What don't you like about vaping?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2014
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I hate burnt taste. I hate ruining a whole tank of juice because you didn't do a good enough job cleaning the coils and it's still all gunked up. I hate leaking tanks. I'm never sure when one is gonna spring a leak when I'm out in public or at a friends. I hate running out of juice you love that you can only get online but you shouldn't because of your already massive credit card debt. I hate using the puff counter on my MVP because for a long time I was around 300 puffs a day, and lately I've been up in the 500+ area. I hate when tanks made out of glass and stainless steel still manage to break like one of my protanks did tonight. I hate how it doesn't seem like I'm saving money when I have to plop down 100 bucks to get a couple boxes of coils and more juice. I hate when a coil burns out after a day when other last weeks. But mostly I hate how fast juice seems to disappear.

I do love that I don't smoke anymore though. And that outweighs pretty much everything I hate about it. I also love finding good deals on equipment. Like I said, one of my pt2's bit it tonight. But turns out I can replace it, and add a mini pt2 which I've wanted to get for awhile anyways for when I'm out, and a regular sized EMOW to go along with the mini pt2 all for under $50. And they're local, so they should be here in 2 business days!

I should clarify too. My limited funds stem from the situation I seem to find myself in the past 3 years, chronic unemployment. I was sick pretty bad for like 6 years, around 3 years ago I got better, but nobody wanted to hire someone with a 3 year gap on the resume, and that 3 year gap has turned into a 6 year gap with nothing but small odd jobs to break it up. I'm all registered for a program at my local poly tech and should have no trouble finding a job after that, but it doesn't start till September, so until then I'm pretty resigned to being poor until that's over.


Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
pros -

Not smoking (duh)
Researching and then using new kit or builds.
Helping other people to make a good choice of first time vaping kit and give up smoking.

Cons -

Burnt hits (obviously)
Leaking juice
Dropping by kit breaking or bending it.
Being asked about my vape kit, and then going into vape-geek mode while their eyes glaze over...


Senior Member
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Jan 8, 2012
United Kingdom
- I dislike how to a degree vaping is seen by many as purely a quit device that’s a pretend cigarette.

I know it’s used as that and like me and many others it’s been a literal life safer which is obviously a good thing, but I like to see vaping as being it’s own little hobby and thing and not some dumb version of smoking

- The constant battles we have to fight against ANTZ and the EU and so on, I’m willing to fight but when some government suggests some crap based on crap it’s just boring and frustrating
- Cig-a-likes, they have there uses but kind of like my first dislike I don’t like how cig-a-likes are meant to look like smoking, I’d rather vaping looked like vaping and not something it isn’t


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May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
Wow! Now that's an exaustive list! Have you ever considered going back to analogs? (Not that I am recommending AT ALL, just curious!)

Yes and have been through a couple of dual use periods.
My brain works better on analogs but I have a list of things I hate more about them.;)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2014
The only complaint I have are the headaches that I get sometimes. Not sure yet if it's the nic because it happens with the 2.4% and 1.2% I've been using. I should say that I'm only using Durasmoke liquid, and it's supposedly 100% Vg. I can't figure out if it's the ingredients or the nic. So my question would be, is there a liquid brand that consistently gets only the highest reviews? Not talking about rep opinions, or opinions from people who get free liquid to plug it like you see all over youtube.
The only complaint I have are the headaches that I get sometimes. Not sure yet if it's the nic because it happens with the 2.4% and 1.2% I've been using. I should say that I'm only using Durasmoke liquid, and it's supposedly 100% Vg. I can't figure out if it's the ingredients or the nic. So my question would be, is there a liquid brand that consistently gets only the highest reviews? Not talking about rep opinions, or opinions from people who get free liquid to plug it like you see all over youtube.

I started on 18mg and got headaches constantly. Then cut down to 3mg about 3 weeks ago, and haven't had a headache since. You may try cutting down on the nic. 24mg is quite a bit. When I smoked, I was at a pack and a half per day, full flavor Reds for 20 years....and 18mg juice was too much nic for me.


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
United States
No gripes other than the amount of stuff I feel I need to carry around. 2 to 3 kanger protanks, an extra battery, extra juice (never know when you're going to need a refill) and some extra coils. The charging cable for my iTaste. Good thing I take a backpack to work.

100% agree:toast:. Especially extra batteries....some times i miss lighters :unsure:

I too am lucky that i bring a backpack to work.(and vape/tinker at work) :vapor:
Yep. It's too easy to get nicotine overdose when vaping.

Don't know if that was sarcastic or not but I think the word overdose is overused in this context. Actual real nicotine overdose through inhalation of e-cigarette vapour is likely to be impossible (not technically but pretty implausible anyway due to people feeling so nauseous that they stop) as people like Dr Farsalinos have said. A headache is just as likely to be a side-effect that may or may not be dose-dependent.
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Noble Gas

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Jan 12, 2014
Not long after I started vaping, I went over to a friend's house for a visit. I produced my e-cig and began to tell her all about it. I was so excited and happy not to be smoking anymore after 30 years. My enthusiasm must have looked like pure, wild-eyed fanaticism to her. She was immediately put off by my presentation. So she stopped the gush fest and asked me to tell her one thing that I didn't like about it. I had to think for a second (or two), but then I remembered how much I hated having to constantly wipe down all my gear. I told her that my Protank II tended to leak a little bit and how, over time, it would eventually coat my Spinner in a thin layer of juice. It kinda drove me crazy. But now I've got the leaking issues under control, for the most part (I use only RDA's and a Kayfun). Now my only complaint is how the rest of the non-vaping world seems to be so purposefully ignorant and hateful about it.
My friend, though, finally came around. She has mentioned several times that she sees more and more people carrying mods around, and has finally accepted that it is indeed a much better alternative to smoking. Plus, when I come over for a visit, she doesn't have to spend the next three days trying to get my lingering tobacco smell out of her home. She loves that part.
Vapors Fatigue...been fighting it for over a month. :(

Are you drinking plenty of water? I think some people don't realize how much vaping dehydrates your body- especially a heavy vaper like myself.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids! It will also ensure your clouds are wonderfully delicious :)


Super Member
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Jul 16, 2012
Carcassonne, France
You have a point, but if you consider the space taken by a spare tank, glass, coils and a bottle of juice or two, not forgetting the battery(ies), USB cable (which, for better or worse are the same now as phone cables, and less resistant) compared to a couple of lighters, a spare packet of cigarettes or worse, papers, tobacco, and filters, plus, if you can't roll well, a rolling machine, it comes out more or less kiff kiff... except of course you don't inhale all the toxic waste in cigarettes if you vape.
IMHO it's well worth a jingling bag of gear as opposed to a squashy packet of fags ;)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 16, 2012
Carcassonne, France
Filling tanks that require removal of tiny screws (ie: Kayfuns) and use of needle-nose bottles (which also need to be filled!) to get the job done. After doing it hundreds of times, it's just pure and utter boredom.

Much as I love my Kayfuns, If I could do it over again, I'd skip all RTA's with fill screws and just invest in a fleet of Taifun GT's, which are so easy to fill that I could probably do so in about 20 seconds while riding in a truck with awful suspension traveling on a horribly rutted road from a wide-mouth 1 gallon jug without spilling a drop. :)

As I have nearly no vape gear now, after a "little" fire in our house (which is now a pile of ashes with walls!) and I do have the chance to "do it all again" I was thinking of investing in another batch of KFL's and their various bits and bobs, but maybe I'll give a GT a try, after reading this... RusKFL's are a real bind to fill, TBH!
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I hate Juice on my hands because then my Apple Magic Mouse acts all crazy because of the juice on my fingertips.
I hate having to recharge batteries.
I hate when my RDA doesnt wick right and there is a patch of juice that stays put while I get a nasty cotton dry hit.
I hate that I bought the Atlantis and I go through 2.5 tanks a day because of the 2ml capacity.

However, I do love it when I wick my center coil build just right and I can smoothly vape all the juice off the cotton to the point where you start tasting when to drip to avoid a dry hit.
I love that my new IPV Mini II is regulated and I can go all day on one VTC5, swap batteries at bedtime, and be ready for the day.
I love that I dont smell like a walking ashtray.
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