Sick of people stigmatising vaping

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Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
Just do it when it rains every day in Houston.

I would do that, except our summers are usually pretty dry. Unless of course a Hurricane decides to visit, then forget the yard, you need to make sure the Arc is ready and all the animals are aboard.


Senior Member
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Oct 24, 2012
Vancouver Island BC Canada
It's not just on the federal level. Here in California there is a state campaign to stigmatize vaping. They have a website up called still blowing smoke (.org) to push the propaganda.

California is hurting because of the Master Settlement Agreement so they really have been fighting e cig users. I bet you anything if they got taxes to match what they are losing then they would be fine.

so I guess Nicorette Gum is bad too??? ;)

I tried gum when it first came out caused more acid in my stomach therefore more acid reflux so that was a not good way for me to quit. I tried most things to quit other than pills but even the patches would not stay on my skin skin would blister and they would just fall off. vaping is the only one that I have managed to quit smoking for long years now.


Ultra Member
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Jun 28, 2017
In Partibus Infidelium
California is hurting because of the Master Settlement Agreement so they really have been fighting e cig users. I bet you anything if they got taxes to match what they are losing then they would be fine.

Yeah, that had occurred to me. I have heard that they borrowed against it but I don't know if that's true. I have seen a bunch of very aggressive anti-vaping propaganda in the last few years.


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Nov 28, 2011
Seattle, WA
Here in Seattle some of the public bus & train lines have signs that say "E-cigarettes are dangerous/toxic. Don't be fooled." It really makes me angry because vaping saved me from the more serious breathing problems (already have allergies & asthma). Since I started vaping instead of smoking, Nov 2011, I no longer suffer through bouts of chronic bronchitis every winter. It's irresponsible for our government to misrepresent vaping as being as harmful or worse than smoking. & I'm tired of trying to explain to people that e-cigs do NOT contain antifreeze...propylene glycol is NOT polyethylene glycol! that extra syllable makes a huge difference.


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(snip) & I'm tired of trying to explain to people that e-cigs do NOT contain antifreeze...propylene glycol is NOT polyethylene glycol! that extra syllable makes a huge difference.
When I had to change to a new to me doctor that was his response to me when I told him I switched from smoking to vaping.

The conversations started with him asking me if I knew what was in the e-liquid I was vaping and I said actually yes, I do since I make my own.

He said you do know that it is the same ingredient as used in anti-freeze then.

I told him "Yes, it does contain one of the same ingredients used in antifreeze but it is not the same ingredient that used to be used". Propylene glycol instead of polyethylene glycol is now used because it has been found to be safe for both animals and humans to consume. We no longer have to be afraid our pets might lick up a few drops of it and then die a horrible death.

I think it surprised him that I knew a bit about the ingredients in what I chose to put in my body. The next time I saw him he asked the obligatory question most doctors ask. Do you smoke? Again I told him that I switched to vaping over 6 years ago. His reply, Oh right. we talked about that. I think he remembered our conversation. Hopefully he will take heed and stop giving patients debunked information.

Anyone with a lick of sense and an open mind have to see that vaping is a much safer alternative. We still have a long fight ahead but I have been seeing some hope in the studies being published.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2013
Lately I've been seeing people stigmatising e-cigs. Like the other day I told a smoker after he said he is trying to quit cigs because they cost around 30-40$ now i told him to try vaping and he said nah they're worse than cigs from what I have seen on tv. Its happens lots of time and news articles where they do a test by modifying a e-cig to make it so it can heat up constantly and at high temp for ages to produce that cancerous chemical, yet they dont seem to care about cigs killing lots of people but when it comes to vaping oh no we gotta stop that. We need to de-stigmatise vaping :)

It's hard to do when the FDA people are so skeptical of anything containing nicotine. They are not bad people, but their knee-jerk reaction is "Oh it must be another trick by Phillip Morris." They are simply ignorant, which is too bad.

Also, they let their concern for "kids vaping" get in the way of any concern for smokers who NEED to stop smoking. They seem totally unconcerned about the 50 year old who's been smoking since she was 15. If you're 50 and smoke, you can just die for all they care, as long as little Johnny never picks up an ego twist.

What we need are two separate priorities:

1) Stopping kids from smoking or vaping (I am fine with that)

2) Completely separate the issue of kids vaping from ADULT smokers who need to START vaping. The two goals don't have to be competing.

3) Understand that nicotine products are never going to die. There's always going to be a new generation who wants to try it (just like alcohol or marijuana). The question is how can we live with nicotine while doing the least harm? Vaping is a good start, imo.

Unfortunately the "establishment" scientific community is dead set against vaping (in the USA at least) and they look at it no differently than combustible tobacco. So they spend their money creating scary adverts about the "dangers" of vaping, 90% of which are simply false with no scientific backing.


Super Member
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Jan 24, 2015
I´d ask him if he enjoyed the antifreeze in his food. Because you can use salt as antifreeze.
It doesn't matter what else PG is or can do. What matters is if its harmful in the doses we inhale it.
You can use Nitroglycerin as heart medicine and as an explosive. Are you telling heart patients they inhale an explosive, too?
Doctors thinking so unscientificly is mind boggling and infuriates me.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
That's a good point. I'd find another doctor. I LOVE having a doctor who vapes, he doesn't quote propaganda at me and he's very useful for questions. The other PCP I see at that practice (I will only see two) wholeheartedly supports my vaping but isn't quite as knowledgeable about it, although he has never spouted propaganda at me.

