About to give up on tanks...

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Nov 27, 2014
North Carolina
Recently bought a steam crave rdta , the aromamizer in 6 milliliter. Building on it was not difficult, I'm not the best at vertical coils, but I have absolutely no leaking. The problem is, I have absolutely zero flavor, I have a good bit of throat hit, and even on 3 milligrams of nicotine, but the flavor is non-existent nearly. I have zero leaking problems, however every time I take the top cap off to refill the ......., when I go to screw it on again it almost always catches cotton and twists, and then it immediately begins to dry it. I'm beginning to think that I should just stick to my RDAs for the reliability purely. I'm trying to cut back on the amount of liquid I go through, & I was wanting to get back into tanks anyway so I figured that velocities style deck would be a good step, because I refuse to buy coils again. I tried my friend old sub-tank Mini, which just so happens to be the one I sold them, I was immediately blown away by the flavor compared to my Steam crave.

Any help here?

I've heard the steam crave rdta is absolutely amazing on flavor, compared to my old sub tank which is now my friends and my current RDAs I am about ready to give up on the rebuildable tanks.

.3 ohms, and 24 Guage kanthal, and 7 wraps dual coil. 40 watts. 50 occasionally. 60 is dry.

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Apr 2, 2015
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I had the exact same issues. no flavor. I built and built and built. verts, horizontal, everything from 30G to 22G. I finally got a good vape from it after sanding the deck so that one set of holes lines up perfectly on the coils and the other holes line up on the posts. I drilled out the air holes with a 1/8th drill, then put set screws into the holes on the posts making it a two airhole AFC. I also drilled the juice feed holes in the bottom with a 1/16th drill. I finally have flavor from mine. granted, I still get better flavor from my indulgence MT and even better still is my Crown. so far NOTHING has come close to the flavor I get from my crown with the .25 SS coils at about 75 watts.... Just recently got a Ohmega Alpha and its pretty good. simple 28g Parallel Duals 2.5mmID at 6 wraps has phenomenal flavor around 40 watts... again better than I get from the mizer.
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Apr 3, 2015
I don't think the Steam Cave RDTA scores well as a flavour atty.

Never has for me, and I know several others who feel the same.

That said the highest I've ever vaped it was about 60watts, and it seems that those who say it produces great flavour tend to be hitting with much more power. IDK.

For me it's been a little disappointing, what with the airflow / coil line up issue, and the lack of flavour.

It drinks juice and produces great clouds of vapor, and is the easiest RTA to wick IMO. So it's not all bad, just don't find it makes the rotation.

For great flavour RTA I stick with the Goblin Mini. Great tank if you can live with the reduced airflow which limits most to 30w or under (dual coil).

The Youde Bellus is great as well. Great flavour only second to the G-mini, probably good for up to 80watts, although I build it with 28g kanthal duals, so that it runs sweat on my DNA40's.

Having a bit of a love affair with the Bellus at the moment, been running it: 28g kanthal, 2.5mm ID, 0.53 ohms, at 32watts for the last couple of weeks and haven't picked up another atty.
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Nov 27, 2014
North Carolina
Seeing as how you modified your aromamizer, that tells me you're aware of what gives these tanks flavor. I've never actually had much success rebuilding any tank, which is why I switched from pre-built coil tanks to rdas, I understand those a lot better. I'm still not able to make anything other than the standard wrap coil, but I'm able to get decent flavor and I have a little bit of knowledge towards the RDAs, such as the type of air flow the height of the barrel, the depth of the juice well, I have absolutely no knowledge of RTA's, I took the leap on the aromamizer rdta purely because of the velocity style deck and my velocity clone that I spent $12 on was the best investment I've spent on vaping gear.

My best story of success was the velocity clone from tobeco, 22 gauge wire horizontal @ .2 ohms, z type wicking. Dripping straight from the top.

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Senior Member
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Nov 27, 2014
North Carolina
I don't think the Steam Cave RDTA scores well as a flavour atty.

Never has for me, and I know several others who feel the same.

That said the highest I've ever vaped it was about 60watts, and it seems that those who say it produces great flavour tend to be hitting with much more power. IDK.

