Negative reaction from analog smokers?

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ECF Veteran
May 11, 2009
Tacoma, WA
I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this and if so, how you dealt with it.

While vaping has pretty much removed the need to go to a designated smoking area at work, I usually will go out there on one of my breaks to tell people about the e-cig and just try to educate them on the concept of vaping in general. Most of the time, the reactions are positive. I've turned one person on to them completely, but others show a polite reluctance to embrace the idea.

However, I've found a few people have reacted unexpectedly. Extremely defensive, almost agitated, and bordering on resentment. My inner Freud wants to interpret this as a knee-jerk reaction on their part to a percieved threat to something they take security in. When I try to explain how it works and the fact that it completely addresses those things which I, myself, needed from cigarettes, including the nicotine and the physical act of holding a cigarette-like device, drawing in and inhaling a smoke-like substance with a somewhat tobacco-like flavor, and so on, they just refuse to listen to any of it. Furthermore, they project a sense that I am threatening them. It's really strange, and I'm not sure how to gracefully deal with them. I guess the best thing is to just let it go and not push it. I certainly don't want give any indication that I want to take something away from them. I just give the info and ultimately, they're the ones who have to decide.

Another reaction I get, specifically when I mention that I can vape in my work area on breaks without having to go outside in the rain/cold/heat/whatever, is one of anger and jealousy. One guy even made what I consider one of the more irrational statements I've heard in awhile. "If you can use that, I don't see any reason why I can't smoke a cigarette!" Pointing out the obvious was fruitless. It didn't matter that cigarettes give off second-hand smoke, produce an odor that's unpleasant to the non-smoking consensus, and produces litter in the form of ashes and cigarette butts. He wasn't having any of that. I just had to drop the subject and walk away before my head exploded. Heh...

So, have any of you experienced anything similar?



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Mar 26, 2009
Tyne & Wear, UK
I dont mix with large groups of people so I havent had the experiences you have, but I have had the 'brush off' This is when someone asks me about the e cig, I explain and demonstrate, and they then Poo Poo it and say, well I dont want to give up, I only smoke a few etc etc.....

When this happens I dont try and delve any deeper, I simply say, 'I was like you, afraid of failure' and leave them to think about what I

Bad Newz Blare

Full Member
May 11, 2009
Bay Area
I have a cousin who reacts negative every time he sees my PV.... ive explained the advantages over and over and let him hit it a few times but he stands firm.

"WTF!? your just wasting your money dog..."

"I bet that has something in it thats worse than stoges"

"Your still a junkie.. the only difference is you got batteries to charge now"

"There you go with your lil foggerizer again....or whatever its called"

"Why you acting your smoking? either you smoke or you dont"

blah blah blah...

It never fails. I really don't know whats buggin him about it. I asked him why hes so against it, and he goes on a rant about how its "fake" and that im replacing my addiction for the same addiction. Ive converted all my cousins that smoke except for him but i think he'll come around sooner or later because there nobody to bum smokes and fire off anymore LOL.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
I still go out for a normal "smoke" break at work to vape and the other day, an older smoker was asking me about it....she kept making faces as I was explaining it to her, and when I told her I hadn't smoked for three weeks she said "wouldn't it be great if you could really quit smoking?"

It didn't matter how many ways I explained that I had, she wasn't buying it.

It kind of bums me out when people view it as some kind of malarky and something to be skeptical of.

I wish I would have found this sooner and I have the urge to tell everyone who smokes that they don't have to smoke anymore.


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Mar 20, 2009
Hertfordshire, England
If someone wants to know about it, then I tell them, but if they're not interested then I don't push it.... after all, it's not going to be for everyone and the last thing I want is to come over like the evangelistic ex-smokers preaching about smoking with the "if I can do it, anyone can" attitude.

Remember how you felt when someone tried to preach to you about the dangers of, and reasons not to smoke?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
"Why you acting your smoking? either you smoke or you dont"

LOL, I get that one all the time from some of my friends.

One of my friends also once said, "That thing makes you look ridiculous..."

No joke, 2 minutes later a group of 3 girls walk up to me and say "Hey what is that thing?" The look on his face was priceless. I just tell him that he smokes those Fred Flintstone cigarettes now.



Full Member
May 3, 2009
Melville, NY
Data, Have to say that I have a totally different reaction. People who see me vaping are facinated by it. I've had some adverse reactions from people around me when I'm vaping in a restaurant or movie, but other than that, pretty positive. I agree with Angela on her point. Don't preach. The worst people I meet are the ones who quit. I was so tired of hearing, "How could you still smoke?" What a disgusting habit. You know how bad you smell? You're killing yourself and everyone around you. Geez, sorry that you have more will power than me and I love you rubbing it in my face was usually my answer.


Super Member
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Mar 29, 2009
Biloxi, MS
I get a mixed bag of reactions. Some are fascinated and want to know where they can get one. They ask questions and want to know how they work and how long I've been using them.

