New iTaste VTR (not released)

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May 13, 2013
I would think you'd need to use the extender-adapter thing . .so that the rba sits on top of the mod (at least I think the VTR has this feature). Otherwise . .even if your rba fit in the clearo-slot, it'd be annoying to pull the top cap or drip-tip off to drip more juice. Wouldn't it?

Yes, the extender for most RBAs. I'm really bummed- I have a Kayfun Mini that should work really well without the extender, and was looking forward to pulling the trigger on one. Maybe the delay won't be too bad, but I really need something now. Maybe a mech??


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Dec 20, 2012
San Antonio
Yes, the extender for most RBAs. I'm really bummed- I have a Kayfun Mini that should work really well without the extender, and was looking forward to pulling the trigger on one. Maybe the delay won't be too bad, but I really need something now. Maybe a mech??

I'm in the same boat. Both my ego twists that I use when I'm travelling bit the dust. One won't charge anymore and the other one spilled it's guts out when I untwisted my tank . .the ego connector and wires, etc, just came right out with it. I've been holding off on replacements because the VTR looks like it will be perfect . . but . .I have to go out of town week after next and definitely have to have something by then. Looks like another ego-twist is in my future . .. but I'll probably still pick one of these up when they do eventually release it.


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Apr 5, 2013
Yeah, I was hoping the Vamo would be sufficient until the VTR was released as I plan on using the VTR as my out and about mod. The Vamo started acting up which sent me into a bit of a panic as my eGo batteries are out on loan. So I now have a SVD (which is awesome) but will still get the VTR when Innokin finally releases it.

State O' Flux

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Jul 17, 2013
I agree. But rather than carry torches and pitchforks, we should carry iTaste 134's. Those could probably inflict no small measure of damage.
Hey... my iTaste 134 arrived today! Neat huh?


Now... just a quick trip down to the LGS, for a few bricks of CCI Mini Mags... and I'll be vapin' at around 200 VPM. :p


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Dec 30, 2011
Quad Cities

Really want one of these. My KGO VV is on its last legs, and was planning to order one of these when I got paid today. Unfortunately, with my only VV ready to die, I couldn't wait and my vape budget for this paycheck had to go elsewhere.... Scored a used SVD with 2 Panny 18650s and a charger on eBay for 60 bucks, though, so that'll work for a while.

Still looking for a good box mod. I'd love a Billet Box, but the price is up there a ways. Still would have pulled the trigger today if there was a way to do so. The VTR is my "next best thing". I want a box mod where the carto/tank/clearo doesn't just stick way out in the open. Both the BB and the VTR fulfill this criteria.

Anything else on the market that might fill that bill?


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Jan 7, 2013
Subliminalurge -- one option you may want to consider is the Reo mini with a shorty carto. That's my out and about mod since it's so pocket friendly. The shorty carto plus a shorty drip tip sticks out about an inch and a quarter from the top. The Mini itself is very compact -- roughly 1.5 inches wide and 3 inches tall (exclusive of the carto). Very durable and never had even a drop leak out of it regardless of rough handling. It's a mechanical, however, so no VV/VW.
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