My email to King County Board of Health

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May 15, 2009
Seattle, WA
Regarding their proposed ban, which I just found out about and will be voted on later today :-@

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed ban on "vaping" (the electronic equivalent of smoking) e-cigarettes in public places. The reasons for the proposed ban, as stated in the Seattle P.I., cannot be justified from a public health standpoint and constitute a blatant overreach of power in a supposedly free society.

According to the P.I., "... public health officials say (e-cigarettes are) so similar to the real thing that they make tobacco enforcement difficult and often prompt smokers to think it's OK to light up in public. And that leads to second-hand smoke, health officials reason." It is difficult to imagine that anyone could mistake an e-cigarette, with its typically blue or green LED, for a real cigarette. Furthermore, as more people become aware of e-cigarettes, the chance of their being occasionally mistaken for cigarettes will lessen considerably. By banning e-cigarettes, you are impeding this familiarity, which you then use to justify your ban. You're basically saying that e-cigarettes should be banned because they're new and unfamiliar, while doing everything you can to ensure that they remain that way.

The P.I. quotes Bud Nicola, a King County Board of Health member, as saying that vaping in public "makes it very difficult for inspectors," for the reasons outlined above. This is typical of the arrogance of government these days. Laws should NOT be passed for the convenience of government employees. Most people don't have the luxury of refusing additional responsibilities at work. If these "inspectors" object to greater responsibilities at work, they are free to seek employment elsewhere.

It is telling that you have not attributed any public health dangers to e-cigarettes themselves. As public health officials, that should be your sole concern. Banning a product that is not inherently harmful simply because it's new and MIGHT be mistaken for something else is absurd, shortsighted, dictatorial, and counterproductive. If you are truly concerned about public health, you should welcome – not ban – a product that is a far safer alternative to one of the biggest public health dangers of our time.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
esdel, in my mind, that is a key point. Here is a health department trying to dictate law based on perception of risk and convenience of enforcement. If that is within their scope, they should have outlawed the sale of toy guns years ago based on the fact that they may be confused with the real thing and may and have been involved in crimes. Beside toy guns, violent video games and movies are also gateways to child violence, crime and death. Perhaps the health department should get involved there also.


Senior Member
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May 15, 2009
Seattle, WA
esdel, in my mind, that is a key point. Here is a health department trying to dictate law based on perception of risk and convenience of enforcement. If that is within their scope, they should have outlawed the sale of toy guns years ago based on the fact that they may be confused with the real thing and may and have been involved in crimes. Beside toy guns, violent video games and movies are also gateways to child violence, crime and death. Perhaps the health department should get involved there also.

First of all, sorry I didn't post this in the existing thread about this, but I discovered it after I started this thread.

Don't be surprised if toy guns are next. Video games will take a while longer, as they're extremely profitable, and a certain VERY BIG Seattle-based company is involved. How about banning women from dressing attractively because they might get assaulted? Make them all wear burqas in public; that should do it. Can government do ANYTHING it damn well pleases these days?? BTW, I also sent the email to the addresses listed in the other thread, but I believe I improved it a bit. Here's the new version:

To the King County Board of Health:

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed ban on "vaping" (the electronic equivalent of smoking) e-cigarettes in public places. The reasons for the proposed ban, as stated in the Seattle P.I., cannot be justified from a public health standpoint and constitute a blatant overreach of power in a supposedly free society.

According to the P.I., "... public health officials say (e-cigarettes are) so similar to the real thing that they make tobacco enforcement difficult and often prompt smokers to think it's OK to light up in public. And that leads to second-hand smoke, health officials reason." It is difficult to imagine that anyone could mistake an e-cigarette, with its typically blue or green LED, for a real cigarette. Furthermore, as more people become aware of e-cigarettes, the chance of their being occasionally mistaken for cigarettes will lessen considerably. However, by banning e-cigarettes, you are perpetuating public ignorance of e-cigarettes, which you then use to justify your ban. You're basically saying that e-cigarettes should be banned because they're new and unfamiliar, while doing everything you can to ensure they remain that way. You're also penalizing vapers, not for anything they're doing, but for something someone else might do. This is a novel, yet dangerous, approach to legislating. It presents endless possibilities for the restriction of individual freedoms.

The P.I. quotes Bud Nicola, a King County Board of Health member, as saying that vaping in public "makes it very difficult for inspectors." This is typical of the arrogance of government these days. Laws should NOT be passed for the convenience of government employees. Most people don't have the luxury of refusing additional responsibilities at work. If these "inspectors" object to greater responsibilities at work, they are free to seek employment elsewhere.

It is telling that you have not attributed any significant public health dangers to e-cigarettes themselves. As public health officials, that should be your sole concern. It is well known that e-cigarette vapor contains only miniscule levels of nitrosamines, much lower than in cigarette smoke, and is completely lacking in any of the other dangerous chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Banning a product that is not inherently harmful simply because it's new and MIGHT be mistaken for something else is absurd, dictatorial, shortsighted, and counterproductive. If you are truly concerned about public health, you should welcome – not ban – a product that is a far safer alternative to one of the biggest public health dangers of our time.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
This was my email to Maria.

