I remember back in the day...

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Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
And then the Big Daddy. With 2 18650's, and vv. I could vape for a weekend non stop.

Speaking of 2 18650s, the mod I always wanted was the VV Altoids box. But, by the time I had the money, they stopped selling it. It was so cool! (Get it? Cool? Altoids?) :laugh:


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Jul 28, 2010
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I started with a SmokStik 4081 and was really happy when they came out with a carto for it. Spent a lot of time struggling with it and then found ECF. Moved to several other things like a Cisco laser mod that I was pretty proud of, some box mods, and a Spark Plug mod that I liked. Still use some of them too. Really glad PV's are getting better and less expensive. I know I've wasted money on things that didn't work well or last very long.

Hope I'm around in 5 years to see what we get to vape with then. Should be some really good stuff.


Bird Brain
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Dec 6, 2009

There are some of us that are very grateful ;)

It was the "these newbies ask questions but don't listen to our answers" comment -- I tried and tried to find a "these young whippersnappers" picture but settled for Altavista.

Speaking of 2 18650s, the mod I always wanted was the VV Altoids box. But, by the time I had the money, they stopped selling it. It was so cool! (Get it? Cool? Altoids?) :laugh:

Had a couple of Altoids boxes that RalphT used to make. Not VV -- they ran at about 4.2v on 4AA batteries. I loved them but the tins aren't built for the long haul. They hold up fine for a few weeks but they begin to warp or a corner caves in after about a month. Very sad. It was a very comfortable mod.


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I remember when Mistress Nomad was all over the forum answering questions and helping out newbies (me included)

I remember when the Rough Stack was all the craze.
Mistress Nomad helped me feel comfortable getting started. She made it seem simple and fun.

I remember the night Mad Vapes finally put the Maxi RoughStack V2 on their website. I snatched it up right away! I even still have it. But, now it's covered in pink zebra-stripe duct tape.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
40 isn't as good as you remember. Go back a little further.
I'll gladly go back to the day before I discovered that I was no longer invincible.

That was the day I separated my shoulder in a skiing accident.
I was 39 years old at the time.

Prior to that day I had never broken a bone, or had any other serious injury.

And I was the type of guy that would jump off the roof of my house just to see if I could do it.
Back then I did backflips off the edge of the pool.

Now that I am no longer invincible, it's been all downhill ever since...
--I now have plantar faciitis in my left foot
--I tore the meniscus in my left knee and had arthroscopic surgery
--I recently threw out my back bending over to pick up a charging cord
--I have already started down the path to becoming farsighted
--I have started putting on weight

So far, it's not too bad, and I know it could be worse.
In fact, that's what worries me.

Ah yes, to be young again, whatever age that may be.
If I had a choice though, 27 years old would be my first choice.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
I'd have to dial the 27 back a bit to 26 DC.

When I was 27 I was in a bad accident and ended laid up for a year. The doctors told me I would have been better off if my back would have broke instead. Took about 8 years for the worst of the nerve damage to heal. I wouldn't want to go back to those unsheathed nerves constantly firing so I'll pick 26 before that happened and maybe I would avoid being at that place at that time and not have to go through that again. Besides, before that accident I was 6'4" and 240 lbs with nearly 0% fat. It would be really nice to step back into a body in that shape and everything working.


Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
Not sure about all that Hoosier! Broke my back at 42, two years ago, I'm still all screwed up from it and have resigned myself to never being right again! There's nothing fun about any of it to be honest!

Anyway, I was at a local vape shop today picking up a 510 connector for a mod I want to build for a friend. While standing in line a newbie with an Ego and a mini pro tank was eyeing a carto tank. He asked the owner how it worked and the owner tried to explain what you had to do to fill the carto, then the tank and everything involved in priming the carto to make it work right. The newbie just stepped back with this look of shock and awe on his face! "Well, I don't want to have to work that hard to get it going, that's just nuts!"
I couldn't help it, I just burst out in laughter!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Not sure about all that Hoosier! Broke my back at 42, two years ago, I'm still all screwed up from it and have resigned myself to never being right again! There's nothing fun about any of it to be honest!

Anyway, I was at a local vape shop today picking up a 510 connector for a mod I want to build for a friend. While standing in line a newbie with an Ego and a mini pro tank was eyeing a carto tank. He asked the owner how it worked and the owner tried to explain what you had to do to fill the carto, then the tank and everything involved in priming the carto to make it work right. The newbie just stepped back with this look of shock and awe on his face! "Well, I don't want to have to work that hard to get it going, that's just nuts!"
I couldn't help it, I just burst out in laughter!

