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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire


    Long time vaper.
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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    Ok, I tried the Greek Yogurt mix and I tasted nothing offensive but I really need to let it steep now so I get the true taste. Right now the 2 yogurts do not taste anywhere the same to me. As it stands I prefer the FW as more creamy with no off-tastes . Not to imply the greek has any off-taste but it is a very different taste. I suck at describing flavors. It's actually a waste of time now because neither has the month steep with the greek being mixed just a few days away.


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    Sep 11, 2010
    between here and there
    I have been looking for a vanilla flavor that taste much like the Nestle type of taste for vanilla. All the vanilla's i have seem to be dark where i want a very light vanilla flavor. Anyone know or have a flavor like this?


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    I have been looking for a vanilla flavor that taste much like the Nestle type of taste for vanilla. All the vanilla's i have seem to be dark where i want a very light vanilla flavor. Anyone know or have a flavor like this?
    I'd love to help but not real big with vanillas.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    You folks are making me jealous with all the cat talk. Our cat passed away a couple years ago and my wife swore there would be no more cats. Our dog has been having problems on and off with one of her back legs and I'm afraid she's going to end up needing surgery. I miss having a cat and I'm sure the dog misses having a play mate.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I discovered some time ago that I don't like straight vanilla recipes. I do use them for accents but don't vape straight vanilla. That reminds me, how I found out was that I bought a one shot from chefs called cryptic vanilla. I should give that away if I can find someone that wants it.


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    You folks are making me jealous with all the cat talk. Our cat passed away a couple years ago and my wife swore there would be no more cats. Our dog has been having problems on and off with one of her back legs and I'm afraid she's going to end up needing surgery. I miss having a cat and I'm sure the dog misses having a play mate.
    Once you lose your pup maybe your wife will be more receptive to getting a cat if you tell her you want one. They’re great pets.


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    I discovered some time ago that I don't like straight vanilla recipes. I do use them for accents but don't vape straight vanilla. That reminds me, how I found out was that I bought a one shot from chefs called cryptic vanilla. I should give that away if I can find someone that wants it.
    I can’t vape a lot of any vanilla in a mix. I mix with creams way more. However I do love TFA Vanilla Bourbon. It’s yummy.


    ECF Guru
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    Sep 11, 2010
    between here and there
    I discovered some time ago that I don't like straight vanilla recipes. I do use them for accents but don't vape straight vanilla. That reminds me, how I found out was that I bought a one shot from chefs called cryptic vanilla. I should give that away if I can find someone that wants it.
    Does it have a light taste? Or a heavy one?


    Vaping Master
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    May 31, 2014
    Aren't you glad now that i persuaded you to buy the fw yogurt many months ago? Even tho it took @Bronze to light the fire to get you to try it? Glad you found a winner.

    I actually have FW yogurt and I've never used it.... What percentage do you like to use it at?

    Iron Molly

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    Oct 27, 2010
    State of Anxiety
    Love hearing about animal rescues. Zelda was also a rescue from the local shelter. She wasn’t my first pick, had my eye on this handsome Russian Blue who had eyes like blue gem stones. But Zelda was the first I was introduced to. She climbed up my chest, buried her head into my shoulder and just started to purrrrr! There is not a force on this planet that could have resisted that amount of cuteness! 6 years later and 6x larger, she still loves to bury her head into my shoulder and purrrr! She just turned 40 (cat years) earlier this month. Made her a nice roasted chicken dinner. She is more than spoiled, she’s a princess!

    Trying to catch up on the thread. My rescue cat Quique, has been nicknamed Quique Crankypants. He wants attention only when he wants it. My friend joked he should be called Covid, because Covid 19 saved him. He was attacking me unprovoked and had me in tears. But I couldn't return him because Covid 19 closed the shelter. Then I found out he's scared of water. So a spray bottle mostly took care of the attacking, and he seems to be settling down some. He is funny, because he wants to be near me, but does not want to be petted most of the time. Unless he's being carried around, which he loves, and he purrs and purrs and will be petted. Anyhow, he's staying for good, we're figuring out how to make it work. I wish I knew what happened to him that messed him up, but I guess I never will! Someone definitely carried him around a lot as a kitten, because that's what he likes best. He tries to fit in my sweatshirt hood, but at 11 pounds, he can't. He randomly leaps onto my shoulder when I'm busy doing something. Very startling when that happens!


    ECF Guru
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    Sep 11, 2010
    between here and there
    I actually have FW yogurt and I've never used it.... What percentage do you like to use it at?
    I have been using it in cheescakes recipes to make them a bit creamier. Anywhere from 1-3 %. Depends on each individual. But have yet to really use as the star in a recipe. At that those low pcts i didn't and dont really taste the yogurt it just kind makes them smoother - for me anyway.


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    Trying to catch up on the thread. My rescue cat Quique, has been nicknamed Quique Crankypants. He wants attention only when he wants it. My friend joked he should be called Covid, because Covid 19 saved him. He was attacking me unprovoked and had me in tears. But I couldn't return him because Covid 19 closed the shelter. Then I found out he's scared of water. So a spray bottle mostly took care of the attacking, and he seems to be settling down some. He is funny, because he wants to be near me, but does not want to be petted most of the time. Unless he's being carried around, which he loves, and he purrs and purrs and will be petted. Anyhow, he's staying for good, we're figuring out how to make it work. I wish I knew what happened to him that messed him up, but I guess I never will! Someone definitely carried him around a lot as a kitten, because that's what he likes best. He tries to fit in my sweatshirt hood, but at 11 pounds, he can't. He randomly leaps onto my shoulder when I'm busy doing something. Very startling when that happens!
    Hopefully he’ll settle down and stop attacking.


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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    I actually have FW yogurt and I've never used it.... What percentage do you like to use it at?
    I’m doing Bronze’s Raspberry Yogurt with the 12% FW Yogurt. I like it. I’ll be mixing my own recipe with 8% FW yogurt and different fruits.

    Terri McVeety

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    Nov 9, 2018
    NE Texas
    We have a little mini zoo in our home. Everyone knows of the turtles of course, 3 different species-17 all together. We have a 2 car garage but it's off limits to vehicles. Three years ago we rescued a kitten in our front yard. I was leaving for work one morning and it was pouring rain. As I opened the garage I could hear a faint meow.

    Under the palm tree sat this little ball of fur, that was extremely friendly. It could not walk and at first I thought both of it's rear legs were broken. I figured someone threw it out of a car or something, but that might be my lack of faith in humanity I tend to believe from time to time.

    My wife took him inside and called work telling them she would not be in because she wanted to rush the cat to the vet. The vet said both legs were not broken, that it was infection. He put the cat on antibiotics and of course he also fell in love with the cat. The techs there wanted to keep it as an office cat..... the cat has this way of making you fall in love with it. Anywho-- have not shared the name yet because my 8 year old came home from school that afternoon and the name she chose seemed to be the winner. The cat answered to it immediately and always comes running when you call it's name.

    I wanted something cool, like Casper... My wife wanted something original, like Boots. I complained that I have seen about 20 cats in my lifetime named Boots. Our 8 year old came up with this silly name and like I mentioned, the cat just took to it immediately.

    So, without further explanation I give you--- Poofie Bear:


    My daughter named her cat Meow Meow. In my disdainful southern accent it comes out Mau-Mau

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