Dear Maria Wood,
The King County Board of Health has decided it wants to ban the use of electronic cigarettes because they are a nuisance and pose a health risk to the good citizens of King County. You have based this on erroneous facts that cannot be proven but you still consider this ban. You contend that the vapor that is exhaled from the user will cause addiction to others. Do you hear how naïve and idiotic that statement is? I will spare you the links to case studies on the subject as I’m sure you have been bombarded with them already. I find it very odd that you haven’t banned barbeques as the char broiled meat was long ago proven to contain carcinogens far worse to the consumer than electronic cigarette vapor. You also did not ban them as being appealing to teenagers. I am quite sure that I will see more teenagers with hamburgers cooked in the back yards and our county parks than I will using an electronic cigarette. You state that it is confusing to your inspectors that are searching out cigarette smokers but if you get close to a cigarette smoker the foul odor they emit will be there a long time whereas an electronic cigarette users emits no foul odor. The appearance you worry about for your inspectors yet since I was a child you could buy candy cigarettes and still can that look exactly like a cigarette from a short distance and they are of no concern to you and probably lead more children down that path than an electronic cigarette ever will. If your inspectors are having that much of a problem, especially at the wages they get, I submit to you it’s time to hire better inspectors.
Shall I go on or are you starting to understand how idiotic this venture is? It doesn’t wash with me and I’ll hazard a guess not too many other intelligent people. I find it odd that you suggest patches and other remedies that don’t work for people over ones that do. Could it be you have an ulterior motive in considering this ban?
I would also like to know why I, and people like me that don’t smoke tobacco, have to be subjected to the harmful toxins that I have finally rid myself of by being placed in smoking areas? I was under the impression they were set aside for smokers, of which I’m not, to keep the rest of us safe from second hand smoke. Is your health more important than mine? Am I being punished for choosing a healthy alternative to smoking or is it because you just don’t like people that don’t live the way you want them to live? I’m concerned because you are really classing me as a second hand citizen and that’s not fair. All of my doctors have told me that my health has improved since I quit smoking tobacco and started using electronic cigarettes but you want me to return to smoking and are passing policy to insure it. Please rethink your agenda and at least get honest facts instead of the tainted and biased ones you are using.

J. F. Jasper
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Super Member
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Nov 12, 2010
Perth, Australia
I agree 5cardstud, how can a Board of Health put your health in danger by forcing you back to the areas where you exposed to secondhand smoke.

They will probably respond by saying that no-one is forcing you back to the smoker's area.

However, I would think that if they didn't now provide special areas for vapers, away from smokers, then vapers now have less rights than the smokers.

If it can be shown that a vaper is put at risk by being forced by the BOH regulation to inhale smoke, that I think is a legal case.


CASAA Activist
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I agree 5cardstud, how can a Board of Health put your health in danger by forcing you back to the areas where you exposed to secondhand smoke.

They will probably respond by saying that no-one is forcing you back to the smoker's area.

However, I would think that if they didn't now provide special areas for vapers, away from smokers, then vapers now have less rights than the smokers.

If it can be shown that a vaper is put at risk by being forced by the BOH regulation to inhale smoke, that I think is a legal case.

Hey, maybe folks in Seattle could hire JB to get up a class action suit against the BOH. He'll sue anybody.


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Jan 1, 2010
I think someone will probably start litigation. This was the email I sent tonight to her.

Dear Maria Woods,
It's pretty obvious that you already had your mind made up to ban electronic cigarettes no matter what because the report given by this guy was all most all "I'm not sure" "I think" "I'll find out later" "They weren't sure but think" etc. This report was nothing more than this persons assumptions on what he thought. To use that as your standard to ban the use of these products in public was a very selfish personal thing that pertained to nothing more than your feelings on the subject. You have put your personal views before the publics well being and I am shocked that you accept a report that even the person giving it gave no data but maybe, should, might and ought to before CASA report of substantiated fact. By the way I am not affiliated with CASA in any way. I am amazed the good people of King County keep you employed. The bright side is maybe they will see you for who you really are and get rid of you and your co-horts.

J.F. Jasper


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Who is Maria Wood? She's just an administrator in the Health Department. Her boss is David Fleming, the clown who did the presentation of ?non-profit?"health" association rhetoric.

Here's the list of characters involved in this travesty.

Membership roster of the King County Board of Health


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
Perth, Australia
Who is Maria Wood? She's just an administrator in the Health Department. Her boss is David Fleming, the clown who did the presentation of ?non-profit?"health" association rhetoric.

Here's the list of characters involved in this travesty.

Membership roster of the King County Board of Health

Website is not responding. Maybe this means they are being inundated with opinions!!!!

Ehh... maybe it just means their ISP is having issues.


Senior Member
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May 15, 2009
Seattle, WA
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