<HELP> New Reo Grand

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Feb 12, 2014
Chicago, IL
Hello all. I have been stalking this forum for about a month but this is my first post. Not smoking and loving the vape. 8^) Instead of buying a bunch of cheaper mods I jumped right in and got a Provari. Been using it with a kayfun clone and its been great. I wanted to check out some different dripping mods and sorta went for the lazy mans dripper and got the Reo Grand in the mail today. Built my coil (1.2 ohms) and cotton wrap on the RM2 ( setup is exactly same on the Provari w/ kayfun) and its producing decent vapor but the taste is not there. Whenever I try the Provari setup its just has a lot more taste.

I thought the Reo was gonna give me substantial more flavor so I'm hoping its just me not doing something correct. So please give me your thoughts? THANKS!

*** I already got a bunch of help from the beginners forum but still trying to figure out how to make this thing rock! Here is the thread I previously posted. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/new-members-forum/536533-help-new-reo-grand.html
I'm not a cloud chaser but I am looking for the best flavor I can get. ***
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
I am no expert... but wrap another coil and this time try for about 1.7 to 2.0 ohms. Unlike your ProVari, a Grand is pretty well set at 3.7V, and the only way to adjust wattage is with your resistance. Ohms Law- (V X V) divided by Ohn = Wattage.
(3.7 X 3.7) = 13.7 divide by 1.2 ohm = 11.4 Watts applied to the coil. It is possible that, while the vapor production looks cool, you could be blowing right past the flavor range of your e-liquid.
(3.7 X 3.7) = 13.7 divide by 1.8 = 7.6 Watts. Cooler burn would not produce "My clouds bigger than you cloud" Vapor, it could make the flavor of your juice much more noticeable. Just my :2c:
IMG_20131109_185016_130.jpg Look closely. In this configuration, the coil is raised directly above the juice port. This way the air hole lines up with the coil, the coil and wicks are raised high enough to NOT interfere with the flow of juice. Others might add better advice, but I have success with this setup.
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Jun 24, 2013
Minot, ND
Here are some links to some video's that super_X_drifter did. They are great to help out with micro coils on a BF atty. I recommend watching them and seeing how he does his thing. Supe is pretty good at this, and took the time out to make these vids to help everyone out.

Ric23, thanks for having posted those before, so I could easily find and borrow the links from your post!

EDIT: Ok, since you bounced to the REO forum, I'll link THIS post in there for you, just in case LOL.


Funk Dracula

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I also prefer flavor over the impressive clouds around here!

took me a few coils to get it right, and now that I have my range, I keep tweaking. I had never built a coil before, so.. maybe that was my advantage. flavors I loved at 2.0 in a carto tank are now heaven around 1.3-1.4 without burning.. while my cinnamon-y liquids are awesome at like 1.5-1.6- not too far from the 1.7 I previously loved.

coil placement was another thing I had to master- not only height from the deck, but angle and closeness to the air hole.

you'll find it!!


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Jun 13, 2012
Circled in red. It's a spam link that pays up to 10% commission to the linker.


Here's the broken html in your original post:

I just typed Provari and it somehow made it a link. I'm using Safari and have never had this happen before. Any idea how this happened?

No link on my computer. Looks normal.

How high is your coil? Also, with cotton, less is more. The links above will help.


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Feb 12, 2014
Chicago, IL
Ok I was about to stop for awhile as I'm about to go to dinner with my wife but I decided to give it another go. I lowered the wraps to about 7 which should be around 1.2 ohms, positioned everything where you guys have recommended. And already things are improving. I will keep looking on here to see if anyone recommends anything else but wanted to say thanks again for your help! Not sure if this will end up being a Provari killer but I think over time I will get better.

** I still would like to hear of owners of both the Reo w/ RM2 and Provari (w/ Kayfun) to see what build you like best. **
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