Anyone Else Get Embarrassed

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Full Member
Oct 21, 2012
I'm used to people staring at me (I have a distinct dress-sense), so it doesn't bother me. Usually people only give a quick stare and then stop caring. I've never had anybody just stare at me for moments on end due to my vaping.

You could just stare at them back. Not in an embarrassed way but just like a really intense stare. Then they'll usually stop staring at you.

I will tell somebody about it if they ask though.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
So am I Embarrassed to vape in Public? No. But I don’t like drawing Unwanted Attention to myself either when I do. I prefer using something a little Smaller than a Provari and a Tank holding a Day’s worth of e-Liquid.

That is more how it is for me actually - I just want to vape in peace sometimes. I don't mind answering questions but I do want to just enjoy a quick vape without having to explain myself all the time. And I don't want unwanted attention that will cause a potential problem for my company.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
That is more how it is for me actually - I just want to vape in peace sometimes. I don't mind answering questions but I do want to just enjoy a quick vape without having to explain myself all the time. And I don't want unwanted attention that will cause a potential problem for my company.

I hear you kiwivap.

Sometimes standing out in a crowd Isn't all that Great.


Senior Member
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Sep 7, 2012
Broken Arrow Ok.
I do service work at customers homes.
One older (my age gentleman followed me to the truck to pay his bill and i saw him looking at my twist-nova. I said , i quit smoking and he pointed and said e-cigarette and i said yes. He reached out and shook my hand congratulating me.
I was surprised he thought it was a e-cig.He didn't ask any questions about it because he had never smoked before so the convo ended.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Nope. I have the attitude of "it's not MY misconceptions, I am not doing anything wrong, I am not hurting anyone" so why in the world would I give a hoot what other people think?

Well, actually you should care TREMENDOUSLY what other people think, because those other people VOTE, and elect politicians, an attend city council meetings, and contribute to anti-smoking campaigns.

If you piss them off or offend them by having a snarky attitude about vaping, they will put you (and all vapers) in the same class in their mind as smokers, and pretty soon you'll be looking at location bans, massive taxes and perhaps even an outright Federal ban on sale and possession of ALL vaping gear.

Take a hint from the gun rights activism world--EVERY encounter you have has 2 possible outcomes--positive and negative, and a LARGE part of the determining factor is how YOU handle the confrontation. If someone is so brainwashed against freedom that they simply are incapable of rational discussion and will not listen to facts, logic or science, then there is no amount of smooth-talking, hand-holding or fact-quoting that will get through to them. The best thing to do with these sorts of brain-washed zealots of hate and slavery is to just shut up an walk away from them.

But if the person who is objecting to your lawful activity is just parroting the propaganda they recently heard in the media, then you have a pretty good chance to "show them the light" and if not make a convert, to at least win them over to supporting other people's right to vape.

Be polite. Be soft-spoken. Do not get emotional or confrontational--no matter how rude, crass, obnoxious or insane the other person is. If they look like someone who is going to be a REAL problem (getting physical, or posing a serious threat to your safety) then whip out your cell phone and record the encounter (if 1-party-consent recording is legal in your jurisdiction--and it IS in almost EVERY state). Present them with facts. Tell them why YOU vape. Tell them how it helped you kick regular cigarettes. Tell them about how your family likes it. Tell them about the TRUTH about the ingredients.

Leave out the ugly politics--the parts about the conspiracy of Big Tobacco and Big Pharma trying to save their profits by coming out against e-cigs. They will find THAT little tidbit on their own if they o some research online.

Look at EVERY encounter as a potential "teaching experience". Don't be preachy or condescending. Be cordial. Be calm. Be enthusiastic. Be uplifting. Be polite. And celebrate everyone's Freedom to live their lives as they please.

The more of us who vape like it is the most normal thing in the world the sooner people will get used to them.