For me it's been a little disappointing, what with the airflow / coil line up issue, and the lack of flavour.

It drinks juice and produces great clouds of vapor, and is the easiest RTA to wick IMO. So it's not all bad, just don't find it makes the rotation.

For great flavour RTA I stick with the Goblin Mini. Great tank if you can live with the reduced airflow which limits most to 30w or under (dual coil).

The Youde Bellus is great as well. Great flavour only second to the G-mini, probably good for up to 80watts, although I build it with 28g kanthal duals, so that it runs sweat on my DNA40's.

Having a bit of a love affair with the Bellus at the moment, been running it: 28g kanthal, 2.5mm ID, 0.53 ohms, at 32watts for the last couple of weeks and haven't picked up another atty.
I do feel like an idiot, I was looking specifically at the Goblin mini and the Bellus, those were the exact ones I was wanting to purchase, when having seen the velocity style deck on this thing I leapt at it like a horny dog. I'm beginning to think I was perfect with my original targets of those two, and that I shouldn't have been so quick to go after the velocity style deck.

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Oct 10, 2015
I was pretty disappointed in the Aromamizer as well. I hate when I see all these raving reviews that a tank is sick as t.... and so on and so I go buy it, and it's so so. But absolutely everything is subjective when it comes to vaping. I built several times on it and IMO the best I got for flavor was twisted 28g kanthal 7 wraps vertical .3Ω at about 35w. But again its all subjective. I prefer my Goblin and my Goblin Mini. I'm also waiting on a Bellus I ordered to get here
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Apr 2, 2015
DC Metro area
well yu can always sel it in the classies here, and then pick up a bellus, or a goblin, or a Mutank, or an ohmega alpha, or an Indulgence MT, or a crown, or a tfv4.... See what Im getting at? there are so many other tanks to try. I know ONE of them has to be a good fit for you.

I do find building on teh velocity style deck so easy. really like that deck. so much so that even though my MT works just fine i ordered a Mutank today, just because it has this deck.

Oh and as to my modifications... I was just trying anything to get the performance that others were getting from this thing. I sanded the deck because I wanted to limit the airflow to maybe perk up the flavor. I blocked the second set of air holes because the vape band that came with the tank always got moved around and stuff since I carry it in my pocket and the grub screws wont move. I drilled out the airflow holes so that I could get a little more airflow since I was blocking off one pair of air holes. and finally i drilled out the juice flow holes because at higher wattage I would get a scorched cottony taste after a couple hits. Not quite a dry hit, but definitely headed that way. I thought that maybe if I increased the juice flow that would happen... I figured that if anything I did messed it up I wasnt out much money, and I didnt really get along with the tank so if I broked it it wouldnt matter. I got it working acceptably, but still not on par with my other great tanks....
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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
Aye, I loves me Bellus, in a platonic sense of course. Build it right and it delivers like no other RTA on the seven seas.


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Sep 19, 2015
Las Vegas
Aromamizer needs good coils to perform. Small fused claptons are my favorite and only horizontal, you get wetter wicks and more juice flow horizontal. Right now I'm running fused claptons 2x28gN80 wrapped with 36gK1 2.5mm 6/7wrap .23 ohms horizontal. Air holes are direct to coil and posts. Perfectly squared up. Wick with KGD tightly and fluffed in the deck. Max VG juice. At 65-75 watts this is delicious. To compare, I put the exact same build in my twisted messes RDA and they taste near indistinguishable from each other.

Don't give up on this atty. it's a beast when you figure it out.

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Jim_ MDP

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Sep 24, 2015
Don't give up on this atty. it's a beast when you figure it out.

Even my simple builds in the 'Mizer have been flavor beasts, whereas replacing a good single for a dual in my Bellus yesterday has resulted in a very muted vape. Yet we know the Bellus rocks the flavor too.

A lot of little things have major effects on flavor.
I know I cocked it up... I just don't know how. :p
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Super Member
Jan 20, 2016
Yea I would definitely have to agree with the horizontal coils being the best on the womanizer for flavor... Try building smaller inner diameter coils like 8 wrap 24ga with 1.5mm inner diameter.... Gives it a type of nano coil effect... Or you can go the Clapton route with a nichrome exterior for the greater heat to give you more flavor.... I have also found that of you position the coils low on the posts so that the tank is together the airholes are positioned just over the coil you tend to get a little bit more of a flavorful vape. If those builds seem to still give you muted flavor then swap the band out for the double airhole band and just open the holes where the coils are as you would with an rda. The tank has massive amounts of flavor potential if you take the time to fiddle with her... And that is without drilling and dremeling.


