I am soooo excited....that I just can't hide it...

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2020
I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore :D

But man....my first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove :p...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now :p

My car don't smell cigs....my kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more :D

I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....


P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I used Bleach to remove the yellow stains from my fingers.

I've expressed similar enthusiasm to smokers !. That's a habit i gave up quite easily. Total waste of time.

I know what you're saying though. Once you've got a set up that works the way you need it to, there really is no going back. I love it !.


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  • Mar 24, 2018
    New Zealand
    I am enjoying vaping soooooooooooooooo much..

    I know most of people here are veterans and won't be Soo excited ofc anymore :D

    But man....my first attempt on vaping was in 2014 and for many reasons didn't go well and I was back to cigs...ew

    Anyways... now it's being 4.5 months vaping
    I started with a drop in coils atomizer and now I use rebuildable also and make my my own e juice ofc and blah blah.blah....

    Vaping is soooooo good.....never going back to cigs eeeeeever....actually cigs seem sooo bad now and I hat a hit to remind me what a nasty thing I was smoking all those years....ew

    The benefits of vaping are more that u think and u only realise when u start it...

    Besides health benefits...that ok some may say vaping is now sooo risk free but I don't care even if was same bad as cigs...even tho I am sure it's not

    My sense of taste and smell is much better now....

    I can adjust my nicontine levels and lower it and now I have less cravings...(I was crazy smoker)

    My hands or facial hair don't smell and they don't get a yellow colour from cig smoke that I had to pull off my skin to remove :p...(I was always with a cig on my hand)

    Clothes don't smell and I don't feel bad to hug my niece now :p

    My car don't smell cigs....my kitchen don't smell cigs...(I used to smoke to kitchen)

    My mouth hygiene and gums is better now confirmed by dentist also...already only 4.5months vaping!!!

    I sleep better and wake up better no cough or hard breathing...

    In my case I used to skip brushing my teeth sometimes cause in my opinion it would ruin my smoking experience but with vaping I tend to want to brush my teeth after every meal if I can cause I enjoy vaping taste more :D

    I still drink coffee but water is a great match with vaping for me cause it reset the flavour in mouth so I drink less coffees and beverages...
    with cigs I was always drinking loooot of coffee or some kind of beverage usually unhealthy cause it used to match with horrible taste of burned paper and tobacco lol

    If I needed my nicotine I used to roll a cig and then I was smoking it all ofc...even tho I wanted just a few puffs...with vaping I can take my puff aaaanytime I want as much as I want...

    The cost is less even tho some may spend a looooooooooot money hhahaha but if u are a casual vaper is cheaper ....but even if was the same or more still worth it....


    P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it

    You should be happy and excited. After my first 4.5months I was also:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

    It's a HUGE achievement to stop smoking, and stay smoke-free.

    It's been 2 years and 9 months since I stopped smoking and started vaping instead. And I still get excited over that amazing fact. Vaping works :thumbs:


    vaper dedicato
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    I'm coming up on 6 years and 2 months of vaping instead of smoking. While I'm not as excited as I was the first few months, I still get a 'sense of bliss' when I vape and not smoke. In the time that I have been vaping, I have spent less than $800 rather than the over 10 grand that I would've spent.


    vaper dedicato
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    I knew within a few days of vaping I'd never light another cig, best thing ever. Kudos to you!
    I made the decision 5 or 6 hours after I started. Definitely the best, and one of the only good decisions I have ever made.


    ECF Guru
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    Mar 31, 2012
    Ontario, Canada
    I smoked my last cigarette in early 2010 after I found vaping. Haven't smoked since. Vaping is a miracle cure for smokers once they find the right combination of juice and hardware.

    Kudos to you Dave :thumb: ! I switched in April 2012 and the gear and juices available two years after you did it were still pretty hit and miss, with a heavy emphasis on 'miss'.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 24, 2019
    California, US
    I know just how you feel (and was so proud for almost a year of not smoking) I love vaping. Now the bad news... a few months ago I slipped back into smoking (and hate myself) I still vape and love it (and don't really enjoy smoking) I am struggling to do this again (quit smoking) Every time I smoke, I think "what the heck am I doing?" and every time I vape I think "dam I love this... the flavor, the vapor, the gear, the hobby (including DIY juices)" Thank you for reminding how much I love vaping (and hate smoking) Will try harder... did this before and I can do this again :thumb:


    PV Master & Musician
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    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    Kudos to you Dave :thumb: ! I switched in April 2012 and the gear and juices available two years after you did it were still pretty hit and miss, with a heavy emphasis on 'miss'.

    I started with a Joye 510 (cigalike) and graduated to an eGo for a while. Once I knew that this was going to be the one thing that worked for me, I sprung for a $210 Provari. A couple of years later I started DIY and never looked back.

    I was one of those lucky people who found a cigalike to provide enough satisfaction to make me forget about cigarettes. I've vaped Picos on my Kayfuns for years now and found them to be my best choice for a daily vape.
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    vaper dedicato
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    I started with a Joye 510 (cigalike) and graduated to an eGo for a while. Once I knew that this was going to be the one thing that worked for me, I sprung for a $210 Provari. A couple of years later I started DIY and never looked back.
    My first device was an eGo/CE4 startup kit. Actually it was the appearance of cig-a-like's that kept me from dippin' my toes into this pond. Well, that was my excuse, I didn't really have any intention anyway to quit smoking. Shortly after joining up here, I won an Innokin 134 Mini w/ an iClear X.I tank and the eGo/CE4 bit the dust.


    Ultra Member
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    Sep 16, 2017
    Same. I will, however, smoke an occasional cig just to remind myself of why I dont anymore. Just like I'll eat whitecastles once every few years to remind myself why I dont eat those anymore too. For those who are unfamiliar, whitecastles are a burger chain in the US famous for little square burgers smothered in grilled onions that you can buy in 30 packs(bad idea lol). They will pass thru the digestive system rather quickly and sometimes forcefully lol.


    PV Master & Musician
    ECF Veteran
    May 22, 2010
    Central GA
    Same. I will, however, smoke an occasional cig just to remind myself of why I dont anymore. Just like I'll eat whitecastles once every few years to remind myself why I dont eat those anymore too. For those who are unfamiliar, whitecastles are a burger chain in the US famous for little square burgers smothered in grilled onions that you can buy in 30 packs(bad idea lol). They will pass thru the digestive system rather quickly and sometimes forcefully lol.

    For me that might be like playing with fire. Occasionally, I'll walk by someone who just took a puff off a cigarette and it brings back memories, but doesn't make me want to smoke. My fix for the aroma of a cigarette as I pass by someone smoking is to take 2 or 3 hits from my vape and feel the satisfaction. It's been 11 years since I smoked and I like the feeling of clear lungs.
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