Random DIY mixing and More


Long time vaper.
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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    So many threads get off topic so fast. It figured it would be hard to get a random topic thread off topic:lol:

    Soooo,I have a couple questions to start.

    Anyone mixing with plum flavor? I have INW Plum in my cart at BCF but I'm wondering about uses. Maybe a Bourbon/plum or Brandy? Maybe a cheesecake or custard? Anything not too sweet. Any ideas?

    Also has anyone tried Capellas Silverline Biscuit or Blueberry Extra? Interested in flavor descriptions.

    Also a description of Acai berry?


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 13, 2014
    Planet Earth
    Megadesk complete. It is very heavy, but not too unmanageable for 1 person. I'm really satisfied with my stain choices.

    It's 6'3" W x 25" D x 30" H
    And the bonus prize is that it is level, all 8 legs touching too.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    May 31, 2014
    Hello everyone… No one told me just how dark it is inside the Sin Bin.. I saw unimaginable things I’ll never be able to unsee; the hula hoop contest was very strange because no one wears clothes in the Sin Bin. I still can’t believe Anna took 2nd place to Stevie Nicks. Yes, she was there!

    Guess what else? I got Brad Pitt’s autograph! He was in there and told me there is going to be a Fury II. I thought he died in the first one! Since he was naked I can see why Angelina left him.

    Seriously though, I want to apologize to everyone.. Especially to @classwife and @FranC . I know in the grand scheme of things, life and all, it’s not that big of a deal. However, the appreciation I have for both of you is not really expressed when I act in such a manner.

    To all my fellow Mrs. and Sir Mixalots… I came bearing a gift. My Coconut Cheese Shake (a play off cheesecake) turned out really good. If you don’t like coconut, keep reading…

    Cheesecake (Graham Crust) TFA 3%
    Super Sweet CAP .5%
    Toasted Coconut Cheesecake PUR 3%
    Vanilla Ice Cream LB 4%
    Yes, We Cheesecake INW 2%

    If you like coconut, TCC PUR is a must have.. By far the best coconut on the market in my opinion. The true star of the above mix though is the combo of Cheesecake Graham Crust, Vanilla Ice Cream LB, and Yes, We Cheesecake. This recipe was inspired by one I saw in a contest in another group. In it they used Strawberry Cheesecake instead of my Coconut… I think if you use any flavored Cheesecake as a substitute it will be good.. (Lemon Cheesecake SSA, Strawberry Cheesecake, etc).

    It is a very long steeper though, 4 to 6 weeks.

    It’s good to be back. Today is a good day.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I hear there’s lots of places that aren’t safe.

    I am compelled to quote my Mexican dentist story. My mom "had a good one" so she said and she wanted me to visit as it might be cheaper. She helped with my implants. The guy was really hairy. He had hairy hands. He put those hands WITHOUT gloves into my damn MOUTH. He also repeated called me a .... user, which I did not find at all pleasant. Fortunately, he quoted a price easily matched in the US. Because I was NEVER going back. While my mom had her "consult" (I would have been running for the hills after watching MINE) well, I just sat outside yelling at dude (and why are they all dude) merchants (I assume begging me to come visit their emporium.) I just yelled at them loud enough until they fled.

    Nogales is vile. I didn't go into a Pharmacia I was scared of what I might fined that was awesome like Tramadol or whatnot.. I HAVE heard there are some legit, US dentists who have across the border practices to boost their US one, but you really need to know what you are doing. I need an upper liner for my denture but for now, I am gonna make my husband do it. He hates it but he does a good job and it lasts the same as any other denture liner for 3 dollars fifty.

    So hello everyone. Yes, some jerk was a jerk at me on the internet, and I got upset and regressed to middle school. That doesn't happen often, and actually it was good for me, and who cares really to be HONEST? I remembered why these creatures do what they do and I'm just like, the opposite of love is indifference not hate. So have at it people who may or may not (who knows, who cares) be insulting me behind my back, you just go ahead and keep feeding me your negative energy and I will bloom. Like (MEMBER"S NAME REMOVED) who LIKED my "I gotta go" post, I assume someone made him remove it.:lol::lol::lol::lol: I swear to God, I have him on ignore so the only way he can get to me is by ratings. Fortunately, I found it deeply amusing. I was like, "Holy goodness that dude could carry a metric ton of grudge across the Sahara desert without breaking a sweat. He's like Hitler but without any balls, I doubt he like is marshalling an army, not even close" So yeah that was funny.

