WESH: Smokeless Cigarettes Deliver Nicotine Electronically

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Smokeless Cigarettes Deliver Nicotine Electronically - Health News Story - WESH Orlando

Smokeless Cigarettes Deliver Nicotine Electronically
No Ashtrays Necessary For E-Cigs
March 29, 2009

The group "Students Working Against tobacco" investigated the E-cig at an event in Cranes Roost Park this week.

"We're doing a lot of research on this," said Kimberly Williams, health educator for tobacco prevention. "We think this is a ploy, a trick. There are some hazards still affected with this. It's getting you to smoke."

Dr. Rahn Shaw of Family Medicine said, electronic or not, it's still nicotine and it's still addictive.

"Doctors are not happy about e-cigarettes at all," Shaw said. "What's happening here is just another form of addiction."


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2009
Newmarket, NH USA

This is making me crazy!

"We're doing a lot of research on this," said Kimberly Williams, health educator for tobacco prevention. "We think this is a ploy, a trick. There are some hazards still affected with this. It's getting you to smoke."

No...it's not getting you to smoke. There is no smoke.

"Doctors are not happy about e-cigarettes at all," Shaw said. "What's happening here is just another form of addiction."

She is probably right that some doctors are not happy with this. There are most likely an equal number of doctors who ARE happy with this. Way to tell only ONE side of the story, babe.

And guess what? I hate being addicted to nicotine, but I don't want to quit smoking! I just want to quit cigarettes, and thankfully for me I have found an alternative!! Woohoo!!

Now....kindly BUZZ OFF, FOOL :)


Senior Member
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Mar 26, 2009
Toronto, ON
You'd think Students Working Against Tobacco would be thrilled to discover a ciggy with exactly what they want - no tobacco. Guess that's not their actual mandate, what a shocker ;) I'm so, so glad there are people out there working hard to save me from myself. Wonder if they hold meeting in Starbucks...hmmm. Someone should tell them about caffeine.

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
"We're doing a lot of research on this," said Kimberly Williams, health educator for tobacco prevention. "We think this is a ploy, a trick. There are some hazards still affected with this. It's getting you to smoke."

For these groups, there is NO 3rd alternative - you are either "an evil smoker" or you are not (meaning one of them)

Its almost a religious dogma with the anti-groups - follow our ways or die screaming! There's no reasoning with a fanatic, and thats what the anti movement is right now...We could produce mountains of evidence, everything from lab anaylsis to a letter from God himself declaring these things OK, and they would still be a "ploy or a trick to get you to smoke."


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May 25, 2008
This story emphasizes the fact that if you want e cigarettes to become mainstream, then e smokers/vapors cannot separate themselves from the smoking community. You do not have to smoke tobacco to lose your rights to make choices of lifestyle. It is offensive to see many vapors buy into the language of the anti-smoker crusaders. They are not just out to get smokers. They are out to get you also.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Vehemently disagree!

The last thing e-smoking needs is to be considered "smoking." The only chance e-smoking has of public and official acceptance is that it helps smokers to quit, is clean and effective as a cigarette substitute, and poses none of smoking's known deadly dangers. Smoking is Black Death. It is despised. It is spiraling downward in acceptability as it spirals upward in cost.

E-smoking might not survive on its own. But twinned with cigarettes? It dies instantly, in favor of the present system of regulation and taxation of tobacco products.

This is not now, and never has been, about "choice." It's a word that shouldn't even be used in this discussion. It's about rules. It's about regulations. It's about protection of the many. When "choice" bumps into rules, rules win. Our team captains -- those who make these things -- didn't play by the rules. Our team is in deep trouble as a result.

Boston George

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
Rochester, NY
TropicalBob I have read alot of your posts, and normally you are on the money. However, I disagree about the issue not being one of choice.

E-cigs need to wave the banner of Choice and Freedom. They need to be branded as American as apple pie. E-smoking is a form of expression and as long as we are not causing harm to others we should be allowed to continue.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
TropicalBob I have read alot of your posts, and normally you are on the money. However, I disagree about the issue not being one of choice.

E-cigs need to wave the banner of Choice and Freedom. They need to be branded as American as apple pie. E-smoking is a form of expression and as long as we are not causing harm to others we should be allowed to continue.

George - I have read both of your posts now and you, my dear sir, are a genius. Welcome to the forum... it is going to be nice to have you around.

What needs to also happen here is that the "anti-smoking" campaign needs to be called out for what they really are and that is "nicotine prohibitionists". I can completely understand why the "nicotine prohibitionists" are freaking out.

Until now, they have hidden behind the guise of the horrible additives and effects of tobacco. But now that all of that has been stripped away, is the liquid really any worse than a can of soda? As we have seen, our very liquid is put into toys for kids. So we add a little nicotine, which isn't any worse than caffeine. Plus, these prohibitionists are attacking a device for which they obviously have done no investigations because they still haven't picked up on the fact that these electronic cigarettes can deliver a substance that contains NO drugs whatsoever.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
I think that one of the biggest factors involved in getting the rabid anti's going against e-cigs is the poor decision to market them as away around smoking ban laws.

"Use it in non-smoking areas!"

"Get around your smoking bans!"

There is no way marketing like this is ever going to help us gain support in the anti community.