After the year of physical therapy learning how to walk, sit, sleep, and everything else, I had 4 years of never knowing when I was going to go through a bout of paralysis and lose my legs. Sometimes it would happen a few dozen times a day, sometimes I could go for days, but I got very good at falling during that time. I actually looked forward to the times with the paralysis because the pain would also stop. I'd just lay there and smile for awhile. I believed my doc as I'm the only one he and I know of that is able to walk with the injuries I suffered. (I was actually in a room of folks who had very similar injuries at one point during my therapy and I was the only one that did not come and go from that meeting with a walker or chair.)

As for the rest, I have little sympathy for those that don't want to work for what they want. Vaping doesn't take that much effort. It does take some new habits to get used to. Batteries instead of lighters. Juice instead of cigarettes. Spare attys/cartos/clearos like those extra packs we used to stash. There are a few added tasks, but nothing of any real effort. Besides it's much more fun than smoking!
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Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
After the year of physical therapy learning how to walk, sit, sleep, and everything else, I had 4 years of never knowing when I was going to go through a bout of paralysis and lose my legs. Sometimes it would happen a few dozen times a day, sometimes I could go for days, but I got very good at falling during that time. I actually looked forward to the times with the paralysis because the pain would also stop. I'd just lay there and smile for awhile. I believed my doc as I'm the only one he and I know of that is able to walk with the injuries I suffered. (I was actually in a room of folks who had very similar injuries at one point during my therapy and I was the only one that did not come and go from that meeting with a walker or chair.)

As for the rest, I have little sympathy for those that don't want to work for what they want. Vaping doesn't take that much effort. It does take some new habits to get used to. Batteries instead of lighters. Juice instead of cigarettes. Spare attys/cartos/clearos like those extra packs we used to stash. There are a few added tasks, but nothing of any real effort. Besides it's much more fun than smoking!

Yeah, dealing with that myself! Nothing like going to stand up off the toilet and doing a face plant into the wall! I was out in the garage one night and my legs went, I somehow managed to catch myself with my arms and landed with my nose 2" from the top of the Skid steer bucket! My wife had to come pick me up off the floor, fortunately she heard me! I've also got problems with my hands going numb! Nothing like being totally sober and just dropping a glass of tea on the floor when you are out to dinner somewhere nice!
I'm sympathetic and understand!
But yeah, with the newbie I just had to wonder how they would have made it back in our time!


Full Member
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Aug 25, 2009
-I remember when the m4xx series was all the rage
-I remember when there were a handful of vendors who made a dozen flavors of e-liquid
-I remember when orange cream flavored e-liquid came out and people (myself included) lost their {MODERATED}
-I remember telling all of my friends about the e-cig and smoking in college classes
-I remember my never-ending search for the perfect type of poly-fill to stuff into my cartridge
-I remember when PCCs were a brand-spanking new concept and cost a fortune.

I'm sure there are many more I am missing but after being away for 4 years, a lot has changed and its pretty remarkable, in a good way.
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Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
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Dec 6, 2009
Anyway, I was at a local vape shop today picking up a 510 connector for a mod I want to build for a friend. While standing in line a newbie with an Ego and a mini pro tank was eyeing a carto tank. He asked the owner how it worked and the owner tried to explain what you had to do to fill the carto, then the tank and everything involved in priming the carto to make it work right. The newbie just stepped back with this look of shock and awe on his face! "Well, I don't want to have to work that hard to get it going, that's just nuts!"
I couldn't help it, I just burst out in laughter!

To a degree, I understand what the noob at the store meant. I think dripping has better flavor than tanks but I use a tank/clearo for convenience. And I do believe a rebuildable could offer even better flavor but it seems like too much work.

What would be inexplicable to me would be someone who said that vaping took too much effort so he'd just continue to smoke. Being happy with "good enough" is fine.
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ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
40 isn't as good as you remember. Go back a little further.

I don't mind growing old but if I was going to turn the clock back, it would be back to July 12th of this year...never had a broken bone up until the following day. Hubby and I race 4 wheelers for the fun/love of doing it. I was playing on a 400EX that has been tuned for high performance. I put it and myself into a barbed wire fence at 50mph+. I didn't go directly into it or I wouldn't be here right now. Instead I slid the 4 wheeler down it resulting in 6 broken bones and over 60 stitches. I took out 5 steel t-posts and a 4" hedge post before I hit the ground. 4 wheeler was in a handstand in the fence. Ouch! Only good thing was getting out of work during the hot summer...LOL. I had a blast on it....well...until I crashed. I've wrecked them before and walked away but not this time. I found out, that with age, we don't bounce anymore...we just splat and shatter.
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