    So the husband was in Tucson all week. Hoping this week (he has to paint the front and build the steps soon) we can get it on the market. I am going down next week to clean it. But that should be fine honestly. I've organized and cleaned every square foot of this house, I don't know how I did but I'm also doing yoga so I HURT all over, all the time. But whatever, it will benefit me at some future date, I assume. IDK what is up with my back (well probably I do, lifting too many boxes that were too heavy.) All that is left is like, my bathroom to happen shortly.

    They seem to be in a rush to credential me, and my work is being obstructive. I sent the credentialing lady SOME stuff, hopefully they will just give her what she wants without being evil. God knows. I think they are getting close though she rather plaintively sought my help and I was like, "Ugh."

    It's been stressful, disability stuff etc., work, paying bills, house OMG. It looks pretty good I think it should sell. IDK.

    So yeah, I was in kind of a bad place but really now that I have had time to reflect, it's all good. I don't think a fuss will be made by me in any case. I mean.... So the sun rose like every day and I got trolled by an internet demon which happens every second. Since no human likes everyone, let alone me, well, I am very much of the opinion if there is a secret Anna place of hate, have at it, I could care less. When you send me your hate, you also send energy. So, meh, whatever. I'm glad I visited junior high. It was probably helpful for what is to COME OMG I hope WV. Although we are moving WHEREVER away from here.

    So thanks to all of you who reached out via PM it was very kind of you. Sorry this post is so long, although frankly I am DONE apologizing to ECF about what I say or do, although I STILL don't want to go to the shiny thread, even as it's creator. It is filled with too many as:censored:es. Life is too short.

    Otherwise well the husband returns today. I gotta figure out some work stuff frankly and go from there man. Like pick up my work stuff which they REMOVED, consolidated, and boxed already. I am not sure how I feel about that, honestly it's my own personal stuff. THEN we put the house on the market and see what happens, man. Ugh. I better get that job offer but what can I do but wait. Pray. Etc.

    It could all fall into place perfectly although loading a truck twice, and with all my disabilities up in the air? I gotta call SSDI lady I spent 24 bucks faxing and sending the information.

    So nothing all mixey from me I have been consolidating all my real life stuff. I better call her and I am going to do it while cleaning my toilet. I cannot think of a better paring than SSDI and toilet bowl scrubbing.

    Later, and thanks to everyone who was cool.
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    Ultra Member
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    Jun 2, 2013
    I just thought I would drop by to say hello to my friends on this thread. It has been a long, long time since I checked in here. After losing two adult children in an 8 month period, I was lost. My son died suddenly on March 21st, my birthday. Gardening had saved my sanity so my husband gives me free rein to buy plants and even helps me with my neurotic homemade potting soil projects. I will never be whole again, but I do have purpose and reasons to get out of bed every day. My four fabulous grandchildren make sure of that.

    I hope you all are well.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Nov 28, 2015
    Vaping since 8/9/2012
    I quit smoking and started vaping 10 years ago today. My aunt died of lung cancer from a lifetime of smoking the month before I quit and I knew I had to find a way to stop a 30 year smoking addiction at two packs a day. Vaping and ECF made it easy. I will forever be grateful.



    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    May 31, 2014
    I looked too close and it was only when I attenuated my gaze for something larger, I saw them. They are huge and take up half her insides. She is in her 9th human month of pregnancy !

    I have fallen behind on the thread. Did your turtles lay other eggs? Any photos I can show my niece? It’s Mother’s Day next week and I will be seeing her.

    She laid them.

    Bottom one on the right, never chalked so it's not viable. The other 3 did, so they should hatch in about 50 to 55 days.
    Here's some pics to show her... These are some of what I hatched last year.




    Long time vaper.
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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    Good morning.mixers:) I have caught up and made a couple notes. So glad I have lots mixed cause my mixing time has been 0. I will have to mix my 2 old ADV's at some point cause they are what I've been vaping most and I'm going though a lot.

    On one hand I can't believe hubs is gone and on the other I'm so grateful he's no longer in pain. My 2 cats are terribly depressed. I wish I could do something for them.

    Carry on folks.I enjoyed catching up.

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