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Aug 1, 2013
Bump it up to 24..if your buying the same juice with the same flavor and they offer 36 buy that and cut it with the 18.
Get your some quick math and use the 18 to make some 24... If the 24 isn't doing it make some a bit higher....if you are at 36 that's fine too...that's what it took for me and I went from a pack of camel regulars a day.

I've now been analog free for almost 3 years so your on the right track, keep it up.
lol i need to get a hybrid or mechanical, but i did up the dosage today. Actually I didn't have time to clean out my tank for the new flavor and since it was very low anyway i added the new liquid to it. I just invented a new flavor that to me is pretty awesome. I liked it so much i took the 10ml i just purchased and poured it all into my 30ml. Since my juices are all made in house at my supplier back home on the gulf coast i need to write them and tell'm i got a new blend and the perfect name for it.
I started vaping at 6mg. I didn't really expect it to get me off of cigarettes, but I have not had an analog, you see, I didn't note the date because I didn't expect it to work. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be free of cigarettes! I think it's been a couple of months, but I never looked back, and don't expect to ever smoke again. I did not gain weight, actually, I forget to eat dinner because I'm enjoying my vape juice so much! Sometimes I find myself vaping out of habit or taste and put it away, buy that doesn't concern me because I am nicotine free, or 6mg. I smoked cigarettes, more than half a pack a day, for over 25 years. I thought I could never stop, but here I am, cigarette free, not even missing them. Don't worry so much about vaping constantly......but if it worries you, make that effort to put it down unless you feel the urge. Good luck, and thank God for Ecigs!


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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
lol yeah i was a pipe smoker too. I bought a $95 Churchwarden a few months ago. I'm researching on how to turn it into a eVape. I have all the parts on a wish list to order and i have a plan on how to build it. I just need to figure out how to get the long stem to fit in a tank. It's several mm to small as measured on a kanger which is all i have for reference right now.

Maybe try a mini protank 2.

Sent from somebodys phone I found using Tapatalk.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are in control now. Unlike tobacco smoking or the myriad of practically useless pharmaceutical cessation products, the nicotine dosage and frequency of use are totally up to you, and vaping allows you to do this at your own pace.

You sound a lot like me. I started with 12mg liquid and found it wanting. So I doubled the strength to 24mg and while it satisfied, it was too much after a few weeks. I backed down to 18mg, and that's pretty much where I've been since.

The devices you choose, the liquids you use and the techniques you employ are all yours to experiment with and enjoy.

Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last.


Full Member
Oct 16, 2013
Toledo, OH
When I first started ecigs, I tried to use them like an analog. I would go out on my breaks and hit it a few times. It was oddly confusing and I wasn't sure exactly how I should be using it. Epic fail. I would continually go back to analogs.

When I finally quit, I decided I would use it as often as I wanted to keep me from going back to regular cigs. That is what worked for me. I haven't smoked a real cig in 14 months.
I liked to smoke, but I love to vape! I do it pretty well constantly and because of that especially in the evenings I get way to much nic in my system and have started to get heart flutters. So I picked up a 6mg bottle, instead of my usual 12, to vape on when I can't put it down.
I have found that just having vape breaks doesn't cut it, it has to be pretty well constant to make me not want the real thing.
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