New girl on the block

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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Yup! That's his favorite store and I LOVE that they let us sample. That's where I get my cinnilla flavor from, OMG, it's like heaven. (takes a long hit)... ah... also where we got my starter gear from. Super nice folks there. Major love. The guy there answered my endless questions even though I had an experienced vaper with me.

Don't forgot to sneak into All About Vapor in round rock and sample some juices!


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Totally weird... I actually was going to order the diamonds from her, but saw the video, I think the lighting up thing would drive me bonkers when it was charging and in use. I'm a bit of a scatter brain so I'd end up holding down the button just to watch it. Not to mention my ADHD kid who would stare at it saying, "oooh... shinyyyyy"

But yeah, I ordered a few things from her to check it out :)

Hi candy i'm new to well i been reading posts when i google random diy n ecig info for months now. Read ya like girly things have to say check out my buddy's wife really digs the shimmering diamonds battery's.. :2cool:


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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Yes, it does help to have an "old hand" get you started on the right foot :)

Yes, if it's the "process" that you're after, lower nic might be the ticket for you.

If you're looking to upgrade your battery, I highly recommend the Vision Spinner as a low cost entry to VV. While I keep my old ego style ones as backups, VV or VW is the way to go. Lets you easily adjust the vape for whatever juice or coil you happen to use.


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Apr 25, 2012
St. Paul mn
Welcome to ecf. If you every need help I'm around. You sound like you are getting the help you need and know what your after. It took me over 600 and a return to analogs to get to the evic that got me smoke free. Wish I listened to ecf in dec when I asked for help. Your husband sounds like a great mentor. Have fun and vape on. And local stores rock. One tip try out mt baker vapor their juice prices can't be beat. Hawk sauce is great so is peach rings and apple rings but taste is subjective you could hate them.


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Oh god... stop recommending stuff... *hides crying credit card*

You guys are going to cost me a LOT of money. ;)

Must... Stop... Googling.

If you're looking to upgrade your battery, I highly recommend the Vision Spinner as a low cost entry to VV. While I keep my old ego style ones as backups, VV or VW is the way to go. Lets you easily adjust the vape for whatever juice or coil you happen to use.


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Thanks for the rec! I'll definitely check them out. Yeah, I'm pretty good at listening, luckily. It helps that he's been wildly successful. I'm just glad I decided to do it NOW before I end up smoking analogs for longer. I haven't had one since Saturday, so that's good. Usually I can just drop them no problem, but I'd rather not even try at this point.

Welcome to ecf. If you every need help I'm around. You sound like you are getting the help you need and know what your after. It took me over 600 and a return to analogs to get to the evic that got me smoke free. Wish I listened to ecf in dec when I asked for help. Your husband sounds like a great mentor. Have fun and vape on. And local stores rock. One tip try out mt baker vapor their juice prices can't be beat. Hawk sauce is great so is peach rings and apple rings but taste is subjective you could hate them.


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Feb 23, 2010
Let's see... C9, MT3, T2. I'm more of a tinker than hubby, he finds something that works and sticks with it. This could get expensive :) The Stardust work great, but I always wanna know if there's something out there better. Ha!

You can do much better than Stardust. For starters, get a clearomizer with changeable coils (CC)--makes all the difference in the world when it comes to maintenance. You don't have to buy a whole new clearo when the coil gets bad; you just replace the coil and you have a brand new head. Dirty coils can be cleaned, by soaking them in alcohol, they can be dry burned, or they can be thrown out--your choice!

Kanger T2 and Vision Mini Nova are the top CC; Kanger T3, MT3, eVod are the bottom CC.

Good luck!


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Ahhhhh... so what do you recommend?

I ran out to get more juice and came back with ViVi Nova - the small one large ones. The large ones seem to be sucking a lot of air. I tightened it, loosened it (now my pants smell all vanilla carmel-ly!) LOL but no luck. The smaller ones are nice (they sold me a connecter thingy too that just makes it look pretty, tried it with and without). Hmmm.

What I need to do is kidnap a few of you guys, take you to the store and say "here's my credit card, what the heck do I buy now" LOL.

You can do much better than Stardust. For starters, get a clearomizer with changeable coils (CC)--makes all the difference in the world when it comes to maintenance. You don't have to buy a whole new clearo when the coil gets bad; you just replace the coil and you have a brand new head. Dirty coils can be cleaned, by soaking them in alcohol, they can be dry burned, or they can be thrown out--your choice!

Kanger T2 and Vision Mini Nova are the top CC; Kanger T3, MT3, eVod are the bottom CC.

Good luck!


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Me too. We lived in Hawaii for several years and when he got out in '98, he wanted to move here. I agreed to ONE year because, well, it was Texas. I fell in love with this city. Honestly, Austin is all kinds of awesome.

Hi, Candy!! Wish I was in Austin to say it personally. I LOVE that place.


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Feb 23, 2010
Ahhhhh... so what do you recommend?

I ran out to get more juice and came back with ViVi Nova - the small one large ones. The large ones seem to be sucking a lot of air. I tightened it, loosened it (now my pants smell all vanilla carmel-ly!) LOL but no luck. The smaller ones are nice (they sold me a connecter thingy too that just makes it look pretty, tried it with and without). Hmmm.

What I need to do is kidnap a few of you guys, take you to the store and say "here's my credit card, what the heck do I buy now" LOL.

Everything I mentioned I also use and like. My least favorite is the ViVi Nova--I have the mini because I use eGo class batteries and I don't want them to look like mushrooms, so I order eGo-threaded heads. The Kangers are pretty much identical--performance-wise. The only one that is different is the T2, as it has a top coil, like the ViVi. T3, baby T3, MT3 and eVod are all the same IMO. Choose what looks good to you. Baby T3s and eVods are smaller than T3s and MT3s.

Have fun! And don't forget to order at least one or two spare coils. You'll need them. I like the 2.0-2.4Ω range; they are the most versatile.


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
Thanks, trust me, I'm listening for sure! I'm lucky enough to be on various forums and have given back and taken, so far I've been lucky to have met some great folks. You guys are AWESOME. xoxo

Hubby has a set up that's just fine, but I like to play too much, I think. What he has and gave me is just fine, but noooo... I want to make it better. LOL! I can already see I'm going to have a flavor problem. I bought 5 more today. Sigh.


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Apr 9, 2013
Austin, TX, USA
The shops here will let you sample, thank goodness, I've still picked up a few I liked there, but once I got a whole bottle home I realized I didn't. So far, they've found new homes, thank goodness. LOL. Hey, at least I'm not alone.

I most def have a juice problem. I get samples every time I order. Had to start a maybe later box. Lol.

Update: I switched to 6nic today. Good call, less jittery. If I get a bad craving, I'll go grab hubby's 24 or something. Like I said, I think it's the physical act more than anything for me, but since I'm still new, I suck on this thing constantly, so... LOL
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