Yes, this is called "normalization" and it is a tactic that worked well for the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s. It worked for the Sexual Revolution and the hippies in the 1960s and '70s. It worked to re-enslave minorities through the racist welfare programs, gun control laws, and "war on drugs" laws in the 1960s-the present. And it is working for the gun-rights movement today.

We need to get SERIOUS about our activism. Not every vaper is going to make a good activist (or want to BE an activist), but those of us who want to be involved on that level need to "step it up" and learn lessons from those who have gone before us with regards to changing and molding public opinion on issues that involve personal freedom where the Government and Big Businesses want to impose restrictions, control and enslavement.

Because this isn't just about your ability to vape freely an openly. It's about PERSONAL FREEDOM, and the right of ALL humans to "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Vape for Freedom!
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Full Member
Verified Member
Jul 29, 2012
Kernersville NC
Different strokes for different folks, but I totally disagree. It is not my responsibility to decide what vaping device is "more appropriate" to use in public because of ignorant people's inaccurate first impressions. I switched to advanced personal vaporizers from the cigarette look-alike batteries because the latter are by far inferior in performance to my more advanced devices. As an anology, why should I need to drive a Yugo instead of a Cadilac because a few ignorant people may believe the Caddy is too big or flashy to drive on city streets and everyone knows that drug pushers drive big fancy cars?

Why are vapors so paranoid that an advanced personal vaporizer or mod will be construed to be an illegal device associated with the use of illegal substances? Ask yourself this one question: How often have I or anyone else seen one of those illegal devices used out in public? Would you even know what these so-called illegal devices would actually look like? I sure don't. I don't even know what they are supposed to look like.

The notion is totally ridiculous. No one in their right mind would use an illicit drug device in full view of everyone else. Anyone who assumes that because something looks different than to anything that he or she is accustomed to seeing before and that it has to be drug related is just plain ignorant and needs to be pistol whipped.

Well, forget about the pistol whipped part. :oops: I was just joking...maybe...

I use my big battery mods out in public everywhere I go. I don't use them to draw attention to myself. I go about my business as everyone else should. There is no way that anyone is going to mistake my APV for an analog. If they mistake it for something illegal, that's their issue, not mine. I have not once gotten a stare or negative comment of any kind using my mods in public. If I ever do, I will either just ignore them or take the time to educate them of their incorrect assumption.

Where I do not draw quite as hard a line as you, I do applaud you taking such a hard stance.

I can relate to that one. Last time I went to the main office to turn in time sheets, I tucked my twist with the nova on top of it, inside my underarmor t-shirt. Walked into the office and first words from the Major's mouth were "What is that" I didn't realize it made that kind of bulge inside that t-shirt. Looked down and it looked like I had a strange growth on me. If I may ask, how do you carry yours when your on duty?

Fortunantly I hung up my gun some time ago and I dispatch now. So no uniform or having to carry it around with me out in the field. If I was on the street I imagine I would leave my device in the car the majority of the time. Mainly because the PD has recently decided no vaping inside. Good luck to you and thank you for your service.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Well, actually you should care TREMENDOUSLY what other people think, because those other people VOTE, and elect politicians, an attend city council meetings, and contribute to anti-smoking campaigns.

If you piss them off or offend them by having a snarky attitude about vaping, they will put you (and all vapers) in the same class in their mind as smokers, and pretty soon you'll be looking at location bans, massive taxes and perhaps even an outright Federal ban on sale and possession of ALL vaping gear.

Take a hint from the gun rights activism world--EVERY encounter you have has 2 possible outcomes--positive and negative, and a LARGE part of the determining factor is how YOU handle the confrontation. If someone is so brainwashed against freedom that they simply are incapable of rational discussion and will not listen to facts, logic or science, then there is no amount of smooth-talking, hand-holding or fact-quoting that will get through to them. The best thing to do with these sorts of brain-washed zealots of hate and slavery is to just shut up an walk away from them.

But if the person who is objecting to your lawful activity is just parroting the propaganda they recently heard in the media, then you have a pretty good chance to "show them the light" and if not make a convert, to at least win them over to supporting other people's right to vape.

