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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Trapped within my imagination
I'm sorry you got hurt...As they say success is the best revenge...That would include your ecig...When you're done grieving over what could/should have been... You should take that back..That success is yours not hers (smile)

I never understood cheating...To me if you're that unhappy, move on first... But, I've also learned through out my life not to ever say you would Never do something..Because unless you're in that exact situation. You don't know for sure what you would do...

As for woman cheating more then men or vice versa...To me, that's so generalized...I've been married many years and have never cheated. Yet I watch Sex In The City, read romance novels as well as good murder mysteries...Doesn't mean I'd act like a girl on Sex In The City nor go murder anyone (lil smile at proto)

A person IS just who they are..Being a man or woman is not a prerequisite for cheating..


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2009
New Church, Virginia
I was in that situation once and I did not cheat.

Back with my first fiancee, the one who cheated on me with a black dude, and a lation women. (she was bi) We were having problems towards the end of the relationship. This is after I knew she cheated and still forgave her, twice. I went to a party with a friend and was drinking and having a good time blowing off stress. This pretty little thing, whom till this day I can not figure out why she wanted me, wanted me. She was flirting me up all night then asked me to leave with her. When she asked me I felt weird and I said I had to go to the bathroom.

While in the bathroom the thoughts came in to my mind. Am I going to cheat? Does two wrongs make a right? What will happen if I do this? Why does this girl even want me to begin with?

I turned on the faucet and washed my face. When I looked up in the mirror, i did not see myself, but my friend Matt. He is a player and has the ****ing chewbacca belt full of notches from the women he has slept with.

When I saw his face I knew I couldn't do it. I did not want to be like him.

I left the bathroom and told the girl I had to leave. She asked why and I told her everything. She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said she understood. I left that night and went straight to Maribeths house.

I was put in that situation and I still did not cheat and today this day I have never cheated on a girl.

I just don't understand how if you are in love with someone, no matter how bad things get, why you can't leave a person first instead of giving in to a sexual urge.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2009
new orleans
mooby and nico ---- omg, she's sleeping with OBAMA?? that makes sense then, i'd totally sleep with obama too, and he probably went for your girl because he knows you talk **** about him on public forums ;)

razornribbons---i too do not cheat, and i also like sex and the city....BUT...if i was carrie, damn, i don't know what i'd do.....i mean, berger and aiden were both super hot and all, but i'd cheat on both of them to get to mr. for samantha, she's just a .......charlotte is too stuck up, and harry is nasty, and don't even get me started on miranda and steve...i hate them both....ew, gross, steve.........but anyway, back to mr.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Trapped within my imagination
mooby and nico ---- omg, she's sleeping with OBAMA?? that makes sense then, i'd totally sleep with obama too, and he probably went for your girl because he knows you talk **** about him on public forums ;)

razornribbons---i too do not cheat, and i also like sex and the city....BUT...if i was carrie, damn, i don't know what i'd do.....i mean, berger and aiden were both super hot and all, but i'd cheat on both of them to get to mr. for samantha, she's just a .......charlotte is too stuck up, and harry is nasty, and don't even get me started on miranda and steve...i hate them both....ew, gross, steve.........but anyway, back to mr.

lmao treble..too funny ( ugh, miranda and steve)...Now see I'd tell Mr Big to take a hike and go with the sensitive Aiden and teach him to be a freak ( laugh)

**I understand what you are saying mooby...I've been in that situation too ( opportunity to cheat).. It was easily turned down..Thats just one situation and the easiest to turn down...
Theres a thousand situations you could be in..From abuse on down and not just about cheating but, life situations..I just feel that unless I've lived it..I try not to judge it and say "I'd NEVER"...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
Mr. Big is Chris Noth's character and he is yummy! I've loved him in everything I've seen him in. Might even watch the new show he's in even though it's not the type of show I'd normally watch. I too watch Sex and the City, with my hubby. I've been with him for 20 years as of this coming March. I've never cheated on him and never would. We have been through the wringer together and managed to fight through it. I have to admit there are days I'd happily kill him if I could get away with it, but I'd never cheat on him :). I just think that people, both men and women, are more into instant gratification now and it doesn't matter who they hurt to get it. It shows in our culture in so many ways. People are ruder when driving, cashiers act like they are doing you a favor instead of providing friendly customer service, people cheat more, people go deep into debt to get what they want right now rather than waiting until they can actually afford it. It's really becoming an "I want it right now" culture and it's sad.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2009
Ontario, Canada
To me, cheating is a pretty minor issue until you are living as a committed couple or married. Both genders are natural drawn to try out different possible mates and some times it is convenient to check out a potential before permanently ending the existing relationship.

Btw Mooby, treating a woman like a princess is a surefire way to lose her. Nobody, male and female, wants to be smothered in kindness for any length of time.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2009
new orleans
Btw Mooby, treating a woman like a princess is a surefire way to lose her. Nobody, male and female, wants to be smothered in kindness for any length of time.

that is an ignorant and totally ridiculous statement that makes no sense....but, unfortunately, IT'S TOTALLY TRUE.....think about it....who do you usually go for, the one that's just out of your reach that you can't get or the one that fawns over you and thinks you're perfect?? it's bull****, it sucks, but for the most part it is human nature...i am totally guilty of dumping guys who 'liked me too much'' and chasing guys who weren't interested or treated me like makes no friggin sense whatsoever, but it's true.....even to this day, i think if someone likes me too much that there must be something wrong with them, and if someone isn't interested i become wrapped up into figuring out how to make them interested........go back to carrie and mr. big on that one too, girls, lol.....aiden was perfect on paper but---he wasn't mr. big!....wait..............mmmmm.....chris noth.....sorry, distracted again.....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Nebraska, USA
Either way, people just don't respect each other enough.

Ain't it the truth. It's so easy to go on the internet and bash ppl on the head in a forum where you don't have to see them face to face. But no, in real life so many ppl can't say what they really think or feel.

So if your spouse or other is interested in someone else they don't have the decency to tell you before hand? Or sure, they want to see if it will work first. What, so if it doesn't work out they have you to fall back on? Bullcrap. You're not happy, work it out with me or leave.

Communication. Honesty. That's all I want. Hell, I might even say, "go screw 'em, here are my terms." In one month it's over and you don't see them again, or it's over between us. I'm not that possessive. But don't lie to me.

Ok, rant over. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
New Jersey
Hey to the lady that said she watches Sex and the City and doesn't think anything of it. I want to say Good for her. But I want her to know that today at the gym I saw a lady wearing a Sexy and the City T-Shirt and a sweatpants reading "Boy crazy." .... We struck up conversation and she told me how sick she is of her long term boyfriend and thought it would be fun to go out for a drink after the workout.... I stood her up and came home. Hopefully, she will appreciate her boyfriend now.

I did it on purpose. Pay it forward. TV disintergrates the mind of those that lack the intellect to distinguish reality from television.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2009
Hey to the lady that said she watches Sex and the City and doesn't think anything of it. I want to say Good for her. But I want her to know that today at the gym I saw a lady wearing a Sexy and the City T-Shirt and a sweatpants reading "Boy crazy." .... We struck up conversation and she told me how sick she is of her long term boyfriend and thought it would be fun to go out for a drink after the workout.... I stood her up and came home. Hopefully, she will appreciate her boyfriend now.

I did it on purpose. Pay it forward. TV disintergrates the mind of those that lack the intellect to distinguish reality from television.

The lady from the gym should get out of the relationship if she's so sick of her boyfriend. Then she can fool around as much as she wants. If that's really what she wants. Although I don't think that brings any happiness to life.
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