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
I was pretty disappointed in the Aromamizer as well. I hate when I see all these raving reviews that a tank is sick as t.... and so on and so I go buy it, and it's so so. But absolutely everything is subjective when it comes to vaping. I built several times on it and IMO the best I got for flavor was twisted 28g kanthal 7 wraps vertical .3Ω at about 35w. But again its all subjective. I prefer my Goblin and my Goblin Mini. I'm also waiting on a Bellus I ordered to get here

"I hate when I see all these raving reviews that a tank is sick as t.... "

That is a sales video, not a review.

Perhaps find ANY other source to choose to trust. (The vaping bogan..even )

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Feb 12, 2014
Ont. Canada
I don't find any RTA vapes as good as the stock vertical coils do when they are rebuilt. If one can build vertical coils on a deck, vertical stock coils on Atlantis\Triton type are ten times easier. I have never come across a stock coil that I could not rebuild. Some I choose not to rebuild any longer because I do not like the tank or got rid of the tank. Delta 2 is one that comes to mind. Learn to build one stock coil and you could do them all as they are virtually all the same. Zephurus V2 are a little different but mainly the same. U-Tube for coil rebuilding is your friend. Have not found a tank yet that I do not call a RTA. CHEERS!


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Oct 16, 2014
Long Island, NY
I agree that the Aromamizer is a flavor monster. maybe I got lucky first time out. Twin, 6 wrap 27 AWG horizontal A1 coils. Wicked with KGD. Build ohms out at .32. Running it at 33 watts on my IPV D3 in power mode. Flavor for days and plenty of vapor production. Have you tried the prebuilt coils for the Aromamizer? Put one of those in and see if you get the flavor you want, then try to replicate that build.
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Nov 27, 2014
North Carolina
Yea I would definitely have to agree with the horizontal coils being the best on the womanizer for flavor... Try building smaller inner diameter coils like 8 wrap 24ga with 1.5mm inner diameter.... Gives it a type of nano coil effect... Or you can go the Clapton route with a nichrome exterior for the greater heat to give you more flavor.... I have also found that of you position the coils low on the posts so that the tank is together the airholes are positioned just over the coil you tend to get a little bit more of a flavorful vape. If those builds seem to still give you muted flavor then swap the band out for the double airhole band and just open the holes where the coils are as you would with an rda. The tank has massive amounts of flavor potential if you take the time to fiddle with her... And that is without drilling and dremeling.
I find it difficult to line them up or even tell if they are centered. Also 1.5mm scares me, how would that even hold juice? I've always, always done 3mm. No less. And why horizontal and not vertical? I only vert when I need top drip on an RDA without removing the top cap. Explanation of these things may help.
How u not getting flavor

Something wrong with ur build? I use claptons, 28g, and ss, all taste good, ss being best
Your airhole blocked off by too much cotton ? Airholes not lined up ?

My vape is thick n billowy clouds, smooth draw, and flavorful, im using100% vg too...
Not blocked by cotton, but 8 have tremendous difficulty lining them up or even being able to see if they are once it's inside the base once screwed on.
I agree that the Aromamizer is a flavor monster. maybe I got lucky first time out. Twin, 6 wrap 27 AWG horizontal A1 coils. Wicked with KGD. Build ohms out at .32. Running it at 33 watts on my IPV D3 in power mode. Flavor for days and plenty of vapor production. Have you tried the prebuilt coils for the Aromamizer? Put one of those in and see if you get the flavor you want, then try to replicate that build.
I've got plenty of 26, but I've not used anything but 22 for dripping, I occasionally try 24 but end up going back to my 22g. Again though this is a new field, know nothing about rta building.

Has been better than my Subtank RBA and Stock rebuild from a while back though, I melted everything. Straight through the insulator. Don't even have that thing anymore.


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