Nick O'Teen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2009
Swansea, Wales
I think that one of the biggest factors involved in getting the rabid anti's going against e-cigs is the poor decision to market them as away around smoking ban laws.

"Use it in non-smoking areas!"

"Get around your smoking bans!"

There is no way marketing like this is ever going to help us gain support in the anti community.

That's true. But there is no other marketing strategy that will gain support in the anti community either. They're fascists, plain and simple (or at least the rabid core of them are, who set the agenda and shape the policies,) - they are convinced that they know best, and that our opinions - or the self-evident facts - have zero value if they happen to come into disagreement with their rabid prejudices.
Anyone who wants to inhale anything other than air is going to be demonised by them, and if you want to give up smoking, they'll only approve an inhalator that looks like a tampon and tastes of stale tic tacs. And then only on sufferance and with gleeful condescension (I'm sure they'd make us wear yellow stars on our sleeves if they could!)
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Vapor Pete

The Vapor Pope
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2009
Rochester, NY
I too have read TropicalBobs threads, and I too find him on the money FOR THE MOST PART. But to piggyback here, I have to say that yes, I believe it IS a matter of choice. Personal choice. Yes the big companies have not done their job from the beginning, and yes we now have to deal with the consequences. But the powers that be MUST realize that from the beginning, all of us who use PVs have MADE THE CHOICE based on our own research, whether it was small research, or in depth. We made the CHOICE to purchase and use PVs. That said, removing them from the marketplace due to lack of evidence as to their safety, would indeed be removing them from the PERSONAL CHOICE we have already made. We all want to be able to simply continue with our CHOICE of Nicotine delivery while the FDA looks into it.
I truely understand that the FDA has a job to do. But my CHOICE is to vape instead of smoke. Thats my CHOICE based on my own personal research and I PERSONALLY believe PV's to be less harmful than tobacco.
I've made my CHOICE... would someone now like to tell me this has "Nothing to do with choice"????


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2009
Newmarket, NH USA
I think that one of the biggest factors involved in getting the rabid anti's going against e-cigs is the poor decision to market them as away around smoking ban laws.

"Use it in non-smoking areas!"

"Get around your smoking bans!"

There is no way marketing like this is ever going to help us gain support in the anti community.

I have been thinking this since I started seeing all the news about possible bans on e-cigarettes.

They worked long and hard to have smoking bans put in place, and they are going to fight to the death to hang on to them, whether we are 'smoking' or not.

We need to send a strong message to suppliers that advertising them as a way to get around smoking bans is a no no. And we should send that message with our wallets: "If you advertise them as a way to get around smoking bans, we will not purchase from you".

Lacey is also correct about them being "nicotine prohibitionists".

Prohibition doesn't work. This has been proven over and over again. I have to wonder when these numbskulls will finally understand that!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
We need to send a strong message to suppliers that advertising them as a way to get around smoking bans is a no no. And we should send that message with our wallets: "If you advertise them as a way to get around smoking bans, we will not purchase from you".

Or another way is to support the idea that forcing American business owners to produce the type of business that the government wants is wrong and that bans in adult establishments where children are not permitted is anti-free market and definitely Anti-American. We talk choice. Well adults have the choice to go into a bar that allows smoking or not.

Next thing you know, when you are born, they will slap a label on your ... telling you that you are going to only be a bread maker and you will sell your loaves for 50 cents.

Just saying... there is something way deeper going on here and it is a travesty. Smoking bans are just the next step into total control.

To ban or not to ban? That is the new American question.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2009

Next thing you know, when you are born, they will slap a label on your ... telling you that you are going to only be a bread maker and you will sell your loaves for 50 cents.


LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Very funny - but you never know....it may just come to that one day..... As long as we keep accepting things the way they are....they're going to keep pushing the envelope on the degree of control they have.... if it keeps going like that than eventually the picture won't be very pretty.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - Lord Acton


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2008
USA and Canada
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Very funny - but you never know....it may just come to that one day..... As long as we keep accepting things the way they are....they're going to keep pushing the envelope on the degree of control they have.... if it keeps going like that than eventually the picture won't be very pretty.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - Lord Acton

Thank you! I think we see this from the same side of the schtick!

“Who makes himself a sheep will be eaten by the wolves” - Old Proverb.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2009
Listen all the letter writing and finger pointing about inaccurate concerns from smoking opponents are not going to get very far. We are still too few and no anti-smoker is going to take our word for it. They will have a hard enough time choking down trial results many years from now.

What we need are more E-Smokers. I say "smokers" because that is what we look like to the general public. Trying to distance ourselves right now is too big of a leap. Even though it is true.

Get as many analog smokers as possible to try this product. Help them with the learning curve. Prepare for some upcoming restrictions. Stuff WILL get through. The more people vaping nicotine, the harder it will be to control.

Manufacturers can not be blamed for not testing this product to world standards. They tested enough to sell in the country of origin. They will continue to produce products for sale. They can be blamed for forcing government action due to unverified claims of health. Even if it is true. Ultimately they want to sell product so they will need to drop the health claims.

One last time. Get more smokers to switch. Less money going into the pockets of our enemies will make them our friends. After all that is what we want. More product. Safer product. More money to be made. Less cost to healthcare systems. In the end it is a win-win situation.

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