Some blow them off as a joke. Think they won't work. Think it's something I'll forget about in another month and go back to analogs. Call them "toys".

I have had a couple of smokers get down right hostile about it. Ranting that I don't know what's in it or what it's doing to me, and that it'll probably kill me before the year is out. One is a real sinophobe, and insists that the Chinese would put chemicals in there on purpose to harm us.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 30, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
We smokers get enough crap from the anti-smoking crowd that we really don't need any more from e-cig smokers. Do we really need to be reminded, once again, that we can't smoke when or where we want, have tobacco odors, and we litter too? I understand offering the alternative choice of the e-cig and pointing out the benefits but some e-smokers have become almost elitists, or they want to sell you something. It's a great marketing strategy but I don't see the e-cig as either/or, I use both cigarettes and the e-cig depending on the situation. Just my humble opinion. I'm not sure I want to be in a group that excludes other smokers because their vapor is smoke free.

Honest answer and honest concern. :confused:
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Vapor Fiend

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Apr 14, 2009
I generally get a positive reaction out of people I talk with about the e-cig.

I have had similar experiences such as you described. To me it's funny to see smokers act this way because I completely understand why they act like this.

In fact it's very simple. It all goes back to the "I smoke because it makes me look cool" myth. While the myth itself is childish and mostly untrue, some people hold a personal sanctity in the notion that people are noticing them smoke, and there is some sense of mystery or "coolness" to them. Now, we come along with this new product and we're stealing they're thunder. I think you were dead on when you said "jealousy" and "resentment".

The main thing you have to remember is that unfortunetly there are people in this world that refuse to feel like they are being educated. Sadly, they'll never learn how great this product is. Better for us though!


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ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2009
My brother and his wife were here a few weeks ago. My brother asked about my e-cig and I showed it to him and explained all that I knew about them (still a newbie). He tried it and liked it but thought it would be too much trouble for him (Charging batteries, cleaning atomizers, etc). Ok, fair enough. I realize these aren't for everyone.

I went to hand it to my sister in law to inspect and try if she wanted to, she backed away from it like I was handing her a dead rat! Her answer was "No thanks, at least I KNOW what's going into my lungs". I just laughed to myself and took a hit of cherry vanilla :cool:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Chicago, IL
Like it or not there are places that will not allow you to vape in their establishments for fear that someone will actually light up a cigarette thinking they can smoke there. (Odd but true) I have found myself outside with smokers, vaping away out of courtesy for the establishment.

I had a client of mine who has smoked for 30+ years, 2-3 packs a day who saw my 901. I explained what it was and he said "No thank you I'll stick with the real thing". Within 2 weeks he contacted me to buy one for him + liquid and now he is smoke free. It's amazing and now he is promoting it to his friends as well!

prof beard

Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 29, 2009
Stafford UK
I've found smokers and non-smokers fine - the most negative reaction has been from "born-again non-smokers" (ex-smokers) who often REALLY seem to resent the fact that I've "stopped smoking without suffering". They almost LONG for something bad to be found out about e-cigs (or for them to be banned) - I'd bet the people who are causing you trouble over in the US are mainly these "born-again" types....


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Savannah, GA
We smokers get enough crap from the anti-smoking crowd that we really don't need any more from e-cig smokers. Do we really need to be reminded, once again, that we can't smoke when or where we want, have tobacco odors, and we litter too? I understand offering the alternative choice of the e-cig and pointing out the benefits but some e-smokers have become almost elitists, or they want to sell you something. It's a great marketing strategy but I don't see the e-cig as either/or, I use both cigarettes and the e-cig depending on the situation. Just my humble opinion. I'm not sure I want to be in a group that excludes other smokers because their vapor is smoke free.

Honest answer and honest concern. :confused:

Yeah I have noticed a tad bit of that too. I am no longer a smoker but I hear where you are coming from. I am still in the same boat as I was when I did smoke and that it let people do whatever the hell they feel, it's their choice and their body, shouldn't be any of my concern. I smoke outside unless i am at home and really don't get too many questions, just curious looks.


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May 25, 2008
If what you say is the approach you use, then I would probably react the same way as the smokers you call defensive. Smokers are fed up with the lectures, then there you are outside in the only space they have lecturing about why they need to give up the smokes for e cigarettes. I cannot stand one more interferring anti-smoker. I avoid them if at all possible. Your approach sounds like an anti smoker. Why can't you just enjoy vaping without forcing others to convert because you did? Use the e cig, and if someone is interested, he/she will ask you about it. If not, then enjoy it for yourself. As for the smoker pi**ed that you can vape inside but he cannot smoke inside; I agree with him completely. Smoking bans are ridiculous in most places they are enforced. If I misunderstood what you said, I apologize. Otherwise, I'm with the smokers on this one. It is honestly why I continue to smoke real cigarettes. I never want to become one of them.
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