crippledbazooka's M601/602 Thread (questions, issues, knowledge)

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
Hey ECF,
I figured instead of making a bunch of different threads I would just come to this one when I need to talk to someone about this model.

Today I need help with the atomizer, I got it 2 days ago, vaped away real good. Now today I top up my cart, pop it in, and the atty won't heat up or release a little vaper when I press the manual button. It also won't vape at all. This is the second atty this has happend to. What can I do to bring the atty back to life? Since the one I have is already a replacement I'm not gonna ask the supplier to send me another.

Do any of you have this issue with this model? Are the attys from Abcig better than elecigz?

Also since there is no model specific thread for this model i put it in the m402 forum because the 602 is basically the 402 just a little bigger. Thanks.


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Oct 23, 2008
I use the absolutelyecigs atty for more than a month now and i'm still on the first atty.

With manual switches, becareful not to press (intentionally or accidentally) on the button for too long as it will most likely fry the atty.

I am liking the unit so far. I might just get the 10 pack atty for $6 each in my next order.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2009
I have the 601 and 602 from ecigz. A similar issue happened to me recently. The 602 all of a sudden would not vape. Thought the atty was dead. Recharged the batt over night to give it one more try. When i put the charged 602 batt back on the atty it automatically started vaping without me pressing the button - and would not turn off for about 2 minutes and the atty will not come off the batt now. I emailed Sean and he is sending me a replacement atty and batt. Love how the 601 and 602 vape but am a little worried about this fire hazard. I am just using the 601 now with no problems.


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Nov 24, 2009
My Manual Battery is still constantly in the "ON" position. Something about the button isn't right.

Basically I just screw and unscrew the atomizer onto it every time I want a puff. It still vapes great, so no real complaint. Add the fact that the LED doesn't work on it except when it's blinking to tell me the battery is dead, and I got a nice stealth PV.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
I took the time "unlike crash) to count the puffs on a filled up cart. I got 43 good vaper producing puffs so thats what 3 ciggs. The PCC will hold 4 carts so 12 cigs all together, since I smoke a pack a day I will probably need a bottle of juice to top up during the day which sucks, they made bigger carts for the 401's why not the 602's? I heard blue foam will hold more liquid but noone has made a video of how to do that or how much you need for a "cart within a cart" type cart.

On another note I get black gunk on my M602 atomizers around the threads, how do I get this off? I tried scraping it with a needle but it won't budge, what is this stuff and how do I get it off?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
I had another M601/602 atty die on me. This one within 48 hours of opeinging it out of the package. This one is from abcig and the THREE other attys that have died have been from elec-cigz. I treated this addy like daddy warbucks treated annie! let it rest atleast 10 secs between puffs, didn't drip or dip, and didn't use any DIY made liquied (i killed one because my homebrew rootbeer was to thick i think). One puff was fine and the next little to no vaper. It still makes a hissing sound when I activate it but the coil does not heat up to the red color I've seen on new atties. I don't know what it is, I guess the slave labor in these chinese warhouses didn't get his bowl of rice the day they made these. I've spend to much on this model (atty's, PCC, carts, etc) to go in another direction. I just wish I knew how to stop these atties from dying, or someway to bring them back to life. I've had a disposible 510 from the same time i got my M602/601 and the atty on IT hasn't died. (about 15 days).


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2009
I think my first atty died. Seeing some black gunk on the coil. Just started using TastyVapor juices. Don't know if that's part of it or it was just the atomizers time to go.

TV has good flavor, but I think it might be thicker than the other juices I've used... Gonna put the atomizer in lemon juice overnight to see if it can dissolve any of the gunk. I've heard that some sort of crest pro mouthwash might take the gunk off.

Edit: I'm doing this because I'm considering the atomizer dead at this point, and it won't hurt to try. Don't do this unless you're sure you want to, I'm still a newb to all of this so I'd do some more research around this site and listen to other more experienced members before trying anything I say.
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 2, 2009
I have noticed the black stuff as well. It builds up around the battery side of the atomizer and would like to find a way to clean it if anyone has successfully removed it. I ran out of all my PG juice today including my favorite English Toffee. When I started using the PG Johnson's Creek (which I usually mixed with Ecopure VG) I have, I thought both atomizers were broken. After finding I had a cart filled with English Toffee I tried that and they are working great again. The Johnson Creek makes very little vapor by itself but adding just a couple drops of Ecopure makes it great. The Johnson's Creek Tennessee Cured is my second favorite juice, but IMHO needs VG added to work well.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
TV has good flavor, but I think it might be thicker than the other juices I've used... Gonna put the atomizer in lemon juice overnight to see if it can dissolve any of the gunk. I've heard that some sort of crest pro mouthwash might take the gunk off.

attys have wires in them don't they? wouldn't submerging one in any liquid short it out? Please update on your lemon juice cleaning. thanks.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2009
Lemon Juice didn't help the (I'm assuming dead as of today) atomizer.

My only other atomizer isn't working worth a xxxx right now. There is black gunk all over the coil. I'm almost certain the TV juice is too thick for this particular atomizer. Sucks because it's tasty. Didn't have a single problem with the atomizers (aside from newbish flooding when I first started)... until I started using this.

I'm getting frustrated.. Really want a good nic hit.. tempted to just go smoke an analog. I honestly don't have the money to go get a bottle of crest. Holidays suck and walmart is screwing me on hours.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
shortly after I used Cola from Mrs T's is when my last atty died. I had another atty die almost instantly when I put some HV juice I got for free on it, another as I said earlier when I used DIY'd rootbeer juice that was hella thick. I think its settled that thick juices will break your atty. When ever I buy a juice that arrives thick in the future I will thin it with VG.

It just seems the atty doesn't get hot enough for thick juice.

As for you W. having to go grab that dusty analog pack, I have one of those disposible 510's from madvapes, it hasn't had any problems and is a nice backup when my M601 is being a baby.

I myself will probably not spend any more money on the M601. My next PV will hopefully be the revolver genisis. But I was in the mindset that the newest PV (M601) would be the bestest but I'm getting proved wrong one dead atty at a time so we will see.


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ECF Veteran
Dec 2, 2009
Shipping time and cost is going to be a real problem for this model. The cost for more batteries,atomizers, and at least one more charger adds up fast. The Joye 510 is looking better by the day. It can become very tedious running around with the charger and one extra battery. At this point I need another whole kit so I can charge two batteries at once.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 27, 2009
I got a PCC on the way fitted for M601 batts. This is a great model and does put out almost the same amount of vaper as my 510 but the M601 vaper is thicker. tHE only issue's I have are with the atomizer. Why should I have to thin down the flavored liquid (which I can hardly taste) just so my atty won't die. I hope they re-engineer the atty on this model.
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