Unable oquit analogs yet

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Full Member
Oct 2, 2009
Missouri USA
:(We got our first e-cigs Saturday(about 4 days ago). My husband and i are 2-packs a day smokers(40 cigs). We both still smoking about 10 cigs a day. I figured it is because we havent got the strength & flavor of juice right yet. We have several that we are trying. Why is it everyone i see on here never touched another analog when e-cig arrived? Why is it not happening for us? The e-cig takes the edge off and we have cut way down but.... we really wana do away with the cigs.
Any suggestions or experiences would be appreciated.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 6, 2009
if you are looking to totally drop the analogs asap, you may need to go with a 36mg liquid (you can always cut the nic levels back by diluting with Veg Glycerine).

i have found that 30mg nic juice meets my craving needs, but i still have an analog after meals. but i could totally quit if i wanted it bad enough. over the past month i've bought 5 packs of cigs, which is much better than a pack or more a day.

i'd also suggest buying a USB PASSTHRU which will provide your atomizer with 5 volts and seems to be much more effective at getting the nicotine in my system.

while many people can just drop analogs as soon as they pick up the ecig, others struggle to give up those last few cigs a day. my advice would be to limit yourself to 1 analog every 3 or 4 hours and continue to increase time between each analog.

if you find the usb passthru helps, then you may want to consider making or buying a high voltage mod for the times when you aren't near a PC or other usb powersource.

also if you find yourselves craving the tobacco taste you could try something like FLUE CURED in 36mg.

good luck to both of you, and i hope i've helped if even just a little bit :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
Mostly you hear from the people that were able to quit the analogs right away.
I think the ones that haven't eliminated analogs feel there is something wrong with them for not doing the same thing.
But there is no wrong here. It’s okay to cut back a little at a time. Remember there’s a learning curve and a getting to know your e-cig and liquid time. If you like vaping, the analogs will eventually go. And, if it doesn’t, as long as you have cut back, you are better for it.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 20, 2009
It varies for different people so the way I see it you can order different strengths in sample sizes to find what satisfies your need! I use to smoke marb lights so I find that 16gm to 24mg is enough. It gives a good throat hit and after about 7 or 8 drags i'm ready to put it down for a minute like a real cigarette.

That's great you haven't given up on the e cig just yet so that must mean that you somewhat enjoy it just keep at it and try different nic strengths and flavors :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2008
I think we're way too low on our nico juice.

What strength are you on? Most don't begin with anything lower than 18 mg.

EDIT: Just noticed you said around 16-20 mg. Yeah, you can up your nic level if that isn't cutting it for you. The terms "high", "medium", etc. vary from source to source for mg concentrations of nic. Ignore the terms and just go by the numerical mg rating.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2009
North Carolina, USA
It doesn't work the same for everyone. Don't feel bad. 2 pack a day down to 10 cigs a day is a huge accomplishment. You could try raising your nick level a bit. What really worked for me was not to have any cigarettes in the house. When I craved one I HAD to use the e-cig or nothing. It will begin to satisfy you soon.

I have to agree with Houdini. When my husband and I received our e-cigs, we gave our analogs to our kids, who were still smoking at the time. We didn't have any in the house, in our vehicles, or at our jobs. We also washed all of our ashtrays and wrapped them up and stored them for the occasional smoking company we might get from time to time. My husband smoked close to two packs a day for 33 years. With nothing but the e-cig, there was no choice to have to make, and he has been getting his nic satisfaction. Our kids are now smoke-free as well. They didn't want to buy an e-cig until they saw whether or not it worked for us. Since they are only 24 years old, they haven't been smoking nearly as long as we have been.

10 analogs a day is surely better than 40...so don't be so hard on yourself! Just know that if you were smoking two packs a day, seeing them lying around is bound to be too tempting. When your choice suddenly becomes to A. Vape or B. Get in the car and drive to buy a pack of analogs, you will more than likely choose Option A!

Good luck and hang in there!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
Why is it everyone i see on here never touched another analog when e-cig arrived? Why is it not happening for us?

Hi Dinky, I started with a high level juice (24mg) and was able to quit instantly. Maybe you should up your own nic level as others have suggested.

Fact is though, you are smoking about 30 cigs less than you were a week ago...think about that for moment, would you have even imagined that such a thing was possible a few months ago? Honestly?

75% reduction in under a week! - You are doing great, you will find your level sooner of later. :)



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2008
Since you were at 40 a day I would say you would find better satisfaction with a 36mg liquid.

The other option is to vape more often. Don't treat it as having a cigarette in that you have a set amount of drags and then leave it alone. Try a "vape session" where you're hitting on it fairly frequently over 20-30 minutes. But beware of symptoms of too much nic and stop if you begin to feel unwell. However, with the amount you smoked you'll probably have a fairly high tolerance to nic which is the most likely reason the e-cig is not completely fulfilling.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2009
Your mom said not to say...
Yep, it sounds like you need to up the nic level in your juice if your goal is to be totally free of tobacco cigarettes. Please don't consider yourselves failures, to go from the amount you have to the amount you are now is nothing short of a fantastic success. think of all the times you have tried to quit and didn't even get this far, think of all those people still currently smoking away their life a pack at a time and know that your doing the right thing. These are not magic sticks that are going to wipe out DECADES of conditioning and addiction overnight. The thing about these I think that amazes people is that they didn't really need to have a lot of willpower or go through a huge struggle and cravings like they have in the past. Keep it up, and remember it is not a race, enjoy your vaping and if you end up quitting completely great, if you still have a cigarette with your coffee or after a meal it's not the end of the world. 6 months ago if you had told me that I would only be smoking with my coffee and after a meal I would have gladly considered that a success and signed up for it. The other thing I would suggest is that when you get those urges every few hours to have a analog cigarette just have another vape session instead. I did notice a slight difference in success with people that have totally stayed away for 2 weeks and then picked up a tobacco cigarette for a taste and they couldn't stand it and were freaked out at how bad it tasted, can you go 2 weeks without a single analog and give that a try? I think the longer you can go without the easier it is. If you can't do it right now without a lot of effort then don't do it but when you can you will be amazed at how they taste and how you actually prefer the taste and the hit from a vaporizer over a analog cigarette. Don't get discouraged, though you have made fantastic strides, you are in the home stretch it sounds like.
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