How Do Some People Think Ecigs Are As Expensive As Analogs!?!?

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Senior Member
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Mar 9, 2012
New Jersey
It's night and day! I smoked a pack a day of camel filters at $7.50 that's $52.50 a week. My initial cost of everything was $100. After two weeks I'm equaled out, after two weeks all I need is e liquid which is $6 for 10ml which is equivelant to ONE CARTON! So after the initial two weeks I spend $6 for every $75 I would have spent on analogs. I think it's pretty plain and simple, ecigs are wayyyyyyyy cheaper. Not to mention the bills the won't have to pay for lung cancer treatment!


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Jan 25, 2011
Missoula Montana
Um yeah, some of us get a little would you say....crazed, compulsive, greedy :) I've spent several thousand on my collection, but the good news I don't HAVE to buy ANYTHING for at least 1 1/2-2 years now but I still really want to buy more mods. Any way I see it, it's a win win. I will never smoke again :)


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Feb 1, 2012
Clackamas, Oregon
I have spent a lot o' dough on e-cig stuff so far... but, I also have a lot of juice, cartos and my new diy supplies stocked up. I have at least a month or more of cartos, juice and supplies on hand... so now I am ahead. I never bought and kept on hand 10 cartons of analogs before, just bought as I went along.
I am also guilty of doing a lot more shopping now. Weird for me because I don't enjoy shopping usually and have never been much of an online shopper... but I gotta say... a lot of days feel like Christmas when I get a new package in the mail... LOL!


Senior Member
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Mar 9, 2012
New Jersey
What's your favorite way to vape? I just started 2 weeks ago and yea I get the carried away thing but even with me getting carried away with eliquid, cartomizers, clearomizer, and tanks (haven't needed a battery I'm pretty pleased with my ego-c) its still way cheaper. Anyway back to you favorite way to vape lol well sometimes I get that nic fix sometimes I don't but I just realized holding it in for a while till I almost blow no vapor out has equaled an analog for me (which I still think about but have only had about 4 since I got the PV). Is it bad to hold it in? They also say the nic from the vapor isn't absorbed in your lungs like an analog but rather your mouth and nose but why do I notice so much of a difference when I hold it in? :/


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Jun 9, 2011
in your house
I think most people just hear the intial cost and think they'll have to pay that much every time they would usually buy a pack. It's the same with gasoline. Even though the best cost a little more, they don't want to buy it because it's 'more'. I spend around .60 a day to vape all I want; I used to spend around $10/day on cigarettes.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2012
New Jersey
Wow, $7.50 for pack of camel filters in US?
And I thougt tobaccotaxes in Germany are very expensive, so you have to pay about 5 € for a pack :(
Ecigs are much cheaper, but while smoking I had only one or two expensive lighters... now I have somme more mods for vaping, but that's hobby :D

My bro lives in new york city and they are $11 a pack there!


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Mar 27, 2012
im still trying to figure out the best method of vaping, (only had my pv for about a week) i have been doing long draws, holding it in my mouth then sometimes moving it to my lungs and holding it for a sec or just moving the vapor to my throat and pushing it out my nose. i dunno, i can definitely feel the nicotine when it hits...


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
My running cost is around $2/day, including buying a nice mod or two during the year.

I live in ny, was a full pad smoker.

Concerning eliquid, I expect about 3ml/day is reasonable, at least with lower power standard pv. I instantly doubled, to 6 ml/day, a year back, when I went to VV. Fortunately I diy, eliquid is really low cost, especially since I've dropped to 12mg/ml over time.

Early on I was still only running about $2.50/day.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2012
New Jersey
So far wife and I have spent $3500 on ecig stuff (i got lots o' mods, attys, tanks, flavors DIY stuff) in two years. BUT analogs would have cost $7000 in the same period so I've saved $3500 and had fun doing it :)

Exactly :)
Who doesn't love saving money :)

Anyone got anymore comments on the how to get the most nic from the hit?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2012
New Jersey
I use 20mg DIY juice 10% VG in with 2.1ohm atty at 4.3 volts. Lots o vapor, good throat hit (for me).

This may sound stupid but it there a DIY guide lol I know the dilution equation but that's about it!

And still wanna know to people notice a difference when they hold in the vapor or blow out quick or through nose. Again this is week two for me so I still kinda crave an analog so I wanna know the best way to get that nic fix!


Full Member
Apr 13, 2010
Yeah there are a few guides out there but i think the most important factor in getting that perfect hit is matching your atomizer to the voltage. In the last year there has been an explosion of new devices, atomizers, tanks, cartos, and finding the perfect one for you takes some trial and error. I've probably changed setups 5 or 6 times chasing the perfect vape. But hey, I'm playing with house money :)
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