Spouse not understanding vaping

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ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2012
Anyone else have issues with their spouse not understanding that using a PV isn't smoking? Mine gives me grief over using mine a bunch all day. She compares itto a drug addict. Really getting tired if the snide remarks, and grief of the initial expenditure for supplies.
I've given thought to smoking again to get her off my back. ER well kinda. It would make her appreciate that I no longer smell like an ash tray and have begun to breathe easier.


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Feb 15, 2012
Antioch, TN
Admitting that you're an addict is the first step in stopping people in their tracks when they call you one. "Why yes, I am an addict. Thank you for noticing. I can vape without endangering myself or those around me. Isn't life great?" :2cool:

I'm addicted to nicotine, and I'm cool with it. I'm no longer addicted to all the "additives" BT puts in cigarettes to get and keep you addicted to their product.

I consider vaping to be neither a threat to my own health nor to that of others; can't say the same about cigarettes. Please don't go back to cigs just to get her off your back. She'll come around in time or she won't. It's your health and your life, and sometimes one has to stand their ground. :2cool:

If you want to vape less frequently (to appease the spouse), you can go to a higher nic level. The expense should taper off to very small amounts once you've found the device you need. Cartos or attys, juice, and a new battery once in a while should be all that's left.
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Mar 25, 2012
Oh yeah. It has been talked about before. My wife also wanted to outsmart me. I think that is really the root of it. After a week or two, my favorite wife informed me that she had done some research and told me e-smoke wasn't all that bad. While irritating, it will work itself out. Just gotta get through the classic wife skeptical mode and move on.

Also, one time I tried to quit smoking and the wife got very aggitated. I think she may have been addicted to second hand smoke. I don't know if that is possible but that test was rigged. Or I was just unlucky, dunno. Also, I don't claim that I have defeated smoking. I have just moved on to another habit. That stops some arguements also. Luck

Oh, and it probably seems a bit weird at first.


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Aug 10, 2012
Ptown, VA
My wife started the same stuff when I started vaping. I tried to explain to her the differences between vaping and smoking as far as nic delivery but it went over her head. The next time she started in about "using that thing more than you used to smoke" I let it go. Then, when she picked up her cell to check out Facebook for the umpteenth time that day I started in on her. No arguements since. :)

We are all addicted to something. I happen to be addicted to nicotine.


Resting In Peace
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Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Ask her to get the CC Statement, and bank Acct, and lets see how much she has spent on Jewlery, purses, handbags, and shoes,,,and whatever else she loves, then compare it to your ecig expenditures :) Then , educate her on the latest findings and studies over e-cig vs Real Cigs. Of course do this over a glass of wine with some candles lit in a nice clam setting, oh and have dinner cooked and a nice new present wrapped up for her :laugh: You might end up blowing lots of vapor that night :laugh::laugh:and she will then love vaping over you smoking :2cool:

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
When I hear stories such as yours I don't whether I feel extreme anger or sadness. Thankfully my wife, a non smoker, supports me 100% and is always interested about learning new Vaping stuff. She's prolly more knowledgable than most newbs...has even mixed nice cuz she's interested.
Just remember first and foremost we're doing this for ourselves. Anyone else benifiting- kids, grandkids, spouses is just gravy. I had a friend who's wife I've known for 46 yrs. she felt the same always nagging and picking at her husband and his Vaping. I sat down with her and explained (remember we are very close longtime friends) how stressed hubby was. LOLLL she finally admitted she was jealous of his new "hobby". I explained it was NO HOBBY and he was desperately trying to improve his health and save his life. With the help of a friend I took her to a Terminal Illness Ward. Many there were suffering from analog related illnesses. She finally got and is now actively supportive of his Vaping.


Ultra Member
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Sep 1, 2012
Anyone else have issues with their spouse not understanding that using a PV isn't smoking? Mine gives me grief over using mine a bunch all day. She compares itto a drug addict. Really getting tired if the snide remarks, and grief of the initial expenditure for supplies.
I've given thought to smoking again to get her off my back. ER well kinda. It would make her appreciate that I no longer smell like an ash tray and have begun to breathe easier.

