my new eGo-T 650mah with CE4 clearomizer!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2013
lil red dot.
received it couple hrs ago.. allowed it to charge then used it.. was so excited! i went ahead to mix V4L's peacemaker with V4L's apple, in 50/50 quantities.. taste not too bad! its ok right.?

nth fancy, just a basic setup.


afew questions:-

1) how can i pimp it.?
2) can i use any USB wall sockets to charge it.? like e ipad head, for example..
3) do i need to constantly switch it off when not in use or i can leave it in "sleep" mode.?
4) i may have accidentally dripped some eliquid into e center part of e inner tubing(dont rmb what its called) is blowing it before attaching it to e battery enough.?

forgive e noobish questions, 1st time user&absolutely loving it!

manage to pull thru w/o buying analogs as well while waiting!



Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Nice, very similar to what I have :)

1. Look into getting some other clearos/cartos/tanks etc. You'll want to try out a few different kinds.
2. Check the volt input on your charging cable, it's most likely 5v input, and your ipad wall charger should be 5v output, so that should be fine.
3. I only turn mine off when I put it in my pocket, so it doesn't fire when I don't want it to, and I get a full day out of each charge.
4. you'll probably be okay just wiping off the part where the battery connects, or you can blow it out from that end into a tissue

Congrats on starting to make the switch!

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi! How Exciting!

"Pimp it" - check the "girly" or "macho" threads in the general discussion sub-forum, and there are some in the modding section about cosmetic mods.

I can't answering about charging with other devices.

I never turn mine off.

Getting a little liquid on the connection happens often. I keep q-tips handy to wipe it off, and also have made a habit of wiping it periodically even if it doesn't look wet.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2013
lil red dot.
thanks for all e feedbacks!! will be replying u guys when i have a bigger screen!! :)

just a question, been vaping for e past couple of hrs.. flavours' great but one thing, certain draws have a rough throat hit while most r pretty smooth.. but prob not as smooth as analogs.. am i doing smth wrong.?
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Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
just a question, been vaping for e past couple of hrs.. flavours' great but one thing, certain draws have a rough throat hit while most r pretty smooth.. but prob not as smooth as analogs.. am i doing smth wrong.?
Congrats and it looks cool. Try "rolling" the clearo to keep the wicks saturated.
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Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
what's rolling.?
You put the PV/ clearo in a horizontal position and "roll" it thus ensuring the wicks are fully saturated.. I used the Clearos but have since switched to the Mini Vivi Nova as the build quality is better. Buy the rebuildable- very cheap and easy to maintain. Your clearo is non rebuildable but can be cleaned for longer life.


Senior Member
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Jan 2, 2013
Gulfport, MS
just a question, been vaping for e past couple of hrs.. flavours' great but one thing, certain draws have a rough throat hit while most r pretty smooth.. but prob not as smooth as analogs.. am i doing smth wrong.?

If the rough throat hit feels "dry" then it could be a sign of dehydration. Both PG and VG juices are humectants and extract water from surrounding areas. Always drink plenty of water while vaping. I'll get a scratchy dry rough throat hit on occasion as well. A quick swig of water fixes that.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2013
lil red dot.
Nice, very similar to what I have :)

1. Look into getting some other clearos/cartos/tanks etc. You'll want to try out a few different kinds.
2. Check the volt input on your charging cable, it's most likely 5v input, and your ipad wall charger should be 5v output, so that should be fine.
3. I only turn mine off when I put it in my pocket, so it doesn't fire when I don't want it to, and I get a full day out of each charge.
4. you'll probably be okay just wiping off the part where the battery connects, or you can blow it out from that end into a tissue

Congrats on starting to make the switch!

Hi! How Exciting!

"Pimp it" - check the "girly" or "macho" threads in the general discussion sub-forum, and there are some in the modding section about cosmetic mods.

I can't answering about charging with other devices.

I never turn mine off.

Getting a little liquid on the connection happens often. I keep q-tips handy to wipe it off, and also have made a habit of wiping it periodically even if it doesn't look wet.

Congrats and it looks cool. Try "rolling" the clearo to keep the wicks saturated.

Looking good!

My wife used that exact setup for many weeks before I "pimped it" by getting her a Mini Nova :)

hey guys

1) i am actually looking at the Magnum Tank 2, as it looks pretty neat.. but am unsure of its availability locally.
2) so most, of not all 5v charging heads shld be safe.? &whats e downside if i used a higher voltage charging head.? wldnt it charge faster.?
3) ok, got it.. currently after one day of use, i only turn it off when it's in my pocket or b4 i slp.
4) it seems like there's abit of eliquid in between e tubing as i've removed it to blow/clean at least 6-8times in e past day.? how do i get rid of it.? wash it out.?

You put the PV/ clearo in a horizontal position and "roll" it thus ensuring the wicks are fully saturated.. I used the Clearos but have since switched to the Mini Vivi Nova as the build quality is better. Buy the rebuildable- very cheap and easy to maintain. Your clearo is non rebuildable but can be cleaned for longer life.

