buy the EHPro Kayfun Lite Plus v2 from Eciggity if you really want a Kayfun. It's the best Kayfun on the market. Better than the authentic. Eciggity has something special going on with EHPro and their Kayfuns have bigger airflow holes than other vendors' EHPro Kayfuns.
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