Even my ENT who was like "the jury's still out on vaping" didn't attempt to convince me one way or another. He just said I had to DRASTICALLY reduce the number of cigarettes I was smoking "somehow." I guess I followed his advice, LOL.



Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
I guess I'm pretty lucky. For years, I've read countless threads here on ECF about vapers being really upset about outsiders perception of our solution to quit smoking. Some folks seem to get genuinely livid. I can honestly say, I've spent less than 5 seconds of my life worrying about what anyone thinks about my vaping.


Vaping Master
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Aug 24, 2013
Hollywood (Beach), FL
I guess I'm pretty lucky. For years, I've read countless threads here on ECF about vapers being really upset about outsiders perception of our solution to quit smoking. Some folks seem to get genuinely livid. I can honestly say, I've spent less than 5 seconds of my life worrying about what anyone thinks about my vaping.

My Momma once told me…if it hurts, don't do it.

Funny how so many would subject themselves to such pain without good reason. And on every side of the argument!

Congrats. You are free.

Good luck. :)


Vaping Master
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Apr 9, 2013
Houston, TX
I guess I'm pretty lucky. For years, I've read countless threads here on ECF about vapers being really upset about outsiders perception of our solution to quit smoking. Some folks seem to get genuinely livid. I can honestly say, I've spent less than 5 seconds of my life worrying about what anyone thinks about my vaping.

I don't care what others think and if they were trying to make fun of vaping or of me I don't even care. It is the chronically stupid and the willfully ignorant that drive me crazy. As we all know "Sarcasm is the body's defense against stupidity"...I even have a T-shirt that says so. The reason I would actually try to change a Doctor's mind is because that willfully ignorant POS is someone another possible smoker might ask about quitting smoking by vaping, and if he remains willfully ignorant, he could dissuade them from vaping and thus condemn them to death. If we don't at least try with someone in those positions then, the way I see it, at least part of that is on us.
It's not just on the federal level. Here in California there is a state campaign to stigmatize vaping. They have a website up called still blowing smoke (.org) to push the propaganda.
My Boston brother was very receptive and interested to learn about my Vaping, coil building and diy ejuice as well as branded. My Pasadena brother has "learned" enough from antivaping proaganda to not wish to hear a word about it. Not even how if a kid is going to break the law and vape, its better than having them smoke... he kind of understands Tobacco Harm Reduction but still can't grasp how you inform people about it without making it seem like it's safe for kids. And while Boston wonders why our CDC isn't using information like The Royal College of Physicians put out, California brother says that may be true for GB, but it isn't what our Government says so that doesn't matter. He didn't even ask if I felt healthier now that i wasn't smoking or comprehend why my doctor might be pleased I'm vaping... but....

I think of all people, it's former smokers who sneer at me the worst... Keep that smoke away from me, would you mind moving elsewhere... they have no clue that it isn't smoke and won't linger on their clothes like a cigarette does. I understand proper curteousy when vaping, but some people will cross the street if they see a cloud. I guess they are scared they might actually enjoy it and after all the work they did to stop... they don't want an education.

I say enjoy your vape, and let the closed minded continue with their superior attitudes. If anyone asks about your vape gear, yes 80% of the time it' to ask what drugs you are doing, but the other 20% want to know more for they are smokers and need some kind of tutorial. Remember, if you offer your gear for a smoker to try, drop your wattage down to 40W max, 20W is enough to not overwhlm them.

Also the numbers from the Poison control center put vaping in as tobacco, and the majority of all incidents involve kids under 5 yrs... a reminder to all that we need to be careful around young ones, but I would like to see a breakout of tobacco poisoning vs ejuice poisoning... for all age groups. POISON CONTROL CENTER has a prominent link for information about vaping on their website because 'people' need to know the dangers... remove the incidents of kids 5 & under and then tell me if it's dangerous enough to merit more than a KEEP AWAY FROM KIDS warning.
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Yeah, that had occurred to me. I have heard that they borrowed against it but I don't know if that's true. I have seen a bunch of very aggressive anti-vaping propaganda in the last few years.
Interesting how CA is changing their canabis laws from medical to include recreational use. I think the $1 billion in expected annual tax revenue from the $7 billion dollar industry (CBS NEWS) is the likely reason.


Vaping Master
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Aug 24, 2013
Hollywood (Beach), FL
Interesting how CA is changing their canabis laws from medical to include recreational use. I think the $1 billion in expected annual tax revenue from the $7 billion dollar industry (CBS NEWS) is the likely reason.

There are two kinds of "pods"…and I fear they both spell the end to vaping as we know it.

Good luck and Happy New Years. :)


Totally Stashed!
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Dec 20, 2017
Progress is being made in that direction. The trick with smoker's is to leave them be until they exhibit interest in vaping. As vaper's we need to remember how we disliked being told when and how to quit smoking.

I honestly have never seen any news segment on vaping good or bad.


Vaping Master
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Aug 24, 2013
Hollywood (Beach), FL
I really haven't had any Debby downers or whatever they are called. I do see more acrobats and floor mat masters avoiding my clouds than I ever experienced with cigarette smoke

Dude! Change your recipe…we are what we vape. :D

Happy New Years all!

Good luck. :)
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