Well, are you using it more than you would when you were smoking analogs? Did you start vaping to quit smoking or just smoke healthier?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2012
Well she doesent drink coffee or soda, all her foods are gluten / lactose free ( allergies ) however she seems addicted to work out applications/ videos ( how am I supposed to give her grief when she uses them daily and it shows?) I am just going to persist on my non smoking ways regardless of how she views them.
Worst case I will be getting a personal bank account to put my no smoking savings into and making my vaping purchases under the radar.


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Jul 29, 2012
own your habit. as others have pointed out its disarming to people to hear you agree with them. nagging back isnt helpful. you already have one wall in the house...creating another isnt going to help.

but owning what you do, take responsibility for it and acknowledgeing your wifes concerns will go a long way to opening that door to a frank discussion.


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Feb 15, 2012
Antioch, TN
Over time, she'll be able to see changes in you from vaping instead of smoking, just as you see changes in her through exercise. The only difference is that what you're doing is "different", "new", and "unfamiliar", things many humans have a problem with at first. You're both trying to improve your own health. That's my take on it. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2012
I would have to say I vape more than I smoked. I love the flavors, the convenience, and the fact I'm not smoking a stinky cigarette. It's just too bad she can't understand what it is doing for my health, my sanity, and so on.
She's really going to blow a gasket when I buy my provari in the near future. Sometimes I just gotta remind her who brings home the bacon, when 1 of her paychecks is equal to a months pay for me then she can tell me what I can and can't spend my play money on. ( she hates it when I go there)


Ultra Member
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Oct 5, 2011
I would have to say I vape more than I smoked. I love the flavors, the convenience, and the fact I'm not smoking a stinky cigarette. It's just too bad she can't understand what it is doing for my health, my sanity, and so on.
She's really going to blow a gasket when I buy my provari in the near future. Sometimes I just gotta remind her who brings home the bacon, when 1 of her paychecks is equal to a months pay for me then she can tell me what I can and can't spend my play money on. ( she hates it when I go there)


My husband actually tells me to buy whatever I want, whenever I want. I just spend what I spent on cigs, so I have a $200 monthly budget. Get what you want, when you want it, and to h*ll with anyone who tries to discourage you.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
This might sound a bit snide or fatalist, but could it be possible that she's annoyed at not having something to nag you about? (I'm assuming in the past she nagged you about smoking.) I started having problems with depression when I was a teenager. I would burst into tears when criticized and my parent's reaction was to tell me I was too emotional, etc. When years later safer antidepressants came out, the family's response was, "you don't need medication..." I went on it anyway and it helped enormously. Oddly, my family got angry. It didn't take me long to realize that they had been manipulating me due to my emotions. When I began to cry, they could dismiss everything I was trying to say. I realize it's not the same as your situation, but perhaps something to consider. My family finally got over it, but I stopped trusting them.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2011
St. AUg Fl.
Oh yeah. It has been talked about before. My wife also wanted to outsmart me. I think that is really the root of it. After a week or two, my favorite wife informed me that she had done some research and told me e-smoke wasn't all that bad. While irritating, it will work itself out. Just gotta get through the classic wife skeptical mode and move on.

Also, one time I tried to quit smoking and the wife got very aggitated. I think she may have been addicted to second hand smoke. I don't know if that is possible but that test was rigged. Or I was just unlucky, dunno. Also, I don't claim that I have defeated smoking. I have just moved on to another habit. That stops some arguements also. Luck

Oh, and it probably seems a bit weird at first.

Your favorite wife? How many do you have?


Full Member
Jan 16, 2012
Centreville VA
After reading this I have to wonder what is your wife's problem? Have you asked her what's the deal with all the negative comments and the basis for it? Sounds like there is an underlying issue that isn't being brought to light. If you love someone then you don't treat them like this especially when what you are doing is positive. She take out an insurance policy on you and is upset you are going to be around longer than she anticipated? I can understand anyone having reservations about a change in lifestyle in the early stages but with all the information available out there it makes no sense for this harassment to continue.

I wish you luck, peace.
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