E-Cigs are really looked down upon by recent quitters.

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Very clever name, but misleading. It should be the "QuitNicotineMessageBoard". Quitting smoking and getting physically healthy isn't good enough for them. You must be willing to sacrifice your emotional (and in many cases, cognitive) health on the alter of nicotine eradication.

I think their attitude toward and treatment of Rambo illustrates the problem with nicotine abstinence. In some people it causes permanent irritability, antagonism, and intolerance, leading to incredibly bad manners.

Rambo was extremely well-behaved throughout, offered to come back for their support if this didn't work out, and they basically said, "Go to Heck." Nice bunch.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Southern Ga Via North Central WV
I discovered e-ciggs by reading the FDA report on a news site. I thought "if they are talking a ban, there must be something to it". Discovered 1 carcinogen and 1 possible trace poison. Thought "Hell that's way better!!". Made my first order. On the half day I got my order I smoked 8 ana's. Day 2 smoked 2 1/2. Day 3 I became a full time vaper. I kinda feel like a crack head. i.e. "Don't touch my 901". I have full plans on reducing my nic intake and quitting all together. No time frame set. Not gonna set one. I smoked 38 years, most of those at 2 packs a day. Actually tasting and smelling things I've never experienced! Course that could be a bad thing :). Been a "Non-Smoker" for 42 days. I don't even want one of those nasty things!

Ez Duzit

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Southern California
I discovered e-ciggs by reading the FDA report on a news site. I thought "if they are talking a ban, there must be something to it". Discovered 1 carcinogen and 1 possible trace poison. Thought "Hell that's way better!!". Made my first order. On the half day I got my order I smoked 8 ana's. Day 2 smoked 2 1/2. Day 3 I became a full time vaper. I kinda feel like a crack head. i.e. "Don't touch my 901". I have full plans on reducing my nic intake and quitting all together. No time frame set. Not gonna set one. I smoked 38 years, most of those at 2 packs a day. Actually tasting and smelling things I've never experienced! Course that could be a bad thing :). Been a "Non-Smoker" for 42 days. I don't even want one of those nasty things!

I'm curious what the 1 carcinogen and 1 possible trace poison are?


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
I'm curious what the 1 carcinogen and 1 possible trace poison are?

What they "Detected" were tobacco-specific nitrosamines in the njoy cartridges, and Diethylene Glycol (DEG) in one of the Smoking Everywhere cartridges. All of these substances are found in tobacco (DEG is added to keep tobacco from drying out). Since the nicotine in the cartridges is extracted from tobacco, it is not surprising to find traces of tobacco-substances in the liquid.

It is only when you read the complete lab report that you find out that they did not report on the quantity of the nitrosamines at all, and that there was less than 1% DEG in the cartridge. Not sure how much liquid it holds, but it would be between 1/2 and 1 ml. I looked it up and found that you need 1 ml per kilogram of body weight of DEG to reach the minimum level of toxicity. So, if we assume the larger size cartrige, you would need to use 100 of them to get to 1 ml of liquid, and then multiply that times your weight in kg. So we are talking about thousands of cartridges per day.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
Tulsa, OK, U.S.A.
i know this is an old thread, but one thing to keep in mind about these "quitters" is that most are under the impression that the NICOTINE is their addiction, not the SMOKING and not the 4000 other chemicals.

i'm not demeaning the addiction to nicotine, i'm just saying that for some people, it isn't just about that.

for a large lot of you out there though, i know you suffer from nicotine addiction quite severely, so that's not an insult ;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Bay Area, California
I'm using Chantix and I'm about ready to stop using it. I have developed an almost constant low-level headache. This is after getting over the constant low-level nausea.

I DON'T want to smoke analogs again but, I miss it. I know the statistics of people who successfully quit... forever... and they're not that good. I have ordered two types of PVs along with nicotine and non-nicotine carts/juice.

