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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2009
New Church, Virginia
I am a libertarian but I vote democratic most of the time. I am the obama supporter in those discussions.

It really infuriates me that people rag on obama for putting our country in debt, he did not put us in debt. Our country had a surplus when Clinton was in office, then Bush took over and everything went to hell, the stupid fake war, oil prices, no monitoring of banks, etc etc.

Obama is pulling a Hoover. He is fixing our country the best he can in the 8 months he has been in office. You have to spend money to make money.

Oh and all these people comparing him to hitler? I feel sorry for this country. How dumb can you be. When I think of hitler I don't think of universal healthcare, I think of the mass-murdering ****head who killed jews and painted pictures.

ok...I got to stop now.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
New Jersey
A week after that I caught Katie and Gus on a date. She ran away from me, I did not even see her at first. Gus was dressed up and he never wears nice clothes, I should have punched him, but after the past two weeks my will was broken.

That is horrible. I have many discussions about situations like this with friends. Women are cold nowadays. They now lack that compassion, respect, and honor that their parents and grandparents once had. You think your father or grandfather had problems like this? Not as much as our generation.

In a world where women have become man-like, you can see more problems like these. And then these same women have the nerve to protest to ban men from wanting to pay for mail order brides from Russia.

It sounds like I am a bitter single person, but I'm not. I'm in a relationship. But even she agrees with this. We've talked about it.

Don't worry bro .... what comes around goes around. That's a fact you need to believe in.

EDIT: You can still punch his face in. Or pay someone to do it. Let him feel your pain. That's not something you do to your fellow man when there are plenty of women out there to have fun with.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
It's not just women, I think people are just not as concerned about other people's feelings as they used to be. My friend just got back together with a close relative of mine after he cheated on her. She found the credit card bill for the "Escort Service" and hotel room. He claims all the "Escort" did was strip for him. I don't believe him, and if he paid that much for someone to strip he's more of an idiot than I thought. She still loves him though so she's giving him a second chance. I wouldn't do that if I were her, but I'm being supportive of her. So it isn't just women that are jerks, men are just as capable of being total asses. Unfortunately it's the nice people that end up getting hurt. Keep your chins up Mooby and Nico. There are good ones out there and usually you'll find them when you least expect it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
There are good ones out there and usually you'll find them when you least expect it.

This is the best piece of advice I have seen yet. So true.

I had given up. ...... to the left of me and jokers to the right.

I stopped looking. Stopped getting cheated on... All of it. I was ready to be a bachelorette for the rest of my life and enjoy it.

When I wasn't looking... the best man EVER walked into my life and 8 years later we are skipping along, acting like fools and totally in love.

It does happen. But when you've been burned, you have to truly give up on love for it to really happen.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2009
New Church, Virginia
I may get a lot of backlash from this next comment but it only my observation from the last 28 years I have been on this planet.

Women cheat more than men now.

Men use to be dominant cheating spouse. No excuse for cheaters, i hate them, but we all know men used to cheat more.

Now over the past ten years I have noticed via friends, lovers, spouses, and tales of woe from people I have met through the years, women are cheating more.

The roles are reversing. More men stay at home now with the kids, etc.

If this does not make sense I just got up and have not had coffee yet. I will be coherent later.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2009
New Church, Virginia
Either way, people just don't respect each other enough. Also, what is what all the people now that when they hit a road bump in their marriage they ask for a divorce? No one stays together forever anymore.

I always laugh when conservative douche-bags say that Gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Statistically speaking gay couples stay together longer, and are happier, then most straight couples.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
all the people now that when they hit a road bump in their marriage they ask for a divorce?

This is a true sign that you are NOT in a good relationship and you are NOT with the right person. The word "divorce" should be left out of your vocabulary as soon as you sign the marriage license.

But for most people, the issue lies that they do not have good communication skills. Instead of speaking out the moment something bothers them, they hold it in until it is too late.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2009
New Jersey
I may get a lot of backlash from this next comment but it only my observation from the last 28 years I have been on this planet.

Women cheat more than men now.

Men use to be dominant cheating spouse. No excuse for cheaters, i hate them, but we all know men used to cheat more.

Now over the past ten years I have noticed via friends, lovers, spouses, and tales of woe from people I have met through the years, women are cheating more.

The roles are reversing. More men stay at home now with the kids, etc.

If this does not make sense I just got up and have not had coffee yet. I will be coherent later.

Women cheat more than men | The Sun |News

No it's absolutely true. I have had many Professors discuss this topic. This one Philosophy Professor was toting how great womens' liberty, rights, and upheaval has been. But then he took it into a different direction and flat out said, "But you all lost your minds and NO LONGER KNOW YOUR ROLES!"

Can I say how many women in the class became upset? We are talking about the image of a loving wife raising children almost gone. Almost all my friends are single dads raising their kids alone while their ex is out getting knocked up by another guy or partying. This is the truth. I may sound misogynistic--but I am only relaying my observation.

Mooby you are right. Womens' bodies are a vessel for life, they are beautiful, and they represent all that I find art to be. It's not like men--we are like trucks, while women are like fine crafted automobiles. Now they want to be trucks and running their own body into the ground, sleeping with everyone, and chasing meaningless satisfaction after satisfaction after satisfaction. Only to find a hole dug deeper inside.

I rarely find a girl that does not watch Sex and the City and loves it. Girls are easily enticed and persuaded. I feel that they watch this and distort their own reality. They think it's empowering in this day in age to be the way they are. I see lonely old ladies giving bad advice to young women and these young women don't stop to think that maybe this old lady is not someone good to take advice from. In the end, they will bash men for being bad and the reason why they are old ladies with a million cats in the house.

EDIT: If you watch Lifetime you will see all the stories showing men cheating and being BAD! If you watch Sex and the City, you will see all the women so happy cheating, happy having so much random sex, and happy destroying their bodies in ways too explicit for this forum.

I find the best girls to date are the ones that don't watch Sex and the City and all those garbage. They seem much more happy and have more inner peace.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2009
new orleans
could you boys please explain that to the last two guys that cheated on me when i was totally faithful?? thnx.... for the record, i've only cheated on one guy ever, and it was my first insane alcoholic abusive boyfriend over 20 years ago.........but the last two wonderful guys both cheated..... i'm pretty sure it's an even playing field....
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