ProVarinati Diner & Saloon and Beyond


Vaping Master
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Jul 7, 2016
Wow, I got a big red X. LOL! Bea, I'm telling you what the vet told me. And the people at the pet shop told me the exact same thing. As I said, that was a good five years ago. Oh, and I had neighbors who said they gave up on Frontline and switched to Advantage with mixed results. I used Advantage and it worked but I needed it only once (they were indoor cats).
sorry Bronze. It took me a while to explain the X. My guys are strictly indoors too but all it would take would be for me or hubs to bring in one flea and wamo!

I'm not saying there are never cases where your statement wasn't true…I too know it happens…but it happens rarely…but having been in the business I know the other side.

In fact we talked to our frontline rep about the client complaints and he told us that the company has a cat colony they have been treating with frontline for many years with good results.same cats, same environment, presumably same fleas and their offspring! And while I don't particularly trust pharma reps I do that one.


Vaping Master
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Jul 7, 2016
Haven't used Frontline for years, currently use Vectra so I don't have the Frontline info in front of me, but for the Vectra there's a huge warning all over the dog one that says fatal for cats to come in contact with. I know I'm always cautious for a few days after "flea treatment day", always make sure everybody washes hands after touching the dog before touching one of the cats, etc. Just wanted to put that out there, always read the precautions because each company uses a different chemical coctail. I know no one here wants to see harm come to such precious ones. My apologies to Bea if I am in error about this (admittedly I have never been employed by a vet, grew up on a farm though and have always administered meds to various animals when needed)-just wanted to err on the side of caution.
you are right about some products for dogs can NEVER be used on cats. I'm glad you commented on this. But Frontline is not one of them.

Of course if anyone is uncomfortable doing this…they shouldn't. I was just sharing with you what I do, what several rescue groups do and what we all did in our practice and several other practices in the area did for their own cats.


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
I've heard other people complain about fleas becoming immune but I respectfully disagree. We had clients who have used it for umpteen years with no issues. When we questioned clients who felt like you, most of the time we found that it wasn't actually that the fleas became immune but that there were so many fleas, more than other years, so the product could not keep up…no product could under the circumstances.

At such times it's best to also do a thorough vacuuming of the whole house daily for a week or two, wash all cloth furnishings and maybe even spray the yard to give any flea product used a helping hand.

As we used to say to clients who complained frontline was no longer working and they saw fleas on their pets…imagine how much worse they would be without the product.

And since moving to Florida five years ago…the flea capital of the world…my cats are treated every four weeks like clockwork and we have seen no fleas.

BTW, frontline can also be applied every three weeks in a bad situation.
Agree that vacuuming and cleaning the house is a major factor in ridding pets of fleas. Also keeping the pets as clean as possible. I cannot speak for Florida fleas. Perhaps N. Carolina fleas are a different story. But I can say without hesitation that our vet was pessimistic about the effectiveness of Frontline so they switched their animals to Advantage and were beginning to have doubts about that as well. Was it because the medication became ineffective or the flea populations were too overwhelming...I don't know. They told me it was an immunity. BTW, these were NC State vets. I'm sure you know about NC State.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Doctors no longer think, they follow established protocols

Actually my PcP actually tells me when a protocol has changed, and tells me if he agrees or disagrees. I like him for that, he is an independent thinker. He also, when I informed him I'd rather die of a heart attack than take a statin, agreed and told me that I could take zetia or red rice yeast and that both worked. So I did that.

My pdoc gets all squirmy about some stuff, like I guess he thinks prescribing more than the highest dose of an antipsychotic should be reserved for like a 300 lb schizophrenic or something and when I point out I am a hypermetabolizer under stress he's all like "meh" at me. IDK if it's "I don't want to do I prior auth," or general fear of going outside the lines. Something.

I was sick last night and just slept 12 hours it was awesome.



ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I haven't looked at the recent posts here more than a few pages, but I'm kinda shocked that there hasn't been anything posted about this in the Provarinati/Diner/Saloon. Did I miss something?


ProVape is coming back ...


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Aug 19, 2012


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2013
Indiana, USA
I haven't looked at the recent posts here more than a few pages, but I'm kinda shocked that there hasn't been anything posted about this in the Provarinati/Diner/Saloon. Did I miss something?


ProVape is coming back ...

I know I check that page everyday sense I first saw it. I really hope it is true, and that 2 years from now we are not still looking at the same page. :unsure:



Resting In Peace
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Aug 22, 2012
North of Detroit, way south of Heaven
Wow, I got a big red X. LOL! Bea, I'm telling you what the vet told me. And the people at the pet shop told me the exact same thing. As I said, that was a good five years ago. Oh, and I had neighbors who said they gave up on Frontline and switched to Advantage with mixed results. I used Advantage and it worked but I needed it only once (they were indoor cats).
I'm glad I'm not the only one that uses those Disagree X's. It's what they are there for, especially if you don't want to get into it. Just plain 'ol disagree...


Super Member
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Jan 14, 2015
Flyover Central
I wish I were beauty-ful like a provari. Dang autocorrect. I thought the link to Zen's new provaris for sale was really beauty-ful, but I could neither justify nor afford it. LOL.


LOL. Anna, I know I've looked at that placeholder a dozen times and until you posted this I did not notice the beautyful prose they used.


Vaping Master
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Jul 27, 2013
Releaser of the KRAKEN

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