I just want PVs to get me through when the urge hits strongly so I will never again smoke an analog. My mother died of lung cancer. I don't want to go like that.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 23, 2009
Hickory, NC (USA)
You know anything really can be a smoking cessation device/product. It's just how you attack addiction. I don't understand why those guys over there are so anti-pv. I mean if a person sets a plan with their pv they could easily kill the nicotine and just lay down the pv after the nicotine/chemical addiction is dead. Then you are just breaking an everyday habit. My plan though just keep toking 26mg nicotine in my 510. Hey it may not be the healthiest thing in the world but it beats analogs hands down and doesn't cost nearly as much.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2009
If only they knew how quickly you can stop smoking with the help of a good PV... with the added incentive of gradually reducing your nicotine intake to the point where presumably you could stop altogether.

For myself, I'm already feeling a clear distinction between cigarette cravings and vape cravings... since I drip, it's become almost situational whether I vape or not. If I'm out and about and there's no practical way for me to get a hit, I won't. With cigarettes, I'd find a damn way. Very puzzling... but good.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 2, 2009
Richmond Virginia, USA
I think that what the Cold Turkeys really resent is our relatively painless transition. We invalidate the "nobility" of their suffering, showing it to be unnecessary. They have to maintain their aggressive stance on nicotine to keep themselves "on the straight and narrow" and to save face. It's like that hateful personal trainer chick on "The Biggest Loser." You would think she would be more empathetic because she used to be Biggie-Size herself. Fat chance. You hate most in others what you fear most in yourself. The hostile ex-smokers are not Nazis. They are just suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
The ex-smokers I encounter have been generally positive. But most of them have been smoke-free for at least a year. Another factor may be the nature of my work, I'm an audiovisual technician. This industry is very "gee wow, whiz bang" gadget oriented and tech friendly. My ex-smoking co-workers marvel at my PV with big wide grins! Some even lament the fact they weren't around for them back when they quit. I just tell them that now they have a better option if ever they fall off the wagon. A few of them are concerned and mention the FDA/ASH hatchet jobs, but I set them straight with the real story. Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world to do, I've done it dozens of times. Staying Quit, now that's the hardest thing. The consensus at work is: "Congratulations! Do whatever works for you."


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
My brother-in-law is one such person, he quit cold turkey, it took five years for him to not have cravings: he gained over and hundred pounds, and became a jerk. Now he asks me when I'm going to stop sucking on that thing. I tell him when I get G-D'd good and ready to. Shut up. Which one of us is a little healthier now?? Good question. Hmmm...nicotine....hundred pounds of fat....nicotine...hundred pounds of fat...nicotine!!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 25, 2009
Falls Church, VA
"a hundred pounds of fat" LOL :D

A big problem with quitting is.... once you decide you enjoy smoking you're screwed. 20 years from now you'll probably still think about doing something you enjoy. This is the same problem people have with diets.

There may also be an awful form of selfishness at play here. Once they quit smoking they want to ban it since that freedom no longer serves their purpose.

In fairness my first impression of e-cigs was not good either. (Thanks to SE) I prefer to use the term "PV" as it doesn't sound like "cool new way to smoke."

"PV" sounds more like a medical device and better describes what I'm doing with it.

What I'm most enjoying about this forum is the attitude of it's members. We're all "inhalers" hoping to improve our lives. Most or all of us enjoy many of the aspects of smoking and want to preserve some of our lifestyles without becoming sick.

We have so many different people here. Young & old, liberal & conservative, even christians and atheists! Everyone here has something in common and a desire to help others on their path away from smoking.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2009
Washington State
I tried everything to quit smoking....the problem was I didnt WANT to quit smoking, I enjoyed it- like many people enjoy having a drink to relax. But when I started vaping I quit smoking cigarettes completely. I can enjoy the act of smoking and I feel that I am doing less damage to my body than had I continued cigarettes. I think a many people new to quitting arent quitting because they WANT to and it makes them mad. Many quit because of pressure from society, family etc. there are many things that we do that are not healthy. Eating too much or not the right things, not working out, too much salt, drinking alcohol, driving too fast the list goes on. Maybe some new quitters are mad that they had to quit. Of course I will always admire and encourage people to do healtheir things....but for me, life is pretty boring doing everything that is good for you!
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