Be polite. Be soft-spoken. Do not get emotional or confrontational--no matter how rude, crass, obnoxious or insane the other person is. If they look like someone who is going to be a REAL problem (getting physical, or posing a serious threat to your safety) then whip out your cell phone and record the encounter (if 1-party-consent recording is legal in your jurisdiction--and it IS in almost EVERY state). Present them with facts. Tell them why YOU vape. Tell them how it helped you kick regular cigarettes. Tell them about how your family likes it. Tell them about the TRUTH about the ingredients.

Leave out the ugly politics--the parts about the conspiracy of Big Tobacco and Big Pharma trying to save their profits by coming out against e-cigs. They will find THAT little tidbit on their own if they o some research online.

Look at EVERY encounter as a potential "teaching experience". Don't be preachy or condescending. Be cordial. Be calm. Be enthusiastic. Be uplifting. Be polite. And celebrate everyone's Freedom to live their lives as they please.

Yes, this is called "normalization" and it is a tactic that worked well for the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s. It worked for the Sexual Revolution and the hippies in the 1960s and '70s. It worked to re-enslave minorities through the racist welfare programs, gun control laws, and "war on drugs" laws in the 1960s-the present. And it is working for the gun-rights movement today.

We need to get SERIOUS about our activism. Not every vaper is going to make a good activist (or want to BE an activist), but those of us who want to be involved on that level need to "step it up" and learn lessons from those who have gone before us with regards to changing and molding public opinion on issues that involve personal freedom where the Government and Big Businesses want to impose restrictions, control and enslavement.

Because this isn't just about your ability to vape freely an openly. It's about PERSONAL FREEDOM, and the right of ALL humans to "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Vape for Freedom!

I'm (Insert either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney) ___________________ and I approve this Message.



My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010


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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Funny thing happened this afternoon. I was sitting on my front steps waiting for the mailman, vaping with a Twist and Nova tank. When people would walk by, i didn't hide it completely, but didn't flaunt it either.

A neighbor walked by, smiled, said hi, walked a few doors down and went into his house. I did notice that he did look at my PV. About 5-10 minutes later a police car shows up and parks across the street a little way down the street from me. It sits there for a while. I am still sitting vaping. He gets out of his car, walks down the sidewalk till he is right across from me (other side of the street still). Turns so he is facing away from me and talks into his radio thing on his shoulder. Walks back to his car, gets in, sits there for a very short time, then leaves. Hmmmm think the neighbor thought I was doing something illegal? I AM sure the police figured out I wasn't.

It would have been nice if whoever might have called them, to ask me what I was doing. Then again, it might not have had anything to do with me at all. Just was weird. Coincidental?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 10, 2012
Funny thing happened this afternoon. I was sitting on my front steps waiting for the mailman, vaping with a Twist and Nova tank. When people would walk by, i didn't hide it completely, but didn't flaunt it either.

A neighbor walked by, smiled, said hi, walked a few doors down and went into his house. I did notice that he did look at my PV. About 5-10 minutes later a police car shows up and parks across the street a little way down the street from me. It sits there for a while. I am still sitting vaping. He gets out of his car, walks down the sidewalk till he is right across from me (other side of the street still). Turns so he is facing away from me and talks into his radio thing on his shoulder. Walks back to his car, gets in, sits there for a very short time, then leaves. Hmmmm think the neighbor thought I was doing something illegal? I AM sure the police figured out I wasn't.

It would have been nice if whoever might have called them, to ask me what I was doing. Then again, it might not have had anything to do with me at all. Just was weird. Coincidental?

Maybe the neighbor had seen the youtube video of some guy making an oregano looking extraction, DIY juice, for his PV and thought you had made some too? :ohmy:

But yes, I notice when people look at me, not a funny look, more like a look of "sniff sniff" wondering why they think they see me smoking but not smelling the smoke :p
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