ProVarinati Diner & Saloon and Beyond


"Vert De Ferk"
Supporting Member
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Dec 17, 2011
Humor aside, the question about how many Provari (versus Plovari) are still being vaped is interesting.
I'm not sure how many were produced. I'd be very curious.
I do know that none of mine have crapped out.
I recall very well asking myself if I wanted to spend $200 on a mod, being a Radius. That was 5 years ago. Still going strong, happy in the hand (no pun intended), and feels tough as nails. I've certainly bought other stuff since then, but they mostly feel cheap and flimsy. [I have not gotten anything fancy like Dani's etc.]

I'm embarrassed to say how many I have, but one did die. Let's just say that it represents a relatively small percentage (of the total count). :blink:

It was a Ti (v2.5) with a flat top. I'd bet that most of the 2.x versions that have passed were flat tops. The beveled tops seem to be a bit better built.

@ENAUD did try to resuscitate it but it was to no avail. It was a valiant effort, and was/is greatly appreciated to this day.

We had a small service for "Pappa Ti", and it sits high above, with a few other important-but-retired mods to which that I pay a very small fee to stand guard over the living stuff. ;)

Its brothers and sisters (the other remaining Ti's, still living) pay homage to it each Sunday. They come by and lay small cartomizers at its feet, much like we humans do with flowers. They never cry though. I guess that's one advantage of not having any tear ducts.

It's never a good idea to leave me alone with my imagination for too long. :blush:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 15, 2013
Indiana, USA
Maybe it was just adolescent hormones, but I was pretty much amazed at the utter beauty of a lot of the famous pop stars - who were not only gorgeous but were top tier vocalists. Not for just a decade, maybe for a couple at least.

For me I guess, for some reason I was not interested in Linda Ronstadt, when I could have seen her in concert. Really kicking myself, for not going to any of her shows back then. About 10 years ago I started listening to her, and realized what I had missed back then. :|



ECF Veteran
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Oct 10, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
Close up of a Wolf Spider :blink:



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Jan 30, 2012
United States
Can’t wait to get into more macro photography. I never understood focus stacking much though. I’m sure I could figure it out. Better put, I probably have figured it out and just don’t remember :yawn: I have to sell my current camera body though, the new one comes out next month and the current rendition has a bad button layout that is expected to be changed in the new version. Idk though, maybe I’ll keep it and get a new one, it’s sentimental. I just need one more camera. Just one more.

::::scratches neck grinding teeth::::


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2013
Auckland. New Zealand
Maybe it was just adolescent hormones, but I was pretty much amazed at the utter beauty of a lot of the famous pop stars - who were not only gorgeous but were top tier vocalists. Not for just a decade, maybe for a couple at least.

That's OK @GeekyGeezer ... my brother was "in love with Olivia Newton John" until he realised she was 3 people ...

1 Olivia

2 Newt

3. and John


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