Nice set up....youll enjoy this beyond belief!

Nice! I've got the same setup and 5 days analog free.

If the rough throat hit feels "dry" then it could be a sign of dehydration. Both PG and VG juices are humectants and extract water from surrounding areas. Always drink plenty of water while vaping. I'll get a scratchy dry rough throat hit on occasion as well. A quick swig of water fixes that.

Nice setup! I started with the mini novas, ordered some CE4 and T3s to try out also.

i do drink a fair bit of water.. but let me try to explain this as best i can..

u know how it feels when u take a draw from analogs, there's this smooth, minty flow of air into ur lungs(yes, its unhealthy!) with this certain kick to a draw.. i cant seem to find it with my current setup.? any ideas.?

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
u know how it feels when u take a draw from analogs, there's this smooth, minty flow of air into ur lungs(yes, its unhealthy!) with this certain kick to a draw.. i cant seem to find it with my current setup.? any ideas.?
What brand did you smoke and how many per day?
Your juice is 50/ 50 PG/ VG...what mg are you vaping?
Finally what ohms is the clearo?

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
2) so most, of not all 5v charging heads shld be safe.? &whats e downside if i used a higher voltage charging head.? wldnt it charge faster.?
Actually a slow charge is more healthy for the battery.
4) it seems like there's abit of eliquid in between e tubing as i've removed it to blow/clean at least 6-8times in e past day.? how do i get rid of it.? wash it out.?
Most tanks/ clearos will have some condensation. It could also be the head (wick+ coil) is not screwed on tight and juice is leaking into the airway. i used the clearomizers but switched to the rebuildable Vision Mini Vivi Nova 2,0- no leaks, cheap to replace heads ($2) and easy to replace (10 sec). My heads are lasting 8 weeks. They are still working at 8 weeks but the wicks are frayed so I just replace it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2013
lil red dot.
What brand did you smoke and how many per day?
Your juice is 50/ 50 PG/ VG...what mg are you vaping?
Finally what ohms is the clearo?

i smoke Marlboro Menthols for awhile, recently swtiched to Menthol Lights to cut down on nic levels.

both are V4L liquids, Peacemaker & Apple Flavours. both in 6mg nic.

errrr, i really have no idea on e ohms. its a standard CE4 clearomizer & 650mah eGo-T battery(non adjustable voltage)

certain draws are smooth but "kick-less" or rough&still "kick-less" :D

it kinda feels like the vapor got lost down my air passages whereas a draw frm analogs, i can feel e smoke going all e way in but with a certain kick..

i'm sorry if i'm not explaining it right..but if most of u are ex-analog users, i'm sure u'll understand what i'm trying to get at, i think.. lol!

Actually a slow charge is more healthy for the battery.

Most tanks/ clearos will have some condensation. It could also be the head (wick+ coil) is not screwed on tight and juice is leaking into the airway. i used the clearomizers but switched to the rebuildable Vision Mini Vivi Nova 2,0- no leaks, cheap to replace heads ($2) and easy to replace (10 sec). My heads are lasting 8 weeks. They are still working at 8 weeks but the wicks are frayed so I just replace it.

i am intending on upgrading my tank system.. still figuring out which.. but i'm really attracted to the Magnum Tank 2 :)
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Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
both are V4L liquids, Peacemaker & Apple Flavours. both in 6mg nic.

Most new vapers begin at 18 mg or 24 mg. Some, like myself, began at 36 mg. Don't know how many you smoked per day but 6 mg to start is very low. As for TH/ throat hit and lung hit...

Juice Components

Flavoring usually about 15%- could be higher or lower depending on the flavor used.
PG enhances flavor, TH and lung hit- many of us believe it to be a throat irritant- water like
VG= vapor and can mute flavor- thick
Nicotine- TH, lung hit and our need for nicotine. The MOST important ingredient in regards to TH and lung hit.
Standards in the industry are 80/ 20 or 70/ 30 PG/ VG.

You are vaping 50/ 50 PG/ VG so you have a low PG ratio and a low mg level= mild TH and lung hit.

i am intending on upgrading my tank system.. still figuring out which.. but i'm really attracted to the Magnum Tank 2
Understand that carto+ tank systems have a learning curve and with 50/ 50 PG/ VG juice there may be a wicking problem.
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Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
New York, USA
If you smoked menthols then you should get a menthol juice - strength depends on your taste. I always get strong ones - and it helped me tremendously kicking the menthol cigs. Menthol not mint - there's a difference. Once you've fully made the transition then you can try other flavors. I still need the menthol hit in the morning but I've been expanding my flavor selection for later in the day and am actually enjoying nonmenthol. But in the early stages I only vaped menthols.
I agree with Vapoor - good advice to follow! I was a lights smoker and began at 18mg no problem. (I had a small supply of 24mg which I used to use in the morning but now 18mg is fine.) My mix was and is 70pg/30vg.

As for pimping - look at all those great drip tips! I try to resist but usually end up adding a new fancy tip each order! Tips can change the look dramatically at reasonable cost.
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