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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
if you do contact the PO, please do so calmly, without anger or accusations! I'm someone who will complain (and complement if that is the case). I have learned that you get MUCH better results if you say things like, "I though you'd like to know" and just calmly state the facts.
I'm old (I love being old) so I would have probably refused to dump out anything and would also be taken to jail :)

I agree, this dumping of juice was done on purpose. The officer had no right to dump your unlabeled juice this is why HE TOLD YOU TO DO IT. I am afraid that I would have said I want a report written out since there are NO LAWS AGAINST Ecigarettes IN EFFECT NOW. If he told me he was letting me go, I'd have said gimme your info, because I am NOT letting it go.

You were not committing a crime - there is no law against vaping on record ANYWHERE. It's what a VP could be used WITH that could be a problem. I'd be happy to be arrested for NICOTINE... arrest me, BABY! Cha ching! I own a new city once the lawsuit is over.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2012
Columbia MD
Hopefully you got his badge number or at least his name.

You need to file a formal complaint as soon as possible. Ask to talk to his Superior Officer, and offer to give them some educational material on e-cigs. What this "officer" did was a violation of Federal law, and he is a dangerous criminal who needs to be reprimanded and re-educated by his superiors, if not completely stripped of his badge.

You should also contact a lawyer ASAP.

Next time, if an "officer" steals or destroys your personal property, threatens you with arrest, illegally searches your vehicle or personal effects, or in any other way harasses you without probable cause, you need to file a lawsuit against him for violating your civil rights. What this cop did was illegal. IF he ACTUALLY thought you had "drugs" in that bottle, he committed a crime by forcing you to "destroy evidence" by pouring it out.

And when you file your complaint, you need to let them know that if this sort of illegal harassment continues, they will be talking to your lawyer and answering a summons in a Federal Court under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violation of your civil rights under color of law.

Oh, and next time, only roll down the window enough to pass your paperwork through it. And DO NOT give him anything that is in your purse, or any other enclosed container like a backpack or briefcase. He needs a warrant for that (or your consent--which you are NOT legally required to give without a warrant). And if he asks you to get out of your vehicle, you need to be sure to LOCK THE DOORS and not unlock them for ANY reason except for YOU getting back in the car.

If you'll PM me, I'll be glad to help you find a qualified attorney in your area, and can advise you on other ways to deal with power-tripping jackbooted thugs in the future...
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Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Thanks for the support, you guys. I was so upset at the time, I didn't even get the cop's name. Should have. Anyway, I'm going to go down to my local police station in person tomorrow morning (it's on my way anyways) and ask about what this cop told me. I'll take my Riva-T, and my (empty) needle-tipped bottle to show them. I'll let you know what I find out. I'm always nice to people, especially cops, and this time will be no different. No matter how angry I am, I'll be nice.

Now that I'm not so shakey, I'm starting to get a little pissy. I think if the PD confirms I wasn't doing anything wrong, I'm going to try to lodge a complaint against the guy. I don't know if I can do that without knowing his name, but I'm going to try. I'd like to go after him for harrassment, but I can't really afford a lawyer. Man, what a trip.

Bullies like him shouldn't be allowed to be cops! They give the rest of them a terrible name. :grr:

A news station is a wonderful idea. Our local news is pretty damn good, and always looking for a reason to hassle our police department. I'll get in touch with them tomorrow as well.

I'm really, really glad I've got you guys. I think even if I didn't have anybody to back me up, I'd have gathered my wits about me and gone to the OPD tomorrow to straighten things out anyway, but you guys have made me feel so much better. *hugs*

EDIT: It was a Sheriff's Deputy that got me, not city police. I'm more or less in the city, but I'm technically right outside city limits. I got caught like four miles outside city limits, by a county cop. Way to play into the "county cops are ......" stereotype, amirite?
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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
How scary! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I'm one of those people who tends not to fight fire with fire. I was would contact the police department and make an appointment to go down and educate them. I'd bring my gear, a couple of business cards the vendors send out with orders, and point out that what I was using is different only in appearance to the "cig-a-likes" sold at convenience stores. Emphasize what a frightening and humiliating experience it was and how no one else should have to go through it.:2c:

ETA: Alerting the media is always good too, if you can pick a slow news day.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Just explain calmly that you want to know the official police stand on eCigarettes and vaporizers. Tell them it upset you and you were crying and came home and ruined months of being off of tobacco by smoking and then you want to know the OFFICIAL STANCE. You would like this in writing, to put in your car with you insurance & registration just in case someone else stops you =]


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
So if you were carrying your prescription medication in one of those daily reminder containers and popped your allergy medicine at an intersection, a cop could make you dump all of your medication on the ground? I think not. I'm not much of an antagonistic type, but I think I would be calling an attorney over this one.


Senior Member
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Dec 8, 2012
Actually by law in the states, it is required that if you carry meds to have proof it belongs to you and that it was prescribed...

If your kid or someone elses kid drops his Ritalin (methylphenidate) you will probably (90% you will) be arrested for drug possession if you consent to a search (which you NEVER do, no matter what the situation)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 25, 2012
Northern Illinois
Sorry to hear about your harassment. Your right that cops like that give the good ones a bad rap. If you go to the media and mention ECF it might be a good idea to edit your post where you admit to using contraband.:oops: Not being soapbox/preachy. But just a heads up.
Good luck!:toast:
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Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Sorry to hear about your harassment. Your right that cops like that give the good ones a bad rap. If you go to the media and mention ECF it might be a good idea to edit your post where you admit to using contraband.:oops: Not being soapbox/preachy. But just a heads up.
Good luck!:toast:

LOL! I didn't mean a bowl as in --other smokables--! I meant a bowl of pipe tobacco. I'm a pipe-smoker, and I've always called it "a bowl." OMG I laughed so hard. You're right, it really doesn't sound good unless you see/smell me smoking it. :lol:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
How to Smoke a Pipe

1. Fill the bowl of your pipe. This step is the most difficult to master, but it affects the rest of your smoke. Fill the bowl loosely with tobacco and press it lightly down with the tamper. The bowl should now be filled halfway from the bottom. Fill the bowl again to the top and compress a bit more, packing more firmly. Now your bowl is about 3/4 full. Now top off the bowl with more tobacco and press down. There should be a slight space between the top of the bowl and the tobacco.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2012
I'd be filing a formal complaint and possibly contacting an attorney. That's absolutely ridiculous. It's akin to being pulled over and harassed for drinking a Pepsi because it comes in the same container as beer does. Yeah, I'd be on the phone with a lawyer tomorrow. But I'm a bit of an antagonist.[/QUOTE

you should go to the police dept. and talk to his supervisor bout training this cop better, obviously he doesn't know the law.

and for the record it is illegal to drink pepsi and drive. the law states that it is illegal to drink and drive,it doesn't mention alcohol only, it is being distracted while driving. look it up and you will see. just a heads up.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
MouseTown, USA
Sorry lol. Just whenever I was doing that in my younger dumber days we would always refer to the act as smoking a bowl. My father has smoked a pipe for as long as I can remember and never heard him call it that.
My bad. Move along, nothing to see here.:oops:

Lol, totally understandable. I've heard smoking --other smokables-- referred to as "smoking a bowl." I can totally see where the confusion came from. And thanks for the post anyway - if I had smoked something else, the reminder to clear my post of that evidence before I went to the media